View Full Version : Snapper, Pearlies and Trag !

17-03-2009, 03:50 PM
Ausfishers have been asked to submit their views on the RRFF review and proposed permit for the above mentioned species.

At present the log book/ permit is only for Snapper. That is Snapper are the only species to be recorded on the log.

The DPI&F have proposed the question, " Should Pearlies and Trag Jew be added ? "

It may be that the Snapper log book evolves into a RRFF system where the Pearlies and Trag are required to be recorded. The DPI&F are after your views as to , should this be done now ?

FYI, Sunfish are in agreeance with the " upgraded " log book to cover Snapper, Trag and Pearlies.

There is a poll attached to this thread.


17-03-2009, 04:55 PM
Phill, can you tell me where I can find out more about this, I've looked on the DPI web site but can't find anything?

17-03-2009, 05:32 PM

You will find nothing on the Fisheries website because this is only a proposal at this stage. The matter is explained in my post dated 12 March under heading Rocky Reef Fin Fishery outcomes. Please pay particular attention to the fifth paragraph.

The poll should ask are you in agreement with the proposal for a recreation permit for RRFF species rather than just for snapper as originally recommended by the RRFF working group.


17-03-2009, 07:31 PM
I dont no much about the log books for snapper and to add trag and pearlies but i do remember the fisheries coming on to the trawler i was working and they asked wether id be interested in filling it out for them and i said i would if it was not going to be used against the industry and they told me NO the info will NEVER be used to close down any areas or to reduce the catch and that was before it was made compulsery to fill them in and look what happened , be warned the will use these log books to reduse your catches and to lock up areas for every day fishers and charter boats.

17-03-2009, 07:37 PM
Well you have a choice chris, closures or log books. You choose.

17-03-2009, 08:00 PM
hi there therealandy i dont no what its all about i only no what the logbooks did to the commercial fishing industry and lies the that were told but pearlies and trag it realy dose not affect me only the snapper that i come across in the bay, but for everyone that dose fish outside for snapper, pearlies and trag it will affect them all in the long run with log books but a closeure in spawning season would not hurt at all

17-03-2009, 08:56 PM

As a new member I'll take it easy on you.;D

The introduction of regulatory logbooks for Commercial and Charter operators has enabled Fisheries to monitor the amount of fish caught where and by whom so that better management decisions could be made about the Commercial and Charter fleets.

The sustainability of snapper stocks are now under threat (according to Fisheries scientists) and the logbooks have enabled Fisheries to reduce the commercial and charter snapper fleets (L1 licences) by culling out the part timers and leaving the full timers to earn a decent living.

The proposed recreation permit and catch card for RRFF species will enable Fisheries to better manage the fishery by having more accurate figures for the recreation catch than the estimates that Fisheries used in the last snapper stock assessment. On these rubbery estimates they were prepared to close down the snapper fishery for 3 to 4 months each year to everyone.

At least by agreeing to recording snapper caught on catch cards recreation anglers will be part of the decision making process. Should the recreation TAC of 260 tonnes look like it will be reached before the end of the calendar year then we will have the option of a reduced bag limit for the balance of the year or closure if considered necessary.

Does this make sense or not?


17-03-2009, 09:07 PM
So the DPI&F have posed the question to us "do we think that pearlies and trag should be included"? One would assume that other online fishing forum users have been asked the same question?

While I fully support the concept of us, the recreational fishing stakeholders, becoming part of the decision making process through the gathering of credible evidence of stock levels. I am concerned about the questioned posed in the poll "None, I do not want the permit".

As of this post, almost 40% of respondants selected this option, if by the end of the poll, this becomes the most favoured option, will the DPI&F take this to mean that we as a group are in favour of closures instead? I for one do not want any closures, but at the same time I am aware that to avoid closures we must take part in data gathering in the form of these logbooks.

We don't have an option of "Leave the fishery as it it" folks, the best option is to favour the logbooks, whatever form they take.

17-03-2009, 09:34 PM

As one of the recreational reps on the RRFF working group I just happen to be a member of Ausfish which is the largest online fishing forum with a lot of members in S E Qld. I physically cannot communicate with all recreational anglers so I use Ausfish as an indication of what my peers think as well as personal and phone contact. Sunfish communicates with its members who have a rep on the working group. If you know of another way to quickly communicate with many recreational anglers let me know.

I have already asked Lucky Phill to re-word the question and leave out the last point.


17-03-2009, 10:48 PM
Sorry guys, please vote again in the new poll.

