View Full Version : Lowrance LCX-27c question

12-03-2009, 10:11 AM
Hey Guys,

Is anyone out here familiar with this unit or know a dealer that could help me out? This unit came with a second hand boat I bought and I'm having a few problems setting it up. This is my first boat in 12 years, so excuse my ignorance if some of the problems are easy to fix:

1) The unit keeps turning itself off and resetting itself when I turn the motor on? This is a real pain especially after you just spent 30mins going through the manual while on the water!!!
2) Can you get a power cable so I can play with it inside the house instead of sitting in the boat on my drive way, looking like I'm waiting for the floods to arrive??;D
3) I bought the boat in Bundy and everytime I hit the water the plotter keeps Bloody beeping at me telling me I am way off cource to the Burnett river!!. Well If i did drift that far I would be really worried.... However even though I try and reset it and letting it know we don't need to go back to bundy, as mentioned above, as soon as I turn the motor over, the unit SH*&! itself again and starts beeping at me!!!! It really must love rum....

As you can see, I'm starting to get the Shi%! with it. I don't mind paying for someones services to reset the unit and maybe go through with me a quick run down of it and problem shooting. As I have tried everything in the manual and it just will not work for me!!!

Can anyone recommend a someone or a dealer that could help me out?


12-03-2009, 03:45 PM

sounds like you might have a battery problem, when the unit gets below a certain voltage it is powered off.
Yes you can get a power cable made for the unit, Trymax marine should be able to do it for you.
The third problem seems to indicate that it was the last known position prior to talking to your antenna, I suspect that the power problem is the cause of it, dropping the power on the unit, next time before you start the engine, power the unit off properly. Again Trymax in brisbane is a good start.Regards

12-03-2009, 08:52 PM
Hi Ben, go to the Lowrance web site and enter LCX-27c in the search box in top right corner and you should be able to find some answers, look for doc downloads.

You can ring them up also to talk to a tech rep.

Have a look at the Support page. On the Download page have a look at the Emulator for yours, play with it on the computer rather than the 'Noahs Ark' trick.



13-03-2009, 06:10 AM
Ben, go into your GPS menu and hit the reset button mate. You can also hit the "log tracking" or something like that {can't remember exact name} which will stop the beeping off course alarm. You'll need to set your position for your location either at home or wherever you want your possy to be.

Alternatively ring Lowrance Aust on: 1300 628 426

13-03-2009, 09:46 AM

Can't help you with the unit shutting off issue, but I think I can help with the off course alarm. The last time they used the unit it they must have set a destination for their trip. You need to cancel this or it will come up every time. I'm not in front of my unit but from memory, hit the menu button twice to get into the main menu, and about half way down there should be something like "cancel navigation". Select that and that should be it.



Bill D
15-03-2009, 09:26 AM
Ben if you wish to teach your self more about the lcx27c before going on the water type lowrance emulator into google and screen down then click on lcx27c and you can play with this unit on the computer.

John Buoy
15-03-2009, 10:02 AM
all good points there Ben.
Re switching off..
Does your boat have a battery switch/isolator.
I have seen where units are hooked up to the engine terminals
on these switches which is defined as a piggy back connection
and as a result whilst the engine cranking over a voltage drop
shuts off the electronics.
I suggest you look at the units wiring and have it running independantly
all the way thru to battery.
If is still happens then your baterry is shyzen house...

Regards Frank

15-03-2009, 03:08 PM
I am with JB
it happened with mine and I just separated the sounder wires from all the others with the sounder wire closest to the battery pole as a single
it hasn't done it since
providing your battery is strong that could be the answer

19-03-2009, 02:36 PM
thanks for everyones advice with this.

The Battery is about 3 years old and with the motor having less than 10 hours on it, think it might be on it's way out from lack of use.

Yes there is switch/isolator for the the unit, which I have to turn on before I push the power button on the unit. So are you saying It's best to by pass this and run the wiring directly to the battery? Excuse my ignorance, I push pens for a leaving....::)


19-03-2009, 03:13 PM

Can't help you with the unit shutting off issue, but I think I can help with the off course alarm. The last time they used the unit it they must have set a destination for their trip. You need to cancel this or it will come up every time. I'm not in front of my unit but from memory, hit the menu button twice to get into the main menu, and about half way down there should be something like "cancel navigation". Select that and that should be it.



if this didn't work it might be a man overboard that is turned on and it keeps wanting to take you back to it .I forget but it was much the same system to turn it off .

John Buoy
23-03-2009, 04:10 PM
thanks for everyones advice with this.

The Battery is about 3 years old and with the motor having less than 10 hours on it, think it might be on it's way out from lack of use.

Yes there is switch/isolator for the the unit, which I have to turn on before I push the power button on the unit. So are you saying It's best to by pass this and run the wiring directly to the battery? Excuse my ignorance, I push pens for a leaving....::)

Ben run your sounder/gps wire from the unit straight to your battery independantly.
In between the positive wire run and on/off switch to isolate the unit when not in use and make sure you also use a fuse.

If it still plays up next step is try another battery;)

Regards Frank

23-03-2009, 06:38 PM
Mate had something similar happening with my LMS, same thing just a different size. The switching off was a battery problem, in my case the wing nuts on the battery lugs had vibrated slightly loose, turn the motor over and the power drain caused the unit to shut of. Check the wiring and connections.

2 get the Rick Huckstep DVD, it will give you the basics of using the sounder and use the lowrance site for the simulators which are pretty good

3 Switch of the navigation of should stop the beep problem and also ensure that the unit is shut down using the off button not the battery switch. Next time it comes on it will try to locate itself at the last known position. Saves time booting up if you use the same ramp.