View Full Version : How to keep Beach worms ?

06-03-2009, 05:16 PM
Say you have some leftover and dont want to feed them to the birds.

Can anyone tell me how to keep them & how long would they keep ?

And im talking more of preserving them then fridge/freezer.


06-03-2009, 05:19 PM
Alive or dead? I know how to keep the dead in the best way. Keep them in a bit of sand and Metholated spirits. Heard from a beach fishermen at Noosa.

06-03-2009, 05:45 PM
i usd to keep them in a foam box full of wet snad and cover it with a wet hessian bag. Uncle used to kep em in shredded newspaper in a box wet with salt water

08-03-2009, 09:26 AM
I put any left over live worms in a small plastic bag along with heaps of salt, mix well making sure all the worms are covered in salt, then straight into the freezer.
I have had worms there for over 3 months and were OK to use.
Salting seems to make then tough and they don't disintegrate the next time you go to put them on a hook.
Results wise, I have not noticed any difference between my frozen worms or fresh live ones.
I have kept live ones for a few days in a shallow (about 1-1.5cms) tray of sea water in a cool area (like the concrete floor of the garage with a wet sack over the top). The only problem with this is the water needs to be changed every 3-4 hours. Makes it very time consuming and intensive.
Hope this helps Mike

08-03-2009, 10:25 AM
Keep them as you would when fresh and add the contents of one penicillan capsule to the water when you freshen up the sand mix the first time. Apparently the anti-biotics keep them a little longer as the bacteria will build up in the small amount of water they are in due to their poop:o

08-03-2009, 09:34 PM
When I was a lad my father used to take the sand from about halfway to the sanddune from the wet sand and lay it onto about half a potato bag.After washing the worms well at least a couple of times lay them in the sand and fold the rest of the bag over them.Put the bag in shade and keep the bag wet and you will be suprized as to how long they will last.

09-03-2009, 08:15 AM
this comes up all the time, and people come up with a dozen secret recipes from Metho, food colouring and Chemicals, but I have found that just a little bit of Sea water in a zip lock plastic bag, into the freezer and they come out like new (except the last tail bit), mind you, they need to be good (read alive) when you feeze them, no use feezing crap and expecting it to defrost fresh!

09-03-2009, 09:40 AM
Thank you all to have replied,

Im sure one if not all of the above will work, so it will be a mater of what works best for me.

Thanks agian

09-03-2009, 09:11 PM
Just straight metho in a pill bottle.It toughens them up plenty but the metho seems to be an attractant and they work just fine