View Full Version : When is a hook a hook???? - A must read for Moreton Bay fishers

22-04-2009, 11:48 PM

I have sought clarification on using 'ganged' hooks in Moreton Bay. I believe they are a stupid set of rules and hopefully they will be changed as is suggested in the email. Up until that time I suggest that we play by the rules. I have posted the email reply from the relevant authorities for all to see, further through the post.


So guys and gals, now that Oldboot has gotcha thinking about the latest crab pot laws, (and yes they are well hidden) lets look at a couple of other doozies…..:-/

Lets talk fishing or more pointedly the pointy things on the end of the line. (no the other end, the things we would call hooks):P
In the southern half of our glorious state I believe (although stand corrected if I am wrong) that we have 3, yes 3 different sets of regulations that we saltwater fishoes have to abide by. 1/ Qld Fisheries regulation 2008, 2/ Moreton Bay Marine Park Zoning Plan and 3/ possibly the bottom end of the GBRMP. (depending on how far you want to stretch it)

A few little titbits of info for you thinking minds out there…..;)

Fisheries Regulation 2008
189 Using fishing lines and hooks
(1) A recreational fisher must not use more than 3 fishing lines at a time.
(2) Also, the fisher must not attach more than a total of 6 hooks or lures to the fishing lines the fisher is using.
A recreational fisher might use—
(a) 1 fishing line with 6 hooks attached; or
(b) 2 fishing lines each with 1 lure attached and another fishing line with 4 hooks attached.
hook includes—
(a) a hook with more than 1 prong, including, for example, fishing apparatus known as a treble hook; and
(b) a device consisting of more than 1 hook attached to a fishing line at a single point, including, for example, a fishing apparatus known as a gang hook.

Marine Parks (Moreton Bay) Zoning Plan 2008
hook means—
(a) a single-shanked hook;
(b) a single-shanked double or treble hook;
(c) a lure that is an artificial bait with no more than 3 hooks attached to it;
(d) an artificial fly;
(e) a jig for taking squid;
(f) a ganged hook set, consisting of no more than 6 hooks, each of which is in contact with at least 1 of the other hooks in the set;:-/
(g) a bait jig that is a hook, or a group of hooks consisting of no more than 6 hooks, if the hook, or each of the group of hooks, is of a size between number 1 and number 12
inclusively or an equivalent size.

Now am I clutching at straws or is there a real difference between the way a ‘ganged hook’ would or should appear between the government and those bozos at EPA???? :-X ::)

It could be argued that if you were to separate your ganged hooks with a swivel or a split ring then in Moreton Bay Zone at least you could be seen to be ‘breaking the law’. If in fact you snell your hooks together then it could be classed as a bait jig and must then comply with the hook sizes etc. (g) above

For those that are not up to date with the latest and greatest, please make yourselves aware of the differences between General, Habitat, Conservation and Marine Park Zones. It won't be too long before these EPA clowns are out in their new shiny boats doing some serious revenue collecting.>:( :-/

Happy fishing


23-04-2009, 07:13 AM
Hi Shane
there is definately an issue with interpretation by them
and yes it can be confusing
I would argue in the case of swivels between hooks that the swivel is part of the "hook"
by the way there is no more epa they have been absorbed into another dept

Scott nthQld
23-04-2009, 04:02 PM
I also found this snippet in the GBRMP zoning laws a while a go. Wanting to make sure, seeing how my preferred rig at the time was a 2 hook snelled rig, I emailed the GBRMPA.

I was told a hook by the definition also includes, upto 6 hooks (as in gangs) that are connected by no more than 150mm of cable, that only goes into ONE bait and there fore only INTENDED to catch one fish. I saved this email somewhere on my computer at home for future reference and any potential stouches with the GBRMPA.

But as you say, this is for MBMP, so shoot an email off to the EPA, making sure that you add the option to request a receipt, so you know they got it, and ask. The GBRMPA, the bunch of pricks they are, answered my questions pretty fast, with me receiving a reply withing 2 days. Once you get a reply, save the email as is, put it on a usb or CD and hide it somewhere so that any potential stouches, you already have your defence, in writing.

23-04-2009, 04:16 PM
So a stinger rig is strictly illegal (is there any other kind?) under GBRMPA law, it's what you get when rules are made by Authorities with no idea...unless of coarse it could be considered a jig.

cheers fnq

23-04-2009, 09:15 PM
So a stinger rig is strictly illegal (is there any other kind?) under GBRMPA law, it's what you get when rules are made by Authorities with no idea...unless of coarse it could be considered a jig.

cheers fnq

And it is this type of thinking that got me to post the info originally. Yes it is absolutely rediculous the way authorities think but it wouldn't take much for an over zealous legal eagle from EPA to string you up in court with the wording the way it is.
FNQ, not too sure about up there mate but it appears from info above that it would be considered as having 2 hooks on your line?????(Down here anyway)

Good thoughts there Scott, I might just do that and wait to see what the response is.



24-04-2009, 06:35 PM
Certainly I think, but dunno for sure because when it's all said and done this area of environmental regulation from inception is based on nothing much more than abstract imagination.

cheers fnq

05-05-2009, 06:07 PM
Hey guys, here is an email response I got from the The Marine Policy Team regarding what constitutes a 'ganged' hook. Seems to be bloody stupid >:( :-X to have so many rules from different authorities for all of the different regions.......Please note though that this only seems relevant to people fishing within the Moreton Bay Marine Park Zone.

I am an avid recreational fisherman who fishes within the boundaries of the Moreton Bay Marine Park Zone. I wish to seek clarification on a particular point in this document.
The definition in the dictionary, Schedule 4 of the Marine Parks (Moreton Bay) Zoning Plan 2008 states......

Hook means -
(a) a single-shanked hook;
(b) a single-shanked double or treble hook;
(c) a lure that is an artificial bait with no more than 3 hooks
attached to it;
(d) an artificial fly;
(e) a jig for taking squid;
(f) a ganged hook set, consisting of no more than 6 hooks,
each of which is in contact with at least 1 of the other
hooks in the set;
(g) a bait jig that is a hook, or a group of hooks consisting of
no more than 6 hooks, if the hook, or each of the group
of hooks, is of a size between number 1 and number 12
inclusively or an equivalent size.

It is part (f) that I am seeking clarification on. The purpose of a 'ganged' set of hooks is to use 1 bait. An obvious example would be fishing with Western Australian Pilchards for Tailor or Mackeral.

See the attachments on what is deemed to be legal or not......

Dear Shane

Thank you for your email on the new Moreton Bay Marine Park Zoning Plan.

The legislation referring to what constitutes a hook is the Marine Parks (Moreton Bay) Zoning Plan 2008 which you have referred to in your email. Your interpretation of a hook is accurate and pictures 1 and 2 in your email meet the definition of one hook. Pictures 3 and 4 would not be considered as one hook because, as you mention, they are not in contact with another hook in the set. To further clarify part (f) of the definition, each hook in the ganged set of hooks must be in direct contact with another hook to meet the definition. Hooks in a ganged set of hooks that are in contact with each other via a swivel, line or by other means, do not meet the definition. They are separate hooks. For example, picture 3 in your email would be three hooks.

However, the Department of Environment and Resource Management, formerly known as the Environmental Protection Agency, recognises that there are many different types of ganged hook rigs that are designed to hold one bait and is looking at modifying the definition of a hook to include rigs, such as picture 3 in your email. In the meantime, the definition of a hook in the zoning plan applies and is enforceable. You can keep up to date with any changes to the Marine Parks (Moreton Bay) Zoning Plan 2008 via the website at http://www.epa.qld.gov.au/parks_and_forests/marine_parks/moreton_bay_marine_park_zoning_plan_review/ (http://www.epa.qld.gov.au/parks_and_forests/marine_parks/moreton_bay_marine_park_zoning_plan_review/).

I hope this information is of assistance.

Kind regards
The Marine Policy Team

PO Box 15155 CITY EAST QLD 4002 Telephone 1800 105 789 Facsimile (07) 3227 7237
Email: moreton.bay@epa.qld.gov.au (moreton.bay@epa.qld.gov.au) Web: www.epa.qld.gov.au/moretonbay (http://www.epa.qld.gov.au/moretonbay)

05-05-2009, 07:36 PM
Very useful, thanks for posting Shane.

I cannot see anywhere where the use of a snelled (2 or 3 hook) rig is PROHIBITED. Whether it is classed as a gang hook or not is beside the point. I know you have only posted a snipped of the regs here, but if 6 hooks are allowed, no reason why I couldn't fish 3 rods each with 2 hook snell rigs.

Or is there?


05-05-2009, 09:05 PM
Hey Jeremy,
Mate, it is all too bloody confusing. To answer your question though from what I understand....snelling is ok but count as individual hooks. 3 rods with 2 snelled hooks each is 6 hooks which is the maximum allowed. It does not matter how you attach your hooks to your line.
Note also that in a conservation area it is different also. You are only allowed.....

limited line fishing

means fishing using no more than 2 hand-held fishing rods or handlines for each person, with no more than 2 hooks in total for each person.

limited trolling

means fishing with a line or lines trailed from a vessel that is underway, using no more than 2 lines for each person on the vessel, with no more than 2 hooks in total for each person.

Snell or gang with swivels etc (between hooks) six hooks together on one rod or line and it is still 6 individual hooks not one. BUT in a conservation zone if you snelled 2 hooks together on 2 rods you would be exceeding the limit. Go figure?????

05-05-2009, 10:26 PM
my two preferred methods of ganging are now illegal? ffs this mob is outa control

05-05-2009, 10:57 PM
Totally agree lippa, I have used both of the 'naughty' alternatives over the years for some great results. Lets hope that they do in fact look at it in the very near future and make the necessary changes as was said in the email.

Makes it even more ludicrous if you are going from a general to a conservation zone. 6 hooks 3 rods or lines down to 2 hooks and 2 rods or lines per person.

05-05-2009, 11:39 PM
Out of bloody control these wankers

