View Full Version : rod storage for tinny

25-04-2009, 04:45 PM
just wanted to get some ideas as to how people store thei rods in an open tinny. i want to keep them vertical and have a few ideas but just wanna see if theres an easier/better idea out the there.

pics would be sweet

25-04-2009, 04:53 PM
I have a 4.2 stacer nomad, and i fitted the white 3 way rod holders to my side pocket and one on the inward facing side (starboard) of the front thwart seat. I can take out 6 rods with ease and if i'm lure fishing from the front or fishing out the back they don't get in the way.
Cheers Bill.

25-04-2009, 05:18 PM
i have 10 alloy rod holders welded in, 5 down each side.
also i put in a Berkley vertical rod holder i screwed it to the front of the side console, it holds 5 rods + reels & you can lock them in.
