View Full Version : Pondering some new kit

29-05-2009, 02:21 PM
well it that time again, nearly tax time, and I'm looking at my kit, seeing where there are gaps in the hope that a tax return may be coming my way this year - got nothing from krudd's stimulus - you've gotta earn money to pay tax and I dipped out last year so no stimulus. but I did manage to pay a bit of tax this year so here's hoping.

anyway, here's what I'm thinking

1. a Strudwick blue water 10-15kg to match with a spare 560 slammer loaded with 15kg performance - the proposed usage is to throw biga$$ dumbell poppers at marauding GT's and other delights that live on pinnacles and bommies, a second use is deep water plastics at around 60-80mts using 2-4 oz jig heads

2. a Ryobi Safari 5000 to go on a Penn spinfisher jig stick 8000 Swano has given me a look at, loaded with 24kg depth finder braid, the rod is a 24kg jig stick, primary use deepwater knife jigs. (the safari are a brute of a reel in the stella class without the price tag-all the reviews rave about them)

3. a Wilson live fibre 15-24kg 8' to be matched to a 850 SS penn i have. Primary use floating large baits for marckerel while actively fishing for other species. It would also be a good rod to lob big baits at Bommies and pinacles for coral trout and the like

4. a Wilson live fibre 10-15kg 7' to be matched to a 760 slammer I have. Similar use to 3.

Ahh well, its dream on, but if the tax man does his job there may be some new toys in the rod rack and reel draw soon.

What are others thinking of doing with their tax cheque?



far western dan
29-05-2009, 03:02 PM
yeh that sounds like a good use i'm going to use mine for a trip to swains mid july hopefully with enough left for a new set up similar to your third one. you can never have too many now can you?

29-05-2009, 04:19 PM
Tax return !!!!! I wish, i have just been slammed by the tax man because of some short sighted mistakes in how my business is set up. But anyway just to make me feel a little better a new Emblem Pro ( if i had a return it would have been a Dogfight ) is on its way to try and ease the pain.

Would be interested to here how the Ryobi goes Rhys. The way some writers go on the only reel for jigging is a Saltiga or Stella but have heard some good wraps on the Ryobi ( If i could afford a Saltiga / Stella i would have one though ). Also just read about guys using Penn Spinfishers jigging for Tuna out of Cairns with no trouble and these thing were getting up to 50 - 60kg.

29-05-2009, 04:56 PM
You got it in one FWD - never too many rods in the arsenal!

I've had a look at the new Safari DF - they sure look the goods, i've always been one for "You get what you pay for" but I've had such a good run out of the Penn Slammers and Spinfishers, i just don't see the point in spending the motza on some of the high end ticketed items on offer from Diawa and Shimano. The Safari is a great looking piece of kit - 7 ball bearings, 12 kg of drag straight up and 4.9:1 retrieve - everything written about them seems to suggest a bullet proof brute, originated in Japan and now built in China - but tell me what isn't built in China these days? It's no longer the inferior no-name stuff of the 60's -70's.

I did a bit of research on Google - some of the WA web sites devoted to jigging XOS Sambos reckon they are the ducks guts and I know how tough our sambo's up here are, so they look like they'll be an excellent competitor to the Stella for around half the money. They have some nice ideas incorperated like the spool removal and drag set feature. Like i said, In the hand, they sure feel like and look like the goods, I'll give one a whirl on an upcoming trip to xos Red country and see how it performs.



29-05-2009, 08:15 PM
I'd say our tax return will be going into an extension that we've done the concrete for just have to get it done.............. Got to have somewhere to BBQ the fish we catch in an enclosed area.
If my wife had her way i'd never be able to buy another bit of fishing gear as long as she lives

29-05-2009, 08:25 PM
I run my own business, so I get no tax return.

Keep yours for some new braid Rhys, 'cause I wasted yours on a bommie and a sharp edge on the engine last week!

Rhys loaned me his S10, and I got spooled...



30-05-2009, 08:12 AM
Geez timi, you got spoooled, you replace the braid! it was 300 mts of 15kf sufix performance yellow! That'll teach ya's for not inviting me - as you sow.....:P

30-05-2009, 10:15 AM
Rhys, I reckon those Safari's would be worth a look. They sound pretty good. I wouldbe interested in hearing from anyone using one of them in anger

31-05-2009, 07:48 AM
G'day Neil,

Swano has had one nearly 12 months, he calls it a favourite now - one trip out with foxy he nailed a good Sambo at around the 20plus kg mark on it, reckoned it handled the 40 min fight with ease - he was pretty stuffed after landing the fish though - could bearely hold it up for the photo's. Last year at the whitsundays, he nailed a xos GT on it - same story - so they certainly have some brutish characteristics, hopefully when i get one and blood it, I'll let you know first hand.



wags on the water
31-05-2009, 10:53 AM
Rhys, I think you should replace the impeller with your $$$$

31-05-2009, 03:51 PM
Wags, nothing wrong with the impella, in fact put the impella back in, it was perfect, there was a block in the tell tale pipe, tim can still replace the braid and I'll keep pondering new bits of kit...now where was I?

Umm, new radar, ummm, maybe a 585 Furuno - nah didn't pay that much tax, I reckon the Ryobi and a couple of live fibres will do nicely



31-05-2009, 06:54 PM

We'll have a chat about what braid you want on there, of course it is my responsibility to replace it!

Nice that it was a simple issue on the Honda, had me a little worried...

I need a copy of your diary, so I can plan more accurately, because you so much should have been there on Thursday!



01-06-2009, 06:41 AM
Ahhh just having ya leg Tim! I know you'll sort it...not a question for me, you really are in a bad way though mate, Flamin Riptide has a Yam??? And yep, its all good on ya! and if ya's had a mac I'd ping you a copy of the diary - there will be plenty more trips...

