View Full Version : Shimano Fireblood Combo

09-04-2009, 09:44 PM
A local tackle store has a Fireblood combo being the 2500FA and 1-2kg matching rod for a K Rudd friendly price. Question is all I can dig up any where is bad news about the reel, it wobbles, spools no good, finish is average and overpriced to boot. After having a play with the reel I cant see the problem with it, it felt smooth as was built well and the finish seemed pretty good. Does anyone on here own one and if so what's your verdict on it. One more thing the Fireblood rod was rated 1-2 kg and after having a play with that also there's no way it's a 1-2 kg rod more like 2 - 5 kg. Has Shimano underrated this rating for some reason?



10-04-2009, 09:59 AM
I have a fireblood 2500 FA, and apart from the small grip on handle it has a great reel to use, I use the reel on barra and all soft plastic work in the salt and apart from being spooled once it has been a great reel.
I would happily buy another one if I needed to.

I have only held the rod and it seems like the pick of the fireblood rods, I had the 7ft on 3-6kg and wasn't that impressed with it at all. Got rid of it for a glx. But I did think the 1-2kg rd was much better than the others.

10-04-2009, 01:32 PM
The firebloods are designed for freshwater and very light saltwater use.

The reels are good, but, I wouldent pay more than $400 - $440 for one.... yes, the rods are overpriced but they are very well made and have a very good look.

These rods and reels were aimed at the "Bream Tornament" scene.


35kg jew
10-04-2009, 02:35 PM
Hi mate i have an shimano aspire 2500 a stella 2500 and a fireblood 2500 all which i did a swap deal for a good gps..
Now i absolutely love the stella and aspire but the fire blood for the jump in price from the aspire i reckon its not worth it they feel the same if not the aspire feels a little bit better..

I have my reels matched wit live fibre blade an tails ultra light an light these rods are australian made and are very top quality gear.. Love em!!

Good luck mate yeh rudd bought me a stella 20 000 stoked!

10-04-2009, 03:34 PM
I've decided to get the combo and the tackle shop has kindly put it aside for me until Mr Rudd coughs up. I'm paying $790 for the rod, reel and 8lb braid so from the prices I looked at online that works out to be a bloody good deal and the rod comes with it's own custom hard case.


11-04-2009, 12:53 PM
What shop... :P

"Custom" meaning bulk made overseas?? I must say, the hard cases for the Fireblood rods are very nice and look good.

Let me know what you think the first time you go out with it. :D


11-04-2009, 01:28 PM
IT's from a shop here in Brisbane called Fishhead, alot of guys on here would be familiar with it. I think it was a special he made up but it's been sitting there for quite a while, but not anymore.;D;D
