View Full Version : Kalinga bank green zone

13-04-2009, 05:13 PM
Looking at the user guide I see the green Mangrove line at low water line . If I anchored 15 meters away from the bank and dropped a line will the fun police nab me ? What happens at high tide ? Just cannot understand the logic behind all this green zone crap.



13-04-2009, 05:34 PM
Hey Peter,
I feel for you mate. From my understanding if the 'officers' believed that the fish was caught within the areas bounded by the zoning then yes you would be 'gone'. You might be 100m away from the zone but if the fish ventures into the restricted area or you drift through chasing it then you will be nabbed.
I hope you are also onto to the 'yellow' zone restrictions adjacent to the green along the bank as well mate. i.e. 2 lines with 2 hooks each.
My interpretation only of course....



13-04-2009, 05:38 PM

Have a read of the book, a good read. As far as I understand it, the boundary is the tree line, not counting little outcrops of mangrove


15-04-2009, 08:50 PM
Hi there

This is the person to contact to voice your concerns and seek an explanation from: Jim Higgs at the EPA.

He was closely involved in this debacle, and when MBAA told them that the Kalinga bank GZ would cause dramas he nodded and said they'd take care of that - give him a call and voice your concerns. Let us now how you go!


Daryl McPhee
16-04-2009, 07:49 PM
As Moonlighter said, the MBAA vociferously raised with EPA the potential confusion over the zone boundaries in this area as a result of the dynamics of this area and the traditional way that many people fish this area.

I'm a member of Moreton Mixed Amateur Fishing Club and we spent a lot time in the 80s and 90s fishing Kalinga from the shore with the fish right on the edge or indeed flooding over the edge into a foot or two of water on the run-up tide at night. A few people still did this right up until the marine park rezoning, but my opinion is that it became a bit impractical (marine park or no marine park) with the erosion that occurred.

More specifically with respect to your question, the boundary makes reference to following the mangrove line. The defintion of the mangrove line in the zoning plan is as follows:

mangrove line, for a mangrove forest, means a line that—
(a) runs along the outer boundary of the forest; and
(b) at each point where there is a gap in the outer boundary
of the forest, runs along—
(i) if the gap is caused by a mouth of a river, creek or
stream—the line that joins 1 side of the river, creek
or stream to the other side by running in the
general trend of the outer boundary of the forest; or
(ii) if subparagraph (i) does not apply—
(A) if the gap is near the mainland—the
mainland at high water; or
(B) if the gap is near an island—the island at
high water.

Clear as Kalinga mud? What a nightmare.

Mike Delisser
16-04-2009, 11:15 PM
Looking at the user guide I see the green Mangrove line at low water line . If I anchored 15 meters away from the bank and dropped a line will the fun police nab me ? What happens at high tide ? Just cannot understand the logic behind all this green zone crap.


