View Full Version : yakking in the rain

29-03-2009, 05:47 PM
went out with joel "imnotoriginal" in our yaks today, the intention was to poke the yaks out the front of point cartwright but we called that off late and decide to chase the bream instead.

we launched from kawana boat ramp not long after 6 and went straight to the tralwers, wasnt long before i picked a little bream on a squidige but not much else was happening.

onto plan b which was to chase them around the canals, in somewhat tough conditions we slogged it out and between hidding under pontoons during the constant downpours.

manged to pick up a few more bream before changing over to a squigie flick bait, dunno why never caught anything on them before but that changed today after picking up a few more bream.

joel was looking like heading towards a donut but managed to pull in a butterbream , while also getting smoked by another bream later on.

final score was 5-1 to myself :)

no pics as on the yak and murphy says it would hit the drink .

29-03-2009, 05:57 PM
Sorry mate, a bit off topic but I thought I should reply. I opened this thinking it was a thread about sea sickness in inclement weather.

29-03-2009, 06:50 PM
I thought it was going to be about catching yakkas for bait.

29-03-2009, 09:53 PM
Had a big one last night eh?

Good to see you won :)


30-03-2009, 10:35 AM
joels lost his mojo hehehe, the rain was flogging me that day too

30-03-2009, 06:00 PM
joels lost his mojo hehehe, the rain was flogging me that day too

lol, yeah, i think it's gone. I couldn't find a shrimp with a straight tail and I forgot to buy more moldy cheese minnows, my two faves out of action! Jose and his squidgies win this battle...:end:

30-03-2009, 06:38 PM
;) it must be the dreded no fish flu going around;) ;D