View Full Version : Crab Pots - Port Of Brisbane

14-04-2009, 10:56 PM

Launched fairly early Sunday 12.04.09 from Port Of Brisbane boat ramp with my girlfriend, headed out towards the bay (away from the little bridge), on the way out stopped in the little creek to the left, placed 1 pot in the mouth of the creek in a very open area, it was securely tide to a tree. we then went further into the creek in a less visible area and placed the rest of the pots, all tide to trees.

After having a great day out on the water, we didnt catch much but a guitar fish and a big catty.
We decided it was time to head off and went back to grab the pots only to discover the tide was to low.

So we left them there over night and came back first thing in the morning for the high tide (monday morning)
The first pot we placed which was at the start of the creek in the open area was completely missing, we first thought not much of it and decided that we would look for it on the way back as we wanted to get further into the creek while the water was still high,
we went further into the creek, the second pot had 4 baby crabs which were promptly returned to the water. the third pot also had 2 baby crabs which were returned,
the 4th-6th had no bate left in them and also no crabs. 7th pot had half of the bait left, and visually looked like something had been eating it, also no crabs in the pot. the 8th pot had 2 baby crabs and one large crab maybe 17cm with NO claws on it.

we then went back to try and find the first pot and it was definitely gone.

I figured since im a fairly novice fisher maybe I made a mistake and I asked a more experienced friend of mine and he thought it sounded like my pots had been raided.

The pots were them ones selling at bcf at the moment, round ones with 4 entries, they were correctly placed with the bait at the bottom of the pot not the top and also strapped with ties in the middle of the pot.
The pots were also labled.


15-04-2009, 08:40 AM
Hmm bait gone and no crabs in pot... Sounds like pot raiders to me!

15-04-2009, 01:06 PM
Got to keep an eye on your pots mate if you leave them in an area that has a bit of boat traffic.

15-04-2009, 02:33 PM
G'day Ryan

Unfortunately there are only people who have already had their pots raided, and those who have not yet, but will, have their pots raided.

Welcome to crabbing...

The lesson - don't use expensive pots unless you can stay and watch them or can afford to lose them, because the bad crab pot raiders will take all of your pots as well



15-04-2009, 02:55 PM
I remember a time when it was just an unspoken law of fishing not to touch pots that weren't yours :( I am shocked to hear it is that bad.

15-04-2009, 08:02 PM
Bait half gone is more often than not from fish and or eels.

07-05-2009, 02:02 PM
Brisryan in the same area , I put fish in crab pot , the next morning i came to check, I found the fish gone and someone has replaced it with chicken. How can fish turn into chicken, it must be magic !!!!

07-05-2009, 02:52 PM
i lost 2 dillies at nudgee, now they can't float away 12mm and 1 meter diameter. 1 was cut. The thing is i was 50 meters away.

11-05-2009, 09:50 PM
It's just such a shame that you are not allowed to carry a loaded .22 in your boat anymore . I didnt say you cant just that you are not allowed to ;D

15-05-2009, 08:39 AM
Put 8 pots out over night in nudgee creek over easter put them in at dark went back first light, First 3 pots all ok next 5 gone, found floats up creek on water line went up creek abit found 2 ferals camped on bank started looking for pots. Sure enough they where tied to tree around area the pricks where camping.
They had about 20 pots with bits of fruit box a bouys every pot had a different rope type?
Would have been great if it was some creek out back 2 less ferals!!!!!!!! ;)

I put a cable tie on my pots to make them secure it doesn't stop them ripping you off but at least you have piece of mine when you bring up a pot and the cable ties been cut off.


20-05-2009, 11:14 PM
Put 8 pots out over night in nudgee creek over easter put them in at dark went back first light, First 3 pots all ok next 5 gone, found floats up creek on water line went up creek abit found 2 ferals camped on bank started looking for pots. Sure enough they where tied to tree around area the pricks where camping.
They had about 20 pots with bits of fruit box a bouys every pot had a different rope type?
Would have been great if it was some creek out back 2 less ferals!!!!!!!! ;)

I put a cable tie on my pots to make them secure it doesn't stop them ripping you off but at least you have piece of mine when you bring up a pot and the cable ties been cut off.


Is there a chance you rang fisheries with details of their whereabouts and attire so they could have a poke around.
