View Full Version : Customised gangs

17-04-2009, 09:10 PM
With it being a good time of the year for tailor etc and plenty of people using ganged hooks and pillies (limp or not) I thought I'd toss in a few variations for
customising your own 'ganged hook'.

If it's pi--ing down rain or blowing a gale and ya can't get to the beach it might be a way to wittle down an hour or three in the garage.

For ganging hooks I've mostly used off-set galvanised size 2/0, 3/0 or 4/0 depending on how chunky the pichards are and your likely target species.

(fyi Mo Tkl do boxes of 50 Mustad 'Gangster' hooks for $22.80)

Type 1) 4 hook gang: Based on the shape of pilchard - make the first hook in the gang a 2/0 followed by two 3/0's for the main body of the pilchard then another 2/0 for the tail. I've used this pattern before and its not three bad.

Type 2) 3 or 4 hook gang: Start with a 2/0. Before you close the eye of the hook thread on a small 'good quality' swivel.

Make sure there's no chance of it slipping over the barb. Then thread the second hook of the gang, a 3/0 through the other end of the swivel.

Repeat the process with the next couple of hooks. Finish up with a 2/0 as your 4th hook.

BUT, this will make your gang longer so 4 hooks will only work for the larger pilchards. If your pillies are average size and you think the 4 hook swivelled gang is too long, then use only one 3/0 for the middle section & maybe another 3/0 as the final hook.

Type 3) Similar to the above but using two 'good quality' split rings to join the hooks. First thread a split ring (small enough not to go over the barb) through the eye of the leading hook. Then use split ring pliers to connect another split ring to it. The second hook goes through the second spilt ring. Repeat the process for the following hooks.

WHY? (for type 2 & type 3) I'm positive that I've lost fish in the past using regular gangs because as fish twist & turn & struggle etc they get leverage from the adjoining hooks if they are not separated by a swivel or split rings.

It's the same principle as putting split rings above your trebles on HB lures, so that the fish will be less likely to get leverage. Some blokes even connect two split rings above their trebles.

Anyway, food for thought.

Type 4) Buy em already pre-ganged from the shop but there's more satisfaction in ganging your own.

Does anyone else out there have other 'ganged hook' ideas?

18-04-2009, 06:58 AM
Hey PNG1M, those gangstars are great hooks ey?
Just wish they made larger sizes!

18-04-2009, 01:51 PM

Maybe you could hunt around & find similar pattern in another brand.

I used to experiment with different types. If I found a style of hook I wanted to gang and it was only available with closed eye, I'd get a centre punch (from the local hardware) and a light hammer & open the eyes up just enough to thread the next hook thru then close again with pliers.

Worked well...

The main niusance I found with gangs was how to keep a heap of them in your tackle box (a small, basic one for mobility on the beach) without them tangling up with each other.

A mate showed me his method and it was kind of ok. Basically he just wrapped each gang up in a piece of alfoil & squeezed it down. At least it stopped the tangling.

Does anyone else know of a method of storing gangs that doesn't require a bulky set-up?

18-04-2009, 10:25 PM
We use 7766D Mustad Tarpons in diiferent sizes depending on bait size. Great strong hook. Buy the big multi type pliers, ones that crimp, cut and spread eyes on hooks for ganging....well worth the $30.
As for storage....same with all premade rigs....money or ziplock sandwich bags.

Great idea with the split rings, I think Mustad make a few solid little splits too that would be good for this.


18-04-2009, 10:28 PM
The mustad 4202 is an opened eye hook designed for ganging.
the 4200 is the straight eye version.

available at most places even big w and kmart.

slipping you gangs into little zip lock baggies works best if you compact the gand by slipping the eys up the shanks.


19-04-2009, 06:51 AM
A few years ago I had a bad run with gangs breaking or ripping out of the mouths so I made up a few gangs with 3/0 suicide or occy hooks on a short 60lb 7 strand trace wire. I used the smallest crimps I could find on the cable to space the hooks apart and a small swivel on a top loop for connection to the line.
The hookup rate was no different but have since had no fish throw the hooks or gangs breaking. The big bonus though is how flexible the rig is for rigging baits and how the baits are seldom distorted by the hooks binding leaving you with a not quite straight bait.

I have since seen similar rigs on the shelves using plastuc tubing for the hook separators so there is another variant that could have a benefit if the tubing is a glow type material possibly, albeit with marginally reduced flexibility though.

Small zip lock bags or money bags are the go for storage with these rigs. Add a couple of silica gel crystals to each bag to ensure no moisture will get into your premade rigs to cause corrosion. I use one of the "Hungry Hippo" dehumidifiers you can buy from woolies etc and use a few crystals in each bag. Unfortunately Ziplock bags are prone to the hook points sometimes breaking through and letting moisture inside.

19-04-2009, 10:51 AM
I'm not a big user of gangs, but I can see good reasons to do things other than just the straight typical gang.

I am tenging more toward sliding snelled rigs....and my latest thaught is light stranded wire crimped each end and snelled in the middle.

I can certainly see good reason for using different sized hooks in the one rig.


19-04-2009, 01:45 PM
Mustad 7766's in which ever size is right for the bait.

Lizard Man
19-04-2009, 06:40 PM
What a great thread. Thanks to all for sharing their ideas about gangs. Never thought of a swivel between hooks. Just shows how much I've been thinking inside the square.

With regard to storage, I fold my gangs up and wrap a short piece of very fine gauge copper wire around the shanks a few times. Free copper wire is usually sourced from inside old broken electrical equipment or power leads or building sites...whatever works.

Like PNG1, I then wrap them individually in foil, but thicker stuff that has paper lining on one side. Similar to the stuff found in the old cigarette packets.



20-04-2009, 03:30 PM
I sometimes like to put a small swivel on the top hook of the gang then attach the line to the swivel instead of directly to the hook.

For a while I used 'straight from the packet' clips on the top hook but became peed off with losing fish to weak or faulty clips. The clips came with swivels pre-attached but generally 'hit n miss' quality. It was mostly the actual clip part that failed.

I found that ditching the clip and using a swivel alone was better as the swivel didn't self-destruct or come loose like the clips.

Plus with the swivel there's a bit more freedom of movement for the rig.

Never use the small flimsy 'dime a dozen' swivels as their quality is crap and they functionability is dodgy. Go a bit more 'upper shelf' and at least buy better quality. Black crane do some reasonable ones - and just the right size.

A basic style will do as long as its reliable. No need for the flash ball bearing ones.

If I do want to use a 'clip with swivel' set up, I buy very good quality clips separately. Then I connect my own choice of swivel to them so the clips are in effect, customised according to preferences.

Usng a clip on the business end can make gang changes more easy, so they do have advantages.

20-04-2009, 11:29 PM
Great ideas guys. I know I have always had trouble keeping prepared gangs apart in the tackle box. I used to have premade rigs with trace and top swivel but ended up losing too many fish due to the trace line being compromised.

A question though, by the new Moreton Bay Zoning plan would your rigs consisting of split rings or swivels between hooks still be counted as one hook or a multiple of hooks????
This is copied straight from the plan. Schedule 4, page 217.....a hook means:

(f) a ganged hook set, consisting of no more than 6 hooks,
each of which is in contact with at least 1 of the other
hooks in the set.
If for example you had a swivel between each hook on a 4 ganger, would it be considered as 4 separate hooks or one??
Could the zoning officers take this too far and slap you with an infringement notice or fine??


21-04-2009, 09:36 AM
The test is that the gang of hooks is intended to engage ONE BAIT.

I cant remember where I read this but it was pretty clear.

It does not matter how the gang or rig, or lure for that matter, it counts as one hook if it services one bait ( and complies with the other limitations clearly stated).

so that includes snooded, snelled, stinger rigs

Under fisheries regulation schedule 11

A device consisting of more than 1 hook attaced to a fishing line at a single point including, for example fishing aparatus known as a gang hook.


21-04-2009, 01:57 PM

I'd hate to have to sneak down the beach like a mongrel dog, with eyes in the back of my head & being spooked by every passing cloud shadow just 'cos I've got a few sets of swivel connected ganged hooks in me tackle bag.

Hmm, spose I could hide 'em down my briefs..!?

21-04-2009, 02:43 PM
Nah don't have to go to such extremes matey::) ......just attach them to your hat and tell the buggers you are fly fishing.......:P ;)

21-04-2009, 07:02 PM
Last time I was at Moreton I made up some gangs with some glow in the dark tubing threaded onto the stem of the hooks. Not sure if it made a difference but we did manage some stud tailor amongst the 50 or so fish we caught.

I use the Gamakatsu gangster's & make them up with a swivel on the top hook. I then wrap them in a bit of tin foil so they don't get all tangled up. A mate of mine swears by using a swivel between each hook, which I will be trying next adventure.

22-04-2009, 01:56 AM
I agree guys, some good ideas floating around. I'll be keen to test a few of em myself.

I like the tip from NIZ about sliding the little fluro tubes down the hook shanks.
Worth a try at least for curiosity value.

Thanks for the inputs...

22-04-2009, 09:07 AM
I tried swivels between the hooks for a while, and found that they were more trouble than they were worth. Had some separate as well. I now just use standard configuration. Though a straight hook as the top hook, with a swivel is good.

35kg jew
22-04-2009, 11:21 AM
Hey guys i love my beach fishing so have tried alot of different rigs.. I found a set 3 tru turn hooks in the size 4/o wit size 5 shogun swivels to be a very deadly rig!!! And when fishing big slab bait for big tailor i use a single 10/0 eagle claw bronze hook wit a sliding 5/0 circle hook wit a halco wire trace of 20cm or so..
good luck people im off to the swains this sat cant wait!!!!

24-04-2009, 06:18 PM
Have fun 35K, you lucky bugga........
Good tip re the slab bait for big tailor........the season approaches, if the netters don't get there first.............;D

24-04-2009, 06:41 PM
Does anyone know of any black ganging hooks? I have been using the Gamakatsu gangsters for mackerel which I find out perform any silver coloured hooks but a set of gangs normally are only good for one fish cause the eyes keep bending open. Its easy to close them after each fish, but they weaken quickly.
I must say that I haven't tried swivels between each hook as yet. I worry that the rig will become too long.

24-04-2009, 10:13 PM
I haven't really come across any black coloured hooks specifically designed with ganging in mind. Must admit though, I haven't really looked all that much.

A suggestions would be to peruse some tackle shops to see if you can find a hook size & pattern in black that's close to what you're after.

Then use a centre punch to open up the eyes to gang, as necessary.

Swivels between the hooks can make the rig longer, but you can get some quite small swivels these days with good test. The small 'black' black cranes are quite short in length.

Or you could try a solid ring / split ring connection between hooks.

Or maybe, if you've got a thing for cluttered terminals you could try (like I will) solid/split/solid joining each hook.

It might or might not be shorter than a swivel connection. But you'd have to use good quality 'smallish' rings (eg hyperwire) of the correct size to keep things tidy & compact.

Plus of course all these 'good quality' hooks & terminals will make the gangs a bit on the exccy side, and if you go through a few of 'em then...!!?

Trial & error I s'pose... but that's what the drawing board is for - so you can go back to it!

25-04-2009, 07:24 PM
Next mackerel trip I'll spend some time making up some different rigs and see how they go.