18-05-2009, 06:59 PM
It must be him..surely I cannot have all the bad luck..LOL
Mike and I ventured out to Mud on friday soon as we started fishing we were getting some bites and some undersize fish. All of a sudden some female from a boat about 100 metres north of us starts yelling " I've got a snapper, I've got a snapper". I just muttered under my breath something about a homicidal act about to take place...then the blokes on the boat give her encouragement...don't lose it, it is a good one..then they all cheer as they get the fish on board..i just mutter about mass murder by this time.
Anyway...we moved around a bit..some more undersize plus:
1 small shark
1 toad fish
1 grinner
1 shovelnose
1 wobbegong
God I love this pastime of fishing.
We moved around a bit more and no improvement..called it quits and head back to Whyte island..arriving back at about midnight..I did find out one night time distance vision is appalling these days..lucky Mike was there.
Once again the WWF came, saw and did not conquer..always next time in the ongoing saga...I sitll reckon it must be you Mike...hehe
Mike and I ventured out to Mud on friday soon as we started fishing we were getting some bites and some undersize fish. All of a sudden some female from a boat about 100 metres north of us starts yelling " I've got a snapper, I've got a snapper". I just muttered under my breath something about a homicidal act about to take place...then the blokes on the boat give her encouragement...don't lose it, it is a good one..then they all cheer as they get the fish on board..i just mutter about mass murder by this time.
Anyway...we moved around a bit..some more undersize plus:
1 small shark
1 toad fish
1 grinner
1 shovelnose
1 wobbegong
God I love this pastime of fishing.
We moved around a bit more and no improvement..called it quits and head back to Whyte island..arriving back at about midnight..I did find out one night time distance vision is appalling these days..lucky Mike was there.
Once again the WWF came, saw and did not conquer..always next time in the ongoing saga...I sitll reckon it must be you Mike...hehe