View Full Version : Custard Tarts

11-02-2009, 10:27 PM
I know that this is not a seafood related thread. But an incident tonight made me ponder this. I was doing the late 'we are out of bread' trip to the local supermarket, and they had family sized custard tarts on special for $2 each...so I thought...brownie points...grab one for desert tonight.

I have to state up front I do not have a sweet tooth in any way shape or form, so this was a treat for the rest of the mob. Put it in the fridge when i got home. Took it out of the fridge after dinner and left it on the bench for everyone to have a piece when they felt like it. 11yo niece said it was watery, mum said it was ok when she had a piece, sis said it was ok, but had been out of the fridge a bit too long.

I had always like the baked custard tarts that you got from the proper bakeries, but i cant come at the ones that need to be chilled to attain consistency..i think they are bland.

What do you guys prefer.....baked custard tarts....or chilled custard tarts?


12-02-2009, 09:38 AM
baked...all the way :)

12-02-2009, 12:14 PM
Baked is the only Custard Tart

13-02-2009, 06:44 PM
Baked definately. The texture is totally different with the chilled ones and just doesn't seem to taste the same.

13-02-2009, 07:20 PM
God dam it !!!!! now I have to go to the shop and get a custard tart !!!!!!!!!

14-02-2009, 12:20 AM
He hehe....that will learn ya!!!

14-02-2009, 06:22 AM
Baked... yum love those things! Apple turnovers good too (but no cream).

14-02-2009, 06:35 AM
Store bought Tarts are watery and Caramel tarts are never the real caramel
Baked is the only option

14-02-2009, 06:53 AM
God dam it !!!!! now I have to go to the shop and get a custard tart !!!!!!!!!
Baked or crappy??

captain rednut
14-02-2009, 07:04 AM
hi greg baked only, the custard tart is a compulsory food item for those long boring tournament days, marlin love them. we always seem to hook up just as we start spreading the food items out on the esky with stuff eveywhere and away goes the reel zzzzzzzzzzzz and after the fight we get to enjoy eating off the floor, thanks jim

14-02-2009, 10:18 AM
Definitely BAKED,I consider myself a Custard tart efficianado8-) and you can stick the supermarket ones in the bin:P

15-02-2009, 12:12 AM
Thanks guys. Now that you have confirmed my faith in the true fishos taste buds......where the hell do you get the good baked custard tarts anywhere near the Reddy Peninsula? (dead set giveaway is that with the baked ones the custard sinks down below the pastry rim, and even sometimes has little fissures in the custard....whereas the chilled ones the custard bulges above the rim and are very light in colour).


15-02-2009, 06:25 PM
my wife just cooked some in the new pie maker tasted quite all right


16-02-2009, 11:46 PM
OK ...am widening the search.......ANYWHERE near Brissy that does baked custard tarts? Now I have the taste buds tingling.....I need a fix BAD!


20-02-2009, 12:27 AM
I cant believe that NO bakery in Brissy or the surrounds does baked custard tarts! Surely someone out there knows of one?


20-02-2009, 07:06 AM
Easy to make yourself I'd reckon.
Well mum reckon's anyways.
Try this recipe
Baking beans are tiny hard things to stop the crust rising.
Or if you really want to get a fix

Mmmm custard tart http://www.smileyhut.com/eat_drink/essen.gif
Reminds me I'd better visit my mum soon

06-03-2009, 12:52 AM
PLEASE....PRETTY PLEASE>>>>>Does any one know of any bakery in Brissy or surrounds that does proper baked custard tarts????????

06-03-2009, 03:59 PM
what about vanilla slices..YUMMY

06-03-2009, 05:06 PM
What do you guys prefer.....baked custard tarts....or chilled custard tarts?


No one likes a cold old tart :-X

06-03-2009, 06:13 PM
PLEASE....PRETTY PLEASE>>>>>Does any one know of any bakery in Brissy or surrounds that does proper baked custard tarts????????

I have not tried them, but found this place with Google;


"Famous for our own Portugese baked custard tarts. "

06-03-2009, 06:34 PM
hi greg try deception bay bakery .had 1 there.highly recommend.let me know how u go.

10-03-2009, 12:46 AM
which bakery? There are a few in D Bay? the one out front of the shopping centre?

wags on the water
10-03-2009, 12:59 AM
I don't think I should have clicked on this thread this late at night............................................. .................................................. ............................
...Baked Custard Tarts..............Mmmmmmmm :smitten: 1 custard tart :smitten: 2 custard tar :smitten:3 custard t :smitten:4 cust...

08-04-2009, 01:40 AM
still havent found a decent one yet! Any more hints?

16-06-2009, 09:04 AM
New Farm Bakery, in Merthyr Rd does a fantastic custard tart. Haven't been there for a while. Looks like they've changed the pastry they use.
Will definately be going back for more.

20-06-2009, 09:57 AM
You lot are rotten!!

I'm just trolling Ausfish, crook as, and come across this post.

Now I'm going to have to make some!! Or maybe that raspberry tart they made on Masterchef last night......

wags on the water
20-06-2009, 09:03 PM
Try this recipe
Mmmm custard tart http://www.smileyhut.com/eat_drink/essen.gif
Reminds me I'd better visit my mum soon

I think is how my mum still cooks them or very similar to it.