View Full Version : Ian Miller ORIGIONAL Jack X-tractor

17-05-2009, 02:40 PM
just seeing what interest is out there to possibly later on sell an original Ian miller rod.

It is a Spiral wrap Jack X - tractor custom build 5'9" 3-6kg, build #6995

Basically wanting to know if these rods are still in demand and what price would be achievable. rod is in good condition



17-05-2009, 07:42 PM
Mate I was chasing one of these rods ages ago but never got any return email or call via the Millerrods website so I gave it a miss. I got a nice little Egrell Team Extreme rod instead, 5'8, 6-8kg unreal weapon for chasing Jacks.


17-05-2009, 10:56 PM
Hi Rhyce,

These rods were and still are good rods for many applications. Im guessing the rod is used? I think when Ian Miller was making them, or "Ian Miller Rods" as a company, they were $489 or somthing near that.... Now, a fair price for a seller and a buyer is around $380 or so, at the most. Oh and thats for a Really good condition rod. :)

Hope this helps. 8-)