View Full Version : Calstar GF700 Series - Experience?

25-05-2009, 10:34 PM
Thinking about spending the dollars and getting a Calstar Grafighter GF700 to match with a Saragosa 14000/18000 which I intend spooling with 80 pound braid. This outfit will get a lot of use, mainly bottom fishing, but still needs to be versatile enough to throw big poppers, metal lures or even a bit of jigging, as the opportunity arises.

I have narrowed it down to the GF700M - rated at 20 to 50 pound, or the GF700H - rated at 30 to 80 pound. Info on the net suggests that they both share the same tip diameter but the "H" has a larger diameter butt.

On paper, it seems like a clear decision to go for the "H", but I would be interested to hear from those who have had the opportunity to use either or both to comment on the appropriateness to fish the "M" with 80 pound, or if tip sensitivity is still retained in the "H" version.


26-05-2009, 09:58 AM
IMO the 700M is more in the 30-50lb class while the 700H is 50-80, the blanks a tough and near bullit proof. My 700H casts and pops well with medium/large poppers to about 150gm, and I have jigged with it but havn't caught anything big as yet, largest is a Ambo at about 12kg. I have mine matched to the Saragosa 18000 with 65lb line which is a top allround combo.

Some info to me from Hal Harvey [Bluewater WA] who produce custom Calstars.

"There isn’t a big difference between the H and the XH. I prefer the H as it is a little softer for casting, but there’s really nothing much in it. The 62lb is a bit light on the rod; 86lb is good. Both those reels are rather slow for popperchucking. A comfortable working drag is about ten kilos; max drag is unreachable. Unlike Jap rods they won’t keep on bending, they will lock up. I have two now and use everything from 80lb to 130lb on them".

And some backyard 'Loaded rods' pics of my rod.

26-05-2009, 07:43 PM
Thanks mate, that's certainly the sort of info I was after. Great photos too. Sounds like the H will be the way to go for fishing 80 pound.

To another rod, have you had any first hand experience with a sabre GF670H (also a graphite/glass composite)? I think it is rated to 24kg, I have used one recently and would be interested to see how it compares to either of the 2 Calstars.


27-05-2009, 12:59 PM
How would the Shimano T-Curve 762 Spin H 7'6" 15-24kg compare to these rods? Being a 2 piece rod, would this affect its overall strength (due to possible weak point) or would a 1 piece be best suited for this 'heavier' sort of fishing?

27-05-2009, 02:02 PM
Unlike Jap rods they won’t keep on bending, they will lock up. I have two now and use everything from 80lb to 130lb on them".

that's what i would be a bit worried about. they are rated as an extra fast blank, so a sustained fight with a big fish would really put the hurt on the angler, especially if jigging/bottom bashing. they are economical in price though

Have you considered the United range from hastings USA? more 'modern' blank, 100% graphite yet extremely durable construction, more suitable action, will be much lighter and more responsive, and basically the same price (in blank form, not sure if you are looking for a blank or ready built rod)

27-05-2009, 09:46 PM
Thanks Wheezer, I know what you mean about "locking up", obviously the more jigging focused rods will be more "parabolic", and tend to keep bending.

I hadn't looked at the Hastings range specifically, I must admit I am a little apprehensive of going all graphite construction with this rod for the sheer durability. As an allrounder it will probably end up going on all trips out and needs to be able to handle a few knocks and bumps.

I hadn't seriously considered going for a custom road, I am hoping that I can find something suitable off the shelf.


27-05-2009, 10:23 PM
As you can see by the pics the 700H is more med fast then extra fast, this is what makes it as an allrounder, if you had a parabolic Japanese style 7ft rod it would be ok for popping but no good for jigging. For specialised jigging I will go for my 5'6" Smith, JigMaster PowerSpell or Jigwrex rods and for popping my 8' Zenaq or 7'6" Smith Komodo Dragon, but will still pick up the Calstar for a change.
Scott, the Calstar stays in my boat as it can take a lot more knocks than my Jap rods.
The only Sabre I had was a 10kg 7ft light game rod which I found to soft in the tip.
Wellsey's Tackle sell Gary Howard Calstar GF 700M and 700 XH off the shelf for around $400, but you could custom order through them or TackleWorld Kawana.

27-05-2009, 10:56 PM
Thanks again GPB. At the end of the day it needs to be an allrounder, and it sounds like the 700H will do the job well.
