View Full Version : snapper spot stuffed by oil im p@$%ed

12-03-2009, 10:57 AM
just saw a clip on the news of oil all over the rocks built up all in the water right around cape moreton right where i fish was going to go get a snapper this weekend with my dad and he's almost in tears this is where he spends all of his spare time, ive also heard that there wont be a cleanup because its to far away and it wont impact anyone because its remote and they hope the weather just breaks the oil up, this makes me angry, i wonder how long a place takes to return to it glory or if it ever will :'(

12-03-2009, 11:00 AM

Jack, if you're over there, can you get a heap of photo's? before and after at regular intervals maybe?

Be worth posting them here and then sending a big email to the EPA for a please explain


12-03-2009, 11:12 AM
Cleanup is not warranted except on short term aesthetic grounds, the environment looks after it's own, right now it (nature) is colonising trillions of organisms to eagerly munch away at the oil along with other more physical processes, once the oil is gone/rendered inert the normal flora will come back and the area will rebound as if nothing happened.

So far it seems to be all no biggie, outside of drama for drama's sake anyway.

cheers fnq

12-03-2009, 11:24 AM
just saw some more on the news lets just say half of moreton island stuffed, im going to help out the cleanup, they said it would never reach shore due to the weather but now its on Moreton island and there is still alot more heading into moreton bay guess those new green zones will soon be dead zones including alot more, oil isnt the only problem they recon the amonia nitrate will effect alot asell,

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) said the oil spill could potentially kill any wildlife it came into contact with.
Marine expert Mike Kingsford, from James Cook University, said the threats posed by the ammonium nitrate included algal blooms, burns and deaths to fish and seagrass, and physical damage to the ocean floor from the containers.


this is my before shot taken 2 months ago of my bro :'( after seeing some video of this exact spot it wont look like this again for along time

12-03-2009, 11:32 AM
Just saw footage on Chanel 10 news.

Enough to make you cry.


12-03-2009, 11:36 AM
my dad actually is crying ive only seen him cry once at his mums funeral my family has spent our whole life over there i dont know what else to say im shocked i was right there 2 weeks ago and the place was looking beautiful

12-03-2009, 11:38 AM
just saw some more on the news lets just say half of moreton island stuffed, im going to help out the cleanup, they said it would never reach shore due to the weather but now its on Moreton island and there is still alot more heading into moreton bay guess those new green zones will soon be dead zones including alot more, oil isnt the only problem they recon the amonia nitrate will effect alot asell,

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) said the oil spill could potentially kill any wildlife it came into contact with.
Marine expert Mike Kingsford, from James Cook University, said the threats posed by the ammonium nitrate included algal blooms, burns and deaths to fish and seagrass, and physical damage to the ocean floor from the containers.


this is my before shot taken 2 months ago of my bro :'( after seeing some video of this exact spot it wont look like this again for along time

They should have asked him also what the sun is capable of;D

12-03-2009, 12:27 PM
Isn't that area a green zone now?

12-03-2009, 12:35 PM
some of the rocks facing the north are green and the rest are yellow

12-03-2009, 12:38 PM
my dad actually is crying ive only seen him cry once at his mums funeral my family has spent our whole life over there i dont know what else to say im shocked i was right there 2 weeks ago and the place was looking beautiful

Are you serious? tell him the paint work is very dirty ATM and will take a few weeks to make it look all show room shine again but the car will still drive the same.....it's about the car and why/how it works that's important, not the aesthetics of short term traffic light pissing contests.

cheers fnq

12-03-2009, 12:38 PM
some of the rocks facing the north are green and the rest are yellow

i imagined they would be black..:-/

12-03-2009, 12:46 PM
the rocks are black yes the zones are yellow and green, so what your saying is even thought the water looks like crap theres dead stuff every where i should still catch snapper?

12-03-2009, 01:19 PM
Don't worry everyone, remember the EPA has just PROTECTED 16% of Moreton Bay by establishing MPA green zones. That will make sure the bay is there for future generation to enjoy. Feel relieved now?


12-03-2009, 02:34 PM
a friend just sent me a text, he's up at the cape helping some animals and he's taking photo's so far hes found 4 turtle a few shags alot of whitting and dart, about 15 squiry snapper, travally, bream and 2 jew anlong with a sh%t load of rock crabs and thats all hes been able to see at one part of the beach im heading over this sarv to hopefully get up the cape tonight, i dont wanna know what else will wash up...

12-03-2009, 03:58 PM
Unless anything has changed in the last couple of years, your friendly Q dept of transport should be handling the oil spill.

In any other state this is handled by AMSA and has been for years, but good old QLD told the feds to p!ss off - we'll handle it.

Looks like we're doing a geat job so far???

At least get a couple of booms and some dispersant over there and buy Anna some votes boys!!!!:-[

12-03-2009, 04:08 PM
a friend just sent me a text, he's up at the cape helping some animals and he's taking photo's so far hes found 4 turtle a few shags alot of whitting and dart, about 15 squiry snapper, travally, bream and 2 jew anlong with a sh%t load of rock crabs and thats all hes been able to see at one part of the beach im heading over this sarv to hopefully get up the cape tonight, i dont wanna know what else will wash up...

Don't panic unless you want to of coarse, a fraction of a % of any species V area does not a disaster make, there will be casualties....probably less than a few trawlers bycatch over the same time period as it's worst, but it will amount to nothing of environmental consequence, good for a beat up though.

Personally I feel sorry for the birds, turtles, crabs and pipis, the even lower orders is where the mass killings are...all along the sand esp, it will all come back as good as new and fast too, it being summer is a help.

cheers fnq

12-03-2009, 06:12 PM
u amaze me fnq.
this is the second thread that i have read where, you dont seem to give 2 shits.
if cairns is where u are, maybe if its in ur back yard, attitude may be different.
what a clown.

12-03-2009, 06:21 PM
You sound like the end of the world is nigh! It's lucky the clowns know what the reality and basic (yes basic) science of this episode is about or else the children at the party would all need Ritalin laced birthday cake to stop them spinning out of control.

cheers fnq

12-03-2009, 06:24 PM
They really need to throw the whole court at the goose piloting this ship and it's crew.
looks to me like money came far ahead of safety and environment in this case.

Mike Delisser
12-03-2009, 07:31 PM
ive also heard that there wont be a cleanup because its to far away and it wont impact anyone because its remote and they hope the weather just breaks the oil up, this makes me angry, i wonder how long a place takes to return to it glory or if it ever will :'(

Where did you hear that Jack?????

12-03-2009, 07:44 PM
To those planning to go to moreton, take note that the news reports did mention that the island MAY close for a small period of time.

FNQ, thanks for your input, I hope you assesment is an accurate one. This event does show how completey unprepared we are for an environmental catrosphe. An event such as an oil spill only 7nm offshore allows little time for any meaningful intervention.

I seriously hope this event does not go to waste on the policy makers.

12-03-2009, 08:05 PM
FNQ is spot on the money. I agree this is an awful thing to have happened, and that who is responsible must be nailed to the wall. I feel for the birds, fish and plant life that will die slowly and horribly.

But it will prove to be very short term. In a few weeks it'll be nothing but a distant memory in the tiny brains of the greens, who will beat it up and remind us all constantly of the dangers inherent in conducting business. God knows they might talk about pollution in the Bay. Geeze, they might start sounding like us for a change!!!

They'd much rather we grew tofu and palm oil, and rode ricketty old bicycles around the planet, and bought a bark canoe (from a dead tree of course).

Oil's going to be metabolised quickly by bacteria, and the spill is nowhere near large enough to cause population effects on anything other than a local basis. They will be replaced very quickly. This ol' planet is a LOT more robust than many would have us believe...

Chin up peeps, it's always darkest before the dawn!


12-03-2009, 08:24 PM
All is fine. Expect the part where the EPA gave permission of the ship to wash down all the ammonia nitrate spilled on the ship into the bay.... The ship was moored in the bay and washed in the bay?? At least wash it in the ocean far away.

12-03-2009, 10:05 PM
I saw the results of two big tankers that ran aground and lost all their cargo of crude oil (Tory Canyon and Amoco Cadiz). After the initial mess it was amazing how well everything recovered, yes there will be an immediate effect on wildlife but although this looks bad in a years time all you will be able to find is a bit of tar on the rocks. Dispersant is about the worse thing you can use as the oil sinks and the dispersant kills fish.

12-03-2009, 10:18 PM
Mate, that is some awesome looking water. I would think though that with time it will return itself to its pristine look. Nature is wonderful at doing what it does naturally.....might even be better.


Ready Jet Go
12-03-2009, 10:38 PM
http://qccqld.org.au/Moreton-oil-spill-must-spur-more-regulation.html Here is a bit more info and where to volunteer if you feel like it. I want to do anthying I can to help even if its small.

12-03-2009, 10:57 PM
MY old man was telling me tonight that he watched a doco on the exxon valdez oil spill. Apparently the areas where they used dispersant and chemicals to this day have not recovered. The areas that recovered without human intervention are now back to normal... Not sure what doco it was, but i would like to see it.

13-03-2009, 12:20 PM
Had enough of the verbal diahorrea.
I just volunteered to help via the epa website.

Less talk..... More action!!!!!!

13-03-2009, 12:29 PM
That's good for you, just don't do more environmental damage just being there/getting there than the good you can do cleaning what's visually unappealing away.

cheers fnq

13-03-2009, 02:00 PM
my thoughts are if we are going to believe the EPA scientists and greenies on this little spill ( the way I read some of the comments in this and other threads is that this ship was a super tanker bigger than the exxon valdez not just a small freighter that lost a little of it's fuel )then you should also believe the same scientists in relation to fish stocks .
Don't forget the media will show the worst pics that they can get because the reason there is news on television is not to tell people what happened but to sell advertising .
nature will heal itself
think of all the ships that have sunk over the years if it didn't then there would be spots of total destruction everywhere

22-03-2009, 02:43 AM
You know this sort of thing sucks its makes me sick, you'd think an enviromental catastrophe like this would have made the news world wide, sadly not, neither did those containers full of hazardous chemicals, floating around the Queensland coast, these big corporations have really got the media sown up it seems..

We have a fairly big oil slick heading for the beautiful Welsh coastline, not that anyone would have known about it.......:-[

22-03-2009, 06:05 AM
You know this sort of thing sucks its makes me sick, you'd think an enviromental catastrophe like this would have made the news world wide, sadly not, neither did those containers full of hazardous chemicals, floating around the Queensland coast, these big corporations have really got the media sown up it seems..

We have a fairly big oil slick heading for the beautiful Welsh coastline, not that anyone would have known about it.......:-[

Sandstorm, while I was not happy this happened theres no need to tell porkies. Im sitting in Baghdad as we speak and the oil slick was all over the telly on all world news sites for 3 days.

I also wish people would stop talking about Ammonium nitrate being Hazardous materials. It's fertiliser double bagged inside of shipping containers (triple sealed) there will be bugger all leakage. While the cargo will get wet surely and that will ruin it I for one am absolutely certain that the Ammonium nitrate will not do any damage to the environment. I am more concerned about the containers causeing hazards to boaties hitting them.



22-03-2009, 07:47 PM
Sandstorm, while I was not happy this happened theres no need to tell porkies. Im sitting in Baghdad as we speak and the oil slick was all over the telly on all world news sites for 3 days.

I also wish people would stop talking about Ammonium nitrate being Hazardous materials. It's fertiliser double bagged inside of shipping containers (triple sealed) there will be bugger all leakage. While the cargo will get wet surely and that will ruin it I for one am absolutely certain that the Ammonium nitrate will not do any damage to the environment. I am more concerned about the containers causeing hazards to boaties hitting them.



Sorry mate I watch and listern to the BBC news daily, and I don't remember hearing anything about an oil slick on the Queensland coast, maybe i'm getting deaf and forgetfull in my old age...............;D

22-03-2009, 09:48 PM
I also happened to see a snippet on a news broadcast, and heard commentary on ABC radio (along with grabs from other sources) about the widespread coverage the the oil spill was reported throughout the world..in countries like France, USA, Canada, Russia, Spain, Japan, and many more i cant recall accurately.

It was NOT an environmental 'catastrophy'...nor even a disaster. It was a serious incident that should not have occured, and potentially could have been a catastrophy or disaster if the substances involved were more potent then they actually are in the circumstances. This is the same sensationalist reporting that you get when the greenie/PETA and other fanatical preservationist groups drive their agenda through the media (just like our green zones) without proper scientific basis or knowledge.

Ugly and unnecessary damage, aesthetically cleaned up, some immediate collateral damage (and that makes me sad and angry too), but long term environmental damage....not this time...thankfully. Lets hope its the scare that puts the wind up the Pollies and Beaurocrats(sp) to make them prevent similar scenarios occuring in the future. And hang that skipper from the highest yardarm for 1) Sailing into an area affected by a cat 4-5 cyclone, and 2) lieing to the authorities about the extent of the spill.

Soapboxed vacated


22-03-2009, 10:57 PM
Environmental catastrophe or not, this kind of thing has been going on since we started using oil, its time we put modern technology to use and this kind of thing was resigned to the history books..

One mans catastrophe is another mans, no biggie!, I fish the majority of the time no more than a 3 mile stretch of coast, a few thousand liters of crude oil spilled on my shore would be devastating to me ...........

22-03-2009, 11:02 PM
Just out of interest how many of you guys heard about this? this happend in some of the last unspoilt waters in Europe, the oil is now on the seabed, prime shelfish beds, it never came a shore, never the less it must still have a made a negative impact..

