View Full Version : A couple of squire

28-02-2009, 09:01 PM
Still waiting for that leckie to be fixed and the patience is wearing a little thin. Passed up an afternoon session during the week because I thought bugger it,Wanted to target some squire as there starting to go on the chew around the river but trying to work plastics without the leckie just seemed to much of an ask. This arvo 3pm and the wife was going to see a chick flick and all the yard was done so I thought I might as well have a go. Bloody river was choppy and the wind was blowing but i was on the water. Tried to fish one of my favorite areas but it was just to hard to fish. found an area where i could get a resonable drift and persisted flicking arouind the edge of a wharf and finished with 2 squire around 38-40 cm. Made for a nice meal tonight for me and the girl so it was all good. Fish came from 4-5 metres of water .Surprised I ended up with any after the constant starting of the outboard in that depth of water:-/ Anyway things can only improve as autumn closes in,Thats if i ever get this leckie back>:( >:( Cheers

28-02-2009, 09:04 PM
nice post chief
can you tell us sp you using?

28-02-2009, 09:22 PM
Hey Chief,
Nice fish there mate. Hope you get your leckkie sorted out soon. I am still saving my pennies to buy one...
Do you ever chase the threadies in the river??


28-02-2009, 10:18 PM
yrrab.....4 inch turtleback worms in pumkinseed got those two.

lunatic... yes mate , done a few trips and came up with a few now on bait and plastics .

28-02-2009, 10:23 PM
thanks cheif
all the best with your elcy

28-02-2009, 11:14 PM
Good one mate

01-03-2009, 06:13 AM
Well done for persevering Chief, now you know how I feel fishing the Brissy with no Leccie, which is why I've only tried twice!! :-/ Hope they get the thing fixed soon though, It would drive me bananas.


01-03-2009, 11:27 AM
nice feed there cheif , i know how you feel my peddle is playing up again so its back at BLA for the second repair , you dont realise how much you use it till you dont have it .


01-03-2009, 01:04 PM
Good to see you back the river squire actions...

01-03-2009, 02:02 PM
Good fish for the conditions Chief, cannot wait until your leckie is fixed so you can get them a bit more comfortably.

Good work none the less.


01-03-2009, 02:21 PM
Well done chief great effort especially with out a leccy!!
Wer is this BLA???
is ur leccy under warranty?
cheers Simon

01-03-2009, 03:21 PM
Good effort with the wind and no leccy. I tipped my battery over saturday after loosing most of its water being in the front well. The poor old battery is copping a pounding in the swell. Good to see the squire coming on and jack at the mouth i heard. I have been chasing jack for months now with not even a touch with livies, hardbodies, plastics and even hoping for one in the net but still nothing. It realy takes up your time whit nothing for your troubles. Next month i am after a jew and no doubt it will be as fruitless. Cheers.

01-03-2009, 04:12 PM
Scalem....mate you don't realise what you have until its gone. 1 out of 10 days you might get a resonable chance without one but I sure not happy with those odds ;D

Nico.d.R... no wonder there so far behind everyones leckie is down there.

Rat-king... BLA is in Hemmant.I'm sure mine is still under warranty

Dobson... theres nothing better than targeting a fish and coming home with the goods. Keep at it mate.

01-03-2009, 05:36 PM
Nice catch there chief, gotta be spewing bout the leckie, i've never had one, so drifting can be frustrating at times, specially with a bit of wind around! Feeling your pain every fish! good luck

02-03-2009, 10:18 AM
Better than i did CHIEF! Went out for a few hours before the high on Sat night, mainly trying big SP's for a Threadie but didn't get a single hit from a Snap or Threadie. Mind you, i only did 1 drift close to any wharves - mainly stayed in the deep open water...

Tried to go out to Mud for the high but i didn't even complete the mouth before turning around - wasn't that desperate to get a fish at Mud! Bloody rough!

Take Care T

02-03-2009, 11:23 AM
Nice early season squire Chief, top stuff.
