View Full Version : Loading Spinning Reels?

29-06-2009, 11:07 PM
I have a general query regarding the use of braid on a spinning reel. I am well aware of the down side of overloading my reels with mono and have spent plenty of time picking wind knots apart but I have until now never used braid.

Is it about the same as mono or can you load it up? Any advice on this would be appreciated.

I have so far put 300m of 20lb on a 4000 reel and it is chockers. Would people pull off 100m so your next top shot is a decent length or just enough line until it looks right?


05-07-2009, 07:12 PM

I hope that I answer your question right, as I'm not sure if I fully understand your question.

I believe your question is...."how much line(braid) should I put on the reel?"

Is this correct???

Is so, you should only fill the spool to about 2mm below the lip of the spool.
Do you want to add a wind on leader?? This is what I think you are saying by top shotting.

This term is usually used by people whom target billfish. I assume that you only want to add a wind on leader or a general leader.

If you want a wind on leader, you will need to take a small amount of braid off.
Keep in mind that you will have a heavy mono as a wind on leader and will probably be around twice as thick, probably more, than the braid and will take up more room on the spool.

I really hope that this helps?????


05-07-2009, 08:37 PM
Hey gleeeza,
If you had trouble with wind knots in mono just wait till you use braid, esp if you over fill your spool. Dont get me wrong i love the stuff, most of my reels are loaded with braid.
Jason covers it all above. I wouldnt take off 100m though, just enough to get the leader length you want to use if it is long.


06-07-2009, 10:37 PM
If you wonund it on by hand you will find that if you have to respooled on a professional spooler the line will pack better on the reel and you may not need to take nay off at all.
