View Full Version : Ballina Tomorrow
14-05-2009, 12:48 PM
Got the day off tomorrow gonna go for a fish landbased just wondering whats the go. i was thinking south wall or even take the 4wd down the beach. Whats biteing?? any hints on what i should do?? i caught a couple of nice flat head out of the yak yesterday at mobs bay.
14-05-2009, 07:23 PM
Haven't done well around here for what i have been chasing but have seen some massive bream at the iron peg. One caught last weekend that would have easily gone 42cm. It was a horse. There is also a report in the estuary section about a few flaties on sth beach. I got a small ( very small ) jewie on nth wall tues night but not much else. Maybe some sharks of the end of the wall when the dirty water comes out at low, well there was a couple of weeks ago, good fun but getting around the 6' mark i wasnt landing any. Should be some tailor around in the morning off the walls if you want an early start. If it was me i would prob start at sth wall for some tailor then head down the beach looking for some gutters, if no luck there try the wall again just before low. Hope this helps
14-05-2009, 07:55 PM
Ahh took the live bait gear outa the ute today Scott....I fear the weathers screwed us this year!!!! Remember that lone strike until next year!!
Plenty of Mullet up Sth Ballina beach Fishy was up there this arv. Will prolly head back tomorrow before rugby and try for a jew. Been plenty of choppers North of Ballina the last week with Schools at Black head, Skinnars Head and Flat rock. Caught flatties and bream at angels beach in the guuter at the corner near Skinners head and the also in gutter with rock in it about 400m Sth of flat rock. Fish (other than mullet) are still a little patchy on the beach
14-05-2009, 08:19 PM
Not much down Lennox way to get excited about.
goat boy
14-05-2009, 09:03 PM
Mate I was on South Beach last Sat. Water was still dirty and weed and crap about. Got a few flatties in gutters on the low tide (as well as a few stingrays and some little dart, all on pilchards).
If the weather has been good I would def check south beach out. with the erosion though maybe only driveable 2hrs either side of low? There's some nice formations there anyway. I am gonna head down for a few days sometime in the next few weeks if the weather holds up well enough
14-05-2009, 09:16 PM
I was down there last week for work and snuck out to the north wall on Wed and Thurs afternoons. So so sad I had no gear with me because the water looked so hot....particularly Wed pm...high tide on dark, lots of suds....just screaming jew!! Saw a guy get a few nice tailor on metals both afternoons but not much else. One bloke I spoke to said he saw a guy get over 30 niggers inside the walls on both days....
cheers, Mike
14-05-2009, 09:42 PM
cheers fellas i'm not an early riser haha might head down south and see what i can pick up, my rod is getting fixed hopefully its ready to go
14-05-2009, 10:24 PM
Yea i fished the front of the wall a few weeks ago on the runout and there was mullet everywhere it looked like there should have been big fish around but it was quite......
15-05-2009, 12:10 AM
Ahh took the live bait gear outa the ute today Scott....I fear the weathers screwed us this year!!!! Remember that lone strike until next year!!
I thought as much, bit of a shame but there is always another year.
Remember that lone strike !! hell i am doing everything i can to get it out of my head, missed chance. Bummer.
15-05-2009, 02:42 PM
Stonecold and deepfried, I've been the same. Haven't had the livebait gear in the car for a good month now. Haven't even seen a chop or shower of bait for double that time.
15-05-2009, 08:58 PM
Stonecold and deepfried, I've been the same. Haven't had the livebait gear in the car for a good month now. Haven't even seen a chop or shower of bait for double that time.
Yeh not a good start too my first year having a go. Plenty of small mac tuna on metals but nothing else. Still good to get out though and learn something new.
How did you go fishy. Any luck
16-05-2009, 10:14 PM
I'm going to give it a go around the Point tomorrow (Sunday).
Want to try out the newish Penn Big Game.
Might be some Greenbacks or Schoolies around.
Regards, Rob.
17-05-2009, 12:14 AM
Spun flat rock this arv for 3 hrs...........1 pissy chopper! just as well it was a fantastic arv to be close to the water
17-05-2009, 10:45 AM
Spun flat rock this arv for 3 hrs...........1 pissy chopper! Just as well it was a fantastic arv to be close to the water
Yeh same for me on Fri arvo, nothing but a little Bonnie. A bit strange for Flat Rock, i thought it would be producing the goods. Hit nth wall yesterday and pulled in a good bag of choppers on dusk. Pommy did well off Lennox point this morn, bigger fish as well which is good too hear.
17-05-2009, 11:05 AM
Boys, just had some serious motivation in the form of a 30 odd kilo spanish taken landbased near my local ledges. Confirmed fish and also confirmed that there wasn't a mixup between lb's and kg's.
ITS ON....(just as soon as i finish this dam assignment)
17-05-2009, 11:59 AM
From the bait in the water yesterday that doenst suprise me Matt. Took the jew hooks off yesterday arv and put the mack/tuna hooks back on. Might just sneak another 2 weeks in. Apparently still LT's at woody.
Scott cudnt believe 1 chopper from flat rock in 2hrs. Plenty of bonnies bustin on the Nth side but they didnt want to play either.
17-05-2009, 03:25 PM
Thanks for the motivation Matt. 30kg $hite. I would like one of those. Have you had any luck this year.
Mark, I think flat rock must have been the only spot without fish the last few days going from what was at nth wall and how Rob went at Lennox Point. A bit strange. There must be tonnes of bonnies and little mac tuna from flat rock to the peg. They are feeding on the surface all day but like you said they arent playing much. Was hoping to fill the freezer with some bait. I also dont mind the bonnies for sashimi. Give me a yell if you want to put some livies out, i am still keen as. Not much on at work next week and the tides look good.
17-05-2009, 04:43 PM
Five nice fish from 1-2.2kg in 40 minutes. Could have been more but it was a beautiful morning and i didn't want to rush things. All on a Rooster popper.
Mate off the point in a boat and friends got a good bag, including a Moari Wrasse, 3 Kingies and a Mac. Tuna. Unusual stuff.
Lots of big sharks around the North Wall at the moment.
Regards, Rob.
17-05-2009, 07:42 PM
Seriously if there hadnt been a few other regulars at flat rock...all catching nothing....I woulda swore someone had diped all my lures in sheep dip earlier in the day!!! Scott will see what ive got on for the week in the morning. Rob, have the flat tails moved into the river yet...?
18-05-2009, 09:16 PM
And the weather screws us again....use to like fishin off the rocks in the rain, but grew outa that!....grew soft at about 30ish i reckon
18-05-2009, 09:39 PM
Yes! Soft, soft soft!
Missus has just got a new job so more money.
My birthday Wednesday. No fishing for me until Saturday cos of work and family commitments, but...... I can have another, smaller Penn Big Game or Rovex Bario for my birthday!
The 15-30lb Big game was great for the tailor butn they were out gunned!
Needed the heavy rod to throw them up on the rocks but the fight was little one sided and with a lighter rod could have cast the 47g popper further and easier.
Very good value rod!
Have a look at the Bario guys. Same blank as the Big Game. (Is that right Mattooty?.)
Regards, Rob.
19-05-2009, 03:54 PM
Bloody rain !!!! I hope this means the gods will be nice too us and give us a good season next year. I was told the Jewies were think south of ballina at that reef i cant spell the name of. The pro rekons he had 100's under the boat but ran out of livies and they wouldnt touch anything else. Shouldnt be too before they come in a bit closer.
Another rod Rob. You will need a bigger house soon.
19-05-2009, 06:19 PM
Unfortunately not this time.
Rovex and Penn Big games come in 6-15kg. Doesn't matter whether they are 10ft or 11ft! No point in getting a shorter rod of the same test. Most disappointing!
Do they just cut 1ft off the 11ft blank to make the 10ft?
Any ideas as to a graphite composite rod in the 12-15lb bracket for $100-150, anyone?
Or a similar blank that i could make up?
Regards, Rob.
19-05-2009, 07:24 PM
Hey fellas
that reef would be reardons scott apparently they get like ants down there this time of year ha ha, it would be good for an arvo night fish down there when the wheather settles.i went out of ballina up to lennox sunday,there were acres of slimes and small bonnies,did'nt get any macks but a few trevally,and squire.there were a few people at the iron peg
cheers mal
19-05-2009, 08:02 PM
Thats the one Mal. He was using live pike and they wouldnt touch anything else. Put out slimies and yakkas and they went untouched. All the jew were about 10kg so not that big but i would be happy with that. He also pulled in a few snapper and trag.
You got a feed by the sounds of it. With all that bait around there must be some good fish out there you would hope.
I was one of those at the peg looking out at the boats wishing i was out there. I have been heading to the peg to get little mac tuna for bait and getting a few bonnies for sashimi. On sunday there was also a heap of choppers. I think everyone went home with a few.
19-05-2009, 08:55 PM
Unfortunately its not "just" the rain more often is the 25-30knt SE and 3+m swell that accompanies the "rain" that makes swimming a livie out uncomfortable. Scott had hoped for a better season for the last 2 seasons but hasn't worked.
19-05-2009, 09:55 PM
Yeh the sea is a mess and the weather is forecast to get worse. Still i am happy you got me out giving it a go. I have learnt a lot that has already helped in other areas of fishing. Cheers. The wait for next year will just make me keener and the odds have to be good for next year if it has been 2 bad seasons.
20-05-2009, 07:28 AM
Dont panic Scott lots to do before next year!! jew season now!...a
20-05-2009, 10:52 AM
Hey scott
10kg's thats not bad they would be in large schools as he said,i'd like to see them on the sounder:o I tried trolling those little bonnies for spaniards but have only had luck with slimies so far.i think after this weather fhe mackeral will be out of here,but the jewies and snapper will be good.Next time we go out we will make sure there are'nt stand up barrels ripping across evans bar::)
20-05-2009, 03:36 PM
A jew would be nice. I have never put in the time to get one. Will fix that this year. Hopefully a lot bigger than the one i got last tues night.
Yeh no more barrels Mal. I wonder how that old bloke went and if that ambo was for him. He wasnt looking good was he.
20-05-2009, 04:22 PM
I think he had a bad turn,i know the bloke driving did,that was very hairy it put the wind up me!!,when it settles down if you want we'll go for a arvo/evening missing to reardons
21-05-2009, 02:50 PM
Sounds good Mal. Just let me know when. Hope this weather pisses off soon. Might stir up the jewies on the wall though with the fresh coming down the river again.
21-05-2009, 05:18 PM
No problem,as soon as it settle it's on,might have to dust off the beach rod and hit north wall i reckon there should be big jewies around,a mate of mine got a 7kg snapper off north wall last time it was like this.No work no fish it would send a man to drink;D
21-05-2009, 09:19 PM
Scott was gunna txt you this arv n tell u 2 get some feathers organised. a rum in my hand as I type this msg
22-05-2009, 07:27 AM
I just bought a couple the other day. How do you rig yours up. I havent used them much at all, the first one i bought last year only lasted a couple of casts before the rocks ate it.
mmmmm rum
22-05-2009, 08:37 AM
Simple mate, swivel a meter of 70-80lb leader slide the feather on and tie on a 10/0.
Steve B
22-05-2009, 09:14 AM
Hey Ballina fellas, Dont want to hijack the thread, but can I ask a few questions.
I am going to the area for a week next week to the inlaws who live near broadwater. In the past I have had no problems smacking flathead on plastics everwhere up in that section of the Richmond. Its an awesome fishery and massive too. I have heard the jew get up that far too, but yet to land one.
( I reckon I hooked one in a deep hole near one of the bridges north of Broadwater, got blown away on a slickrig, with 6lb fireline and 12lb leader...had no chance.)
What sort of effect will the rain you guys have had have on the general fishing??? Will that area be OK, or will I need to change areas.????
I am also keen to have a chop at the jew too. Any tips or locations in the current conditions would be greatly appreciated. You can PM them to me if you like. I only fish once a year down there, so any tips are appreciated.
cheers Steve
22-05-2009, 09:30 AM
Steve thats an easy question to answer at this stage...any fish that were in the river will be at the river mouth and within a km of the bar...provided they arent dead. My guess is given the temperatures that should be an issue at present...I could be wrong tho.
22-05-2009, 11:30 PM
Cheers Mark. Didnt know if you had the hook trailing back a bit further or not. Easy as. Hope there isnt another fish kill but we should be safe this time of year. Time will tell though. Maybe another one might spark some action to try fix the catchment and stop them for good. Prob not though.
Steve just bring the beach rods and you will have some fun from the headlands, beaches and walls. Weather is forcast to clear and the swell will be down by mon / tues.
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