View Full Version : Quiet and lumpy at Mud

20-02-2009, 12:16 PM
Slipped out to mud this morning before sunup...Within a few mins had a just keeper squire....then a big catfish.....a grinner...then another squire...it was a bit lumpy with a constant breeze....moved down the bottom end few other boats (well im waiting for the reports and pics....must have been a ausfish there)...had one nice hit that took me under something and cut the line...put out some burley, but only attracted little stuff that kept knocking off the baits.....Left to head home...was running along the east side slow....seen some life on the sounder...had a flick of a SP...scored another keeper snapper....few more flicks..but nothing else...nice sunrise but

20-02-2009, 01:33 PM
Hey juju i think we saw you this morning near that black beacon? We were doing drifts near to you, didn't get much either, the weather got much better after you left too, wind died right down, but so did the fish!...

20-02-2009, 02:59 PM
Hi Ju Ju. I remember the name on your boat. You sat next to me at the bottom end of Mud for a fair while.

I went out there just long enough to use up some old bait and took home two sweetlips, one tailor and one bream. No quality in them - just legal size or so.

That was my third trip this week out there (Mon and Tues) and the results from each trip were similar on the other days.

Dropped in some pots east of Mud earlier in the week but as Nugget said in his weekly fishing report last Friday, there must have been really too much fresh water out there for the sandies. Caught two sandies from a pot that was located well out into the paddock. The more westerly ones caught nought.

You were right about the wind. The weather bureau lied!

http://img.skitch.com/20090220-ehsbk21189e1jxej4ka8w4rc1q.preview.jpg (http://skitch.com/charleville2/bfmna/brisbane-queensland-weather-forecast-swell-wind-tide-rain-temperature-3)
Click for full size (http://skitch.com/charleville2/bfmna/brisbane-queensland-weather-forecast-swell-wind-tide-rain-temperature-3) - Uploaded with plasq (http://plasq.com)'s Skitch (http://skitch.com)


21-02-2009, 05:01 AM
I went over on Thursday morning. Fished the Woody Point reefs early for one Moses Perch and a couple of undersize squire, but conditions were so good I thought I'd run over to Mud. Figured it was too late to try for snapper so I fished in close to the island for a few bream. Ended up with 4 bream, 2 tarwhine, 2 grassies, a big dart, a metre plus longtom and about a dozen gar. Among the released crowd were two nice, but just under, spangled emperor. Then went looking for pelagics. Couldn't get close to the longtails and couldn't persuade the spotties I found to eat either lure or fresh trolled garfish. Conditions could not have been better - pleasant day on the water
Cheers Freeeedom

21-02-2009, 02:38 PM
...(well im waiting for the reports and pics....must have been a ausfish there)...

Juju, I'd been planning a trip out for weeks and with both the fishing and weather reports looking very promising Thursday night I thought we might actually get some fish. Got to the ramp before dawn to be greeted by strong winds and too much chop for my little tinny. Launched anyway and sheltered near Wellington Point. When the wind dropped we headed out to Mud, but too late for anything serious. Managed 5 undersized snaps and a mixed bag of vermin (grinners, goat fish, eel, ray).

Hard to complain even if we didn't get any fish (did get two sandies) as it was better than working and after the wind dopped it was a great day on the water.

I figure the lack of reports means you did better than most.


21-02-2009, 07:40 PM
Juju, I'd been planning a trip out for weeks and with both the fishing and weather reports looking very promising Thursday night I thought we might actually get some fish. Got to the ramp before dawn to be greeted by strong winds and too much chop for my little tinny. Launched anyway and sheltered near Wellington Point. When the wind dropped we headed out to Mud, but too late for anything serious. Managed 5 undersized snaps and a mixed bag of vermin (grinners, goat fish, eel, ray).

Hard to complain even if we didn't get any fish (did get two sandies) as it was better than working and after the wind dopped it was a great day on the water.

I figure the lack of reports means you did better than most.

i was going to hang in a bit longer,but decided that the wind might hold on...and i did have paperwork that needed to be done...so i pulled the pin....ended up having to go do a quote after i washed the boat.....didnt get the job....should have tried my plan b and went in close to the island for a bit of a play.......