View Full Version : Link/list of beacons that are 'out'?

15-05-2009, 11:55 AM
Hi All,
Thinking of doing a dusk run out to Green this weekend (with any luck).
Looking in "Beacon to Beacon", all the beacons from the marina where'll I'll launch to where I plan to fish, are all lit. Which is great news to me.
Anyway, I've read the odd post on this site warning boaties of beacons which are malfunctioning and unlit. Is there a govt/marine safety website or something with a list of inoperable beacons?
This would be my second dusk/evening run as skipper, and the last one was on the Broadwater, so a little less critical?

15-05-2009, 12:29 PM
good post, unlit beacons at night are a hazard. Nearly hit a couple myself, and it is not uncommon at all to see beacons with obvious signs of collisions. Presumably Dept Transport would be liable for damage and/or injury resulting from collision at night?

BTW, a powerful spotlight is a useful tool on a dark night.


15-05-2009, 01:10 PM
If you are launching from Wello, the first green at the entrance to the channel might not be working. A couple of weeks ago we were coming in from harrys and couldnt locate it in the dark because it had been hit and at an angle, and wasn't flashing. It may have been repaired since then, but I dont know because I haven't been there since, but I'm sure it would have been mentioned in the Notices To Mariners: http://www.msq.qld.gov.au/Home/Notices_to_mariners/Ntm_brisbane/

17-05-2009, 07:57 AM
Thanks Simon,
That link was pretty much exactly what I was looking for!

17-05-2009, 08:40 AM
IF you see an unlit beacon you should report it. If no one reports them then they ain ever going to get repaired.