View Full Version : fishing double island

21-03-2009, 08:42 PM
he fellow ausfish members,am new member although have been reading threads for a while. have noticed a few of you guys fish di and am after a bit of info on areas out wide. not expecting gps marks but we tow up the beach from noosa and launch out ofrainbow bay. have a 5metre fisher and have started venturing out past our usual haunts,eg 8/12 mile these areas are flat with little structure. have been heading ne 40 klsto an area known localy as the footy ground, its approx 50 kls due east of the bar and rises to a deph of 39 metres. as we havnt been uot any further as yet am wondering am i close to good ground as in bottom structure orshould i be heading out more east or seast. am trying to find good red country. weather resticts a lot of our searching but would go further in good weather, am trying or a trip next thursday, cheers, macka