View Full Version : Understanding Reels

13-02-2009, 02:24 PM
Hi I am trying to learn more about fishing reels. I dont understand somethings so can I please get some help.

I will use the Shimano Tiagra for example:

Tiagra 12 Tiagra 16 Tiagra 20A Tiagra 30A Tiagra 30WLRSA Tiagra 50A Tiagra 50WLRSA Tiagra 80W Tiagra 130WA

I am trying to understand what all tgis means. Does the number mean the size and the bigger the number the larger the reel is?
Also what does the A and W and WLRSA mean?

Thanks for any help

13-02-2009, 06:16 PM
Normally the bigger the number the bigger the reel. Have a look at the Shimano sight.

13-02-2009, 07:18 PM
W stands for wide body
LRS stands for Long Range Special which mean the drag cam is set to take heavier lines and higher drag
A stands for A series which i believe is there new models (though im 100% on that anyone else confirm?)

13-02-2009, 07:42 PM
And the 12 stands for 12lb line the 16 for 16 lb line right through the 130 for 130 lb line. The reels should hold about 900 to 1000m of there alotted line!

14-02-2009, 02:06 PM
shimano also uses the suffix of N, which means the spool is narrower than usual.
