View Full Version : Brisbane river refined crap outlet

26-04-2009, 10:56 AM
I have been meaning to post this up for a while. About a year ago, a new jetty/structure was built in between the oil pipeline and luggage pt. Couldn't work out what it was for. But recently I have seen with my own eyes stuff being pumped out of there, and I have been told that it is the waster from the recycled water treatment plant.

So in other words, they are pumping concentrated crap and other industrial waste from the sewers, deemed too nasty for drinking water, straight back into the Brisbane River.

That spot used to be good for threadies, but in 4-5 trips since October, I have not seen any bait there or caught a fish. Not even a stingray or cattie or shovelnose, all of which used to be in good numbers there.

This has all been done very quietly by the Govt and no word from the EPA.

I would like to know what anyone else knows about this. As I was waking up yesterday, I put the radio on 1116 and might have heard something about it on Nuggets show, but wasn't sure.


26-04-2009, 10:10 PM
I was under the beleif that that was for the airport redevelopment. Was supposed to be used to accept sand dredged from the middle banks. I doubt very much they are pumping out waste from there.

Its been quite well published that they were going to build a pier there for pumping.

27-04-2009, 07:47 AM
Hopefully I am wrong. Do you know what happens to the waste from the recycled water plant?


27-04-2009, 08:18 AM
The solid waste from the plant is heaped up in mountains near the treatment plant itself. Its relativly harmless by that stage. The only thing pumped into the water is treated water, and the quality of the water leaving the plant would probably be good enough to drink (not that I would drink it!). The waste water comes out near the mouth of the river.

29-04-2009, 06:54 PM
the water would be at a safe level from the treatment palnt, PH would be between 8-10, the water would be tested and treaded to make sure it safe otherwise they get massive fines, i use to work for a chemical plant and in the last 3 months i worked in the treatment section for the 150,000L or water that went down the drain a day, it was very strict, i think 1 day 15 ppm of zinc got through my treatment and we got a very big warning from the government saying they will shut the company down if the levels arnt controlled better, so i wouldnt worry about anything been pumped into the river been to bad,


30-04-2009, 12:14 AM
I believe this pipeline to be part of the sand extraction for the new runway as stated above. If you want to have a 'great' read then download the 50 odd page report (PDF file). It outlines everything from the sand extraction to the pipeline I believe you saw. It also includes the proposed berthing wharves that will be required also I think.


Have fun!!!!


30-04-2009, 06:29 AM
Any chance of getting a bottle full of the stuff? Might be fun to get some testing done...



Reel Magic
30-04-2009, 07:20 PM
Hi Jeremy,

I work in the process control industry. I have had some limited dealings at Luggage point.
You are probably right that it is being pumped back to the river.
The general application is that the water treatment process will treat the "waste" so to speak to an acceptable level of solids and salinaty content to name but a few of a number of contaminants before it can be discharged to the river system.

I am working on a similar system to treat all the ground water and river water that will leak through the walls of the new River City tunnell.
Esentially we will treat the water to remove an amount of irons and contaminants etc, the liquid will then be dosed with the correct amount of chemicals etc to gain the correct pH level among others prior to discharging to Enoggera creek to be put into the river system.
Dont panic, it has been going on for years and you have still eaten fish from the system without getting sick.....
