View Full Version : Quiet Easter Sunday at Redcliffe

12-04-2009, 08:53 PM
Took my youngest boy (7yo) out to Redcliffe this arvo armed with a couple of packets of bloodworms and some light rods. The Easterly breeze was a constant 10-12knts and we set up our camp chairs on a quiet section of beach. Before I could bait my own rod up Ethan had already landed his first whiting and this set the tone for the afternoon. There was barely a cast that went out without landing a fish of some sort (even if they were undersize) and for the afternoon the species count went like this: Whiting, Dart, Bream, Tarwhine, Flathead, Moses Perch and pike.

The only fish of any size were the bream and we kept 3 at 25cm for a feed. Was a top arvo with the young bloke who lost count of the number of fish he caught today. Cheap Easter entertainment if you ask me.


Couple of pics now added. Note the little gutter in the background.

12-04-2009, 09:10 PM
Thats great mate good to hear a story involving a kid. With my two boys !12yr & 9yr they keep giving me crap and boast to everyone,that they catch more fish than dad.Well like you said ,before i could bait my own rod , i know how that goes. thats why they catch more fish than me cause my line hardly gets wet.

Must say good catch you got. Everytime i take my boys to redcliffe the bait just vanishes off the line,or toad fish.

Ever wanna hook up with me and my boys,show us how you & mini you do it,just let me know.


12-04-2009, 09:23 PM
Good to see a dad taking his son fishing.....good to see a kid out of the house and not in front of an xbox or whatever...............................!!!!!!!!

The memories of fishing with his dad will stay with him forever...unlike the x box

;D:D;D;D;D:D for the good time out fishing with your son

13-04-2009, 12:40 AM


Donny Boy
13-04-2009, 06:53 AM
Now that's a feel-good story !!!

Top stuff.

13-04-2009, 09:49 AM
I agree with all the other comments above Kev. As well as a great way to fish, without the need for the boat.

Look forward to your next report.

13-04-2009, 06:52 PM
Nice goin Kev - good on ya mate. Darren