View Full Version : Have your say on the Bay

27-02-2009, 08:31 AM

The above is a link to have your say about the closures of Moreton Bay,on the LNP we site, via email.

Please keep it professional.
I have already sent mine. The LNP candidates are also shown on the site. So that could mean you can canvas your candidate from the same site.

Chris Ryan
27-02-2009, 08:36 AM

The above is a link to have your say about the closures of Moreton Bay,on the LNP we site, via email.

Please keep it professional.
I have already sent mine. The LNP candidates are also shown on the site. So that could mean you can canvas your candidate from the same site.

Thanks David. Glad they are finally getting their act to together on this. Maybe they were just waiting for the right time......maybe this Saturday at 10am??? :)

27-02-2009, 09:22 AM
Yep, sent mine in too. Lets hope they actually read them

Derek Bullock
27-02-2009, 06:45 PM
Thanks David. Glad they are finally getting their act to together on this. Maybe they were just waiting for the right time......maybe this Saturday at 10am??? :)

Interesting post Chris.

So the LNP is going to release a policy statement on the Moreton Bay Marine Park, or possibly even the whole issue of recreational fishing in Queensland, at 10.00 am at the start of or to coincide with, the SOBA Rally tomorrow and SOBA is going to claim credit for it. Tut, tut.

Well that's my theory based on a few assumptions, presumptions and anecdotes I guess, but an interesting spin anyway.

Aren't Spin Doctors marvellous. ;)

Mrs Ronnie H
27-02-2009, 07:31 PM
Hi guys
I just sent my email asking how the LNP feel and what policies if any they have regarding this issue.
Today while on lunch a fellow work mate left a map of Moreton and a booklet outlining all the changes. Probably until now I didn't realise just how bad this all was. Is there any place worth fishing left in the bay. I am totally mortified at this whole thing., not to mention that some of the places thast have been re zoned is just ridiculous. I would love to own a semi trailer as i would visit the nearest fish processing plant, fill it up with rotten fish, dump half off to Anna bligh and the other half on the steps of the EPA.
I feel gutted (pardon the pun)

Chris Ryan
27-02-2009, 07:38 PM
Actually Derek it is wishful thinking on my part that they would make the time to attend our rally. No spin included there at all.

I will in no way be claiming anything as I have not had nor do I have any involvement with the LNP other than to ask them to release a document, any document, that will give us an indication of what will happen under their control. If that does occur it will surprise me as much as anyone else.


Shane Boese
27-02-2009, 07:51 PM
Interesting post Chris.

So the LNP is going to release a policy statement on the Moreton Bay Marine Park, or possibly even the whole issue of recreational fishing in Queensland, at 10.00 am at the start of or to coincide with, the SOBA Rally tomorrow and SOBA is going to claim credit for it. Tut, tut.

Well that's my theory based on a few assumptions, presumptions and anecdotes I guess, but an interesting spin anyway.

Aren't Spin Doctors marvellous. ;)

Mate I find this intersting to but got to say I dont think so

Chris Ryan
27-02-2009, 07:54 PM
Thanks Shane.

Shane Boese
27-02-2009, 08:17 PM
Thanks Shane.

Mate good luck tomorrow hope you get the turnout you need. Always remember that the needs of the many will always outway the needs of the few or the one. As you have no doubt worked out I will be some were else.

Regards Shane

28-02-2009, 09:08 AM
so how many have sent an email now?

01-03-2009, 12:00 PM
This needs more attention people