View Full Version : Pirtek Fishing Challenge, success?

20-04-2009, 07:39 PM
So, the day after, how'd everyone go?
I was rapt that Flathead was one of the targets, as that's what my son (Snag King) and I have been targeting for the last year or so, and have a great spot for them. Of course, bought my first boat last weekend, so we had to use that, and our spot is pretty much only accessible by canoe (or similar)....
Anyway, it was myself, my best mate, my son, and my little 4 year old daughter. And her first fishing session was the day before. She thought she was so 'cool' being in a fishing comp, and you couldn't pry the supplied hat form her head. The fishing was pretty mediocre, being that we were ahving to fish 'new' spots, but we did manage to land one flattie (went around 44cm), and my little girl played a large part in the landing of the fish. so much so that she considered it her fish ;D
She also made sure that I uploaded the pic of 'her' fish, with her angler number.
Anyway, I emailed the Pirtek fishing crew a nice 'thank you' email, with another pic of her with the fish, thanking them for an awesome day, and one which my little one will likely remember for a long time to come.
Got a wonderful reply from Micheal Guest, saying that up until the last minute, she was actually leading the 'junior' comp, and 'much to their disappointment' someone logged in with a 63 (?) cm model... So I got to tell her that she 'almost won'. My hope? That this encourages her to keep fishing! ;D
I'm glad other little tacker won, being that her's was very much a 'father and daughter' catch. I'd have felt bad if some little guy or girl missed out on a 'solo' caught fish.
Anyway, an awesome day out!!!
So, how'd everyone else do?
We might not have had much success fishing.. but the memories...;D

20-04-2009, 07:52 PM
I had a crappy day (jks) but for a good cause I was targeting barra and being land based with neap tides my options were limited did catch some nice jacks though not that it helped any hehe

I must say it was a good day though and look forward to next yr


20-04-2009, 07:55 PM
Definitely looking forward to next year. I hope next year that they have a 'donation' side of things set up. I registered four anglers, and amongst the four hats, four brag mats, and the associated postage, they can't have made much out of my $60. It was a bargain for me, but I would love for more $$ to go to the cause.
Regardless, the memories are/were priceless.

20-04-2009, 08:01 PM
I thought they may have thrown in an offshore species . But it was a great cause and loved beening apart of it

20-04-2009, 08:08 PM
Things were looking good as I had cleaned up on live bait but that is where the luck ended, after that I was lucky to get a couple of catfish. But like other Ausfisho's I was happy to make the $15 donation.....hope the comp was a roaring success and they do it again next year. Cheers. Ryan.