View Full Version : Have you ever had to sacrifice your boat ?
01-07-2009, 04:04 PM
Have you ever had to sacrifice your boat and sell it off for a selfless reason, or just to survive?
If so how did you / do you cope with such a descision ?
01-07-2009, 04:12 PM
Have you ever had to sacrifice your boat and sell it off for a selfless reason, or just to survive?
If so how did you / do you cope with such a descision ?
No, I never have, But i would'nt think twice if i had to, Family first no matter what in my case, Can always pick up again down the track sometime,
01-07-2009, 04:42 PM
not my boat ,but i had to sell my 65 chevy impala , to get enough money to put a deposit on our house
was a hard thing as i had spent so much time and money on it ,
but you know you can always buy another one as wahoo said ,
if i had to sell my boat i would go back to my usual land base spots to keep fishing, and work my ass off so i could get another one
01-07-2009, 04:56 PM
I nearly had to let mine go, and it was less than easy. But you can always get another. It's only money, you know!
01-07-2009, 05:04 PM
Not my boat I had to sell my YZ 425 thumper, and Go Karts (2 off)....
All I can say is depression sucks, so Anti-Depressents are the go during times like that...
01-07-2009, 05:05 PM
my boat and 4x4 are both for sale at the moment due to financial stress.At first I didnt want to sell the boat but as has alrteady been said the family comes first,so the toys have to go.
Cheers Craig
01-07-2009, 05:19 PM
Tried to get a loan for $12,000 to buy a secondhand 4x4 recently and was knocked back despite us paying an extra $300 per month on our mortgage!
I just want a good,reliable car,on LPG,that I can tow my boat and take my little bloke fishing and camping with..he's 4 1/2.
I've got a brand new Sea Jay 4.55 Magnum with new Tohatsu 40 on a new Dunbier loader trailer.I've been converting it to centre console and am nearly finished (slowest project ever!!).Anyway I'm entertaining thoughts of selling it and buying a car + lesser boat and the thought is sickening.I hate bloody banks and have lost a lot of faith in humanity lately.
Having had that whinge I've gotta say that I have a lot to be grateful for....but..anyone know any loan sharks? ::)
01-07-2009, 05:59 PM
I nearly had to let mine go, and it was less than easy. But you can always get another. It's only money, you know!
Hey Tim,
I saw your boat on boatpoint last night....
01-07-2009, 08:27 PM
Like the others...not an easy decision at all ...but a no brainer because my wife and boys are TOTALLY I sold my fully restored 27 Riviera last year just before bub # 2 came along. My wife actually said dont sell her because she knew how much I loved the boat......but we just werent using her enough to justify the huge running costs. I felt physically sick at the start when I made the decision to sell as I had put so much work into her.....but after the initial shock wore off it was ok (and no more weekends stuck working at the marina...always something to fix). I kept the marina berth which we now rent out. Mind you the best way to get nice weather every weekend is sell your boat ::) ::) .
Like Tim says...its only money - and the best bit is planning for the next boat. The Minister of Everything now says she wants to get another boat next year...I'm really lucky because she loves boats. Hopefully next year we will look at getting another hole in the water to throw some more money....pretty keen on a 2600 Powercat.
cheers, Mike
01-07-2009, 08:30 PM
sold a Jet ski a few years back to help with a deposit for a house ( thanks to the bank making it soooo easy when you're self employed )
Not an easy decision but the right one when you look at the bigger picture
01-07-2009, 08:53 PM
8-) Mate have never had to and hopefully never will, but to any body that has to dont hesitate pm me and i will be glad to take you for a fish.
Cheers Perry8-)
01-07-2009, 08:57 PM
My first boat was sold to help finish off the extension i added to our house.the second was sold to start the second lot of renovations i am just finishing off now,phew what a year.the bank graciously paid for the Signature i now have.I would sell a kidney before she went up for sale,worked too many hours for too long to get myself in this position so i'm keepin it.Jim
01-07-2009, 09:15 PM
a few years ago, i gave it all away.. house, relationship, cars, boat and a 6 figure job and moved states in order to go back to uni...
as i kept telling myself at the time, and as i tell myself each fortnight when i get my pathetic pay, its all short term pain for long term gain.
moral of the story is you gotta do what you gotta do....
and it was the best decision i have ever made in my life by the way.... :)
tin can marlin
01-07-2009, 09:17 PM
In these hard times there is a lot of people giving up there pride and joy's.
01-07-2009, 09:25 PM
Except for once I have always bought boats within my cash means even if that meant waiting for it, twice in the past they have sat for many months on end without hardly a second glance until finances stabilised, my current boat is no different and was bought with this in's not flash and will be none the worse off in any practical sense if ever i do need to lay low for a while but at least it will be there the very day I am ready again.
cheers fnq
TJ Bear
01-07-2009, 09:55 PM
Being a boat builder I have no emotional attachment to boats, if I can sell it and make a buck I will and just build or rebuild a new one.
01-07-2009, 10:15 PM
as per fnq i am just paying the rego and licences to keep em running and it will just sit in the shed
have aboat that i didnt have to borrow to own and the running costs and maintenance costs fit our financial means.
the days of easy finance are gone for the forseable future
01-07-2009, 11:53 PM
I haven't bought outside of my means as I've had boats that I've traded up with and also used money that I'd come into. I saved for about a year for my sounder and Navionics card.I've done HEAPS of wheelin' and dealin' to get things and sold plenty of things that I never wanted to sell.Don't reckon I'll ever have the chance to buy a setup all brand new,at least something 'safe' to take my young bloke out in.Would prefer to hold onto my boat but am also looking at other options.
Very lucky to have anything without some bastard trying to take it away!
01-07-2009, 11:56 PM
Being a boat builder I have no emotional attachment to boats, if I can sell it and make a buck I will and just build or rebuild a new one.
As does the carpenter build a kitchen cupboard.::)
02-07-2009, 12:03 AM
I haven't bought outside of my means as I've had boats that I've traded up with and also used money that I'd come into. I saved for about a year for my sounder and Navionics card.I've done HEAPS of wheelin' and dealin' to get things and sold plenty of things that I never wanted to sell.Don't reckon I'll ever have the chance to buy a setup all brand new,at least something 'safe' to take my young bloke out in.Would prefer to hold onto my boat but am also looking at other options.
Very lucky to have anything without some bastard trying to take it away!
Just wanna qualify my rant a bit.Down here in Victoria we have both the blessing and the curse of having less protection from elements, and closer in reefs to catch a few good specimens..minus the variety you chaps/chapettes have up there in QLD.Tougher conditions basically with less fish overall.
02-07-2009, 06:03 AM
Hey Tim,
I saw your boat on boatpoint last night....
Yeah it's still there. I paid for the ad, so I figure if someone offered me full tote odds I might still let it go, but I'm sick of vultures ringing and telling me I must be desperate 'cause it hasn't sold, and trying to get me to give it away.
Ain't desperate.
Told some "foreign" "gentleman" to have a nice day the other day after a particularly rude offer! I made him a counter offer, something to do with his Mother, as I recall...
He refused.
02-07-2009, 07:07 AM
Back to the original question - find a quiet time and take a piece of paper. Then write down the things that are most common (not necessarily important) in your life. Things like home, partner, kids, car1, car 2, bike, boat, job, friends, studies, extended family, sports, grog, smokes, holidays, etc
Now rewrite the list in order of most importance to you and your goals. Once happy with order, leave it for 24hrs and go back to the list to see if the order should be still the same. Be honest and real.
The items in the top of the list are not negotiable, the items at the bottom are able to be sacrificed if needed. As others have said, they can be replaced later on.
Looking at the items on the bottom of the list, ask yourself the following question for each. If I didn't have this item in my life, what would I do and what would be the effect on my life. ie what are the pros and cons of not having it? An example of this might be - if I had to sell my boat, I could always go out on mate's boat or one of the people on Ausfish looking for a deckie or do some landbase. I could use the funds to pay some debt and the savings on rego, insurance, maintenance,etc could go towards some gear upgrade or a charter. The now spare space in the shed can be used to put the second car under cover.
Trust me, if you do the above honestly, the decision becomes very clear and easier to live with.
I have done the above and gave up an extremely well paid job, schmick property and my beloved roadbike. Don't regret it at all (except maybe the bike a bit!)
A good mate used this strategy and left his wife, kids and home. He doesn't regret it.
Best of luck.
02-07-2009, 07:33 AM
I sold my old tournment-ready hornet a few years back to get our deposit together for the home loan which at the time hurt but the offer i got for it was more than i paid for it in the beginning! It had everything & looking at today's market for the same boat with no sounders, livewell or electric motor you will pay 4k more than what sold it for!!
02-07-2009, 10:24 AM
I sold mine to buy a truck to work for myself. It was worth doing & would do the same if i needed to. At the end of the day the boat is just a toy unless you use it comercally. Leigh
My 4.1 polycraft is going tommorow morning :'(
My wife and i need the money as we have a baby on the way :thumbsup:
I guess i will just have to keep my eye out for available deckie positions now
cheers tim :)
02-07-2009, 11:09 AM
Thanks for all the replies. I did sell my boat for a few reasons both selfish and selfless. The main reason was to get my truck and Bobcat licence so I could leave the painting trade and get into that. However this has not been a easy road and i have not been able to secure a job in this industry.
The other lesser reason was so I can work on a car to prepare it for the Camp Quality esCarpade to raise money for children with cancer. This is going at a cracker pace and it's a good felling.
I do miss the boat but lucky I got other things to do on the weekens with the car build. It's just the through the week and slow weekends when the weather is fantastic that I realy miss being able to go out for a fish in the boat and destress.
03-07-2009, 07:36 AM
Thought there might of been a few more stories of people losing their rigs to other ways.
I have 3 of my toys up for sale at the moment due to a little restructure. If you know anyone chasing a tinny or 2 and a Skiboat in the Pilbara send them my way.
This happened a couple of years ago as well. Ended ok but thought the boat was gone for a bit.
Well what an adventure we had Headed to Pococks Friday arve and ran into Barrajames just before the four mile hole turn off. He was pulling the pin as the road was a bit to rough for his boat and trailer and had decided to go up the South instead. Opes and I pushed on and arrived at pococks to set up camp. Dodgy, Pyro, Paul and Tim arrived later but the wind kept us from launching the boats till the next morning.
Hit the water at daybreak and threw every lure I owned at the rockbars around Pococks and West Alligator head but couldn’t turn a scale. Caught up with Barrajames at West Alligator head but he wasn’t getting anything either. We then decided to have a flick around the mud flats and some small gutters. First cast I had a barra around the 70cm mark have 2 attempt at inhaling my bomber but I couldn’t set the hooks Continued to fish this gutter hooking several barra and 1 salmon but didn’t boat a single fish. we moved to the other side of the West towards the mouth of the South, hooking a barra on our first troll that would of put me into the Metre+ club. She grabbed a barra classic but spat it back at me after she put on a bit of a show nearly taking my head off in the process. So after loosing that many fish in one sitting I had a bit of a cry and we headed back to camp as Opes had to get back into town.
After talking to dodgy about my bad luck we decided to head back out and have another crack. Just as we were leaving Pyro and the boys came back from the jew reef with Tim popping his cherry with a nice jewie, but I will let him tell that story. With nothing but barra on our minds we pushed back over to West Alligator Head and got straight into it. The barra where definitely a lot hungrier now and we were getting good hook ups on classics and bombers. We probably hooked 30 fish but still only boated a handful. Best fish went to Dodgy with an 80cm and the smallest was 65cm.
With all the commotion going on we didn’t notice the wind had really picked up and we needed to get out of here. By the time we got moving the sea had turned real nasty and we were taking on a lot of water. With the sun setting fast and the wind getting worse Dodgy and I had to make the tuff decision, keep at it and hope it gets better or run for shelter. We made it back across to the eastern side of the West Alligator but we could not get around the headland . We headed to shore but could not get anywhere near the mainland as it was low tide. So we anchored in sheltered waters and walked the rest through a few feet of mud, rocks and water with all our gear and barra on our shoulders. We then decided to walk the remaining 5 or so kms back to camp ditching our gear and eventually our fish along the way By now it was pitch black and we where navigating completely by feel through the dense mangroves and bush hoping that there where no cranky lizards along the way With no shoes this turned out to be one hell of a challenge for me and I ended up making do with a couple of hats tied to my feet to cross those massive oyster rocks (note to all: always take shoes fishing ). We arrived back at camp a little bit worse for wear but all ended well and we found the boat floating in the morning.
Wasn’t very happy that we had to ditch the fish but something had to give . I think we made the best out of what could have been a very bad situation. I few quick decisson had to be made and I recon we made the right call.
Fished again on Sunday but the only fish we got was a monster queenie.
Thanks to all the goys for a top weekend
Now that’s a trip I will never forget
Its pretty common - I also sold my 5.35 quinny Reef Raider to help with the funding of buying a house .
I would never make that sacrifice again....... Regardless!
03-07-2009, 01:48 PM
Im with FNQ and stevej. My boat was cheap and is very cost-efficient.
I'd love something more flash, but there is a certain satisfaction in operating efficiently on the smell of an oily rag.
To be honest, I'm not one for being in debt, if I can't pay cash and still be comfortable I do without, I prefer to choose financial freedom and security.
As others have said, when times are tough, we do what we have to do to survive, family always comes first!
03-07-2009, 05:57 PM
im in the process at the moment to sell my beloved jet ski. i saved my ass off for 6 months last year when i was labouring to buy it. id wanted one for many years. last year was my first year out of school so it was hard savings to buy it.
now ive just got myself a 2nd year apprentice position so im going to have to sell it to free up some money. its very hard to make the decision because i saved very hard to pay cash for it, but you have to do to get by easier.
but selling means i can get back into a tinny and focus on my fishing now i dont have to work saturdays.
wags on the water
03-07-2009, 06:34 PM
7months off work (no pay) due to a back injury - it was either the car or the boat and as I needed the car to go to the doc.....the rest is history. The boat was sold age 1 year and 1 week old. I miss not having a boat. :'( :'(
03-07-2009, 09:07 PM
I have a very cost effective tinny and another boat that costs me a fortune. The wife has said "sell the boat and get some coin"......
I'll miss the tinny.
If anyone is interested its an older 4.5m Quinnie CC with a 60 2 stroke Yammy (about 200 hrs), with an as new Sealink trailer. I'll sort some photos as soon as I can and post it in the right section.
10-07-2009, 12:17 PM
I almost sold my boat 4 years ago when business was in trouble - on ausfish at a firesale price - had plenty of offers, but didn't need to sell in the end. 2 years or so I left wife and kids and have been living off almost zero money while all my pay goes to her (I do it for my 2 kids). Business has gone well for last few years, but crap since late last year. Anyway sitting in my early thirties I left house, 3 cars, motorbikes, boat - etc. To live with less money than when I was 17. I have certainly learnt what is important to me. I haven't used my boat for over 2 years and should have sold it - my ex won't let me use until property settlement done - apparently it means I'm having fun (not on). I plan to get hold of boat in next week or so and get it ship-shape. Either to sell or use again. Fun and games..... :) I haven't used one of my motorbikes for over a year - so will be selling in next few weeks.
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