View Full Version : Darwin Based Ausfishers

08-03-2009, 12:00 PM
Hows it going guys

I am fairly new to Darwin just recently sold my Trailcraft and downgraded to a Stacer proline 3.99m would love to here from people the best places to get out and fish I have never fished for Barra and have done most of my time offshore

would love any advice and tips for the region

I have been researching Manton Dam would love to hear your thoughts on it

Cheers Russ

08-03-2009, 02:30 PM
russ have a look at nt finder forums, they have a section on manton in it. cheers

08-03-2009, 08:25 PM
Hey Russ, made the big move OK I hope?

PM Richieboy and I'm sure he will point you in the right direction

I look foreward to seeing you sorting out the scene up there



08-03-2009, 08:38 PM
Hows it going Neil

Yeah got up here ok had a few hiccups first was some wan#@r trying to clean me up and then getting stuck in the floods got up to Camooweal and then had to turn around and head via Port Augusta not a good trip especially as the Nissan was fully loaded and pulling the trailcraft.

I will definitely get a hold of Richieboy, I still have atleast 6 weeks till the boat gets delivered so I will be doing a heap of research and getting the Barra gear read.
Hopefully a meet and greet can get sorted for us Territorians, Once the new boat arrives I will definately be flying the Ausfish banner.


09-03-2009, 03:52 AM
Russ, Give me a ring today on 89324766 as I'm packing up today to get out of this god forsaken place tomorrow. I have a book with heaps of locations to fish if you want it, it's yours.


09-03-2009, 08:54 AM
thx mate much appreciated