View Full Version : Mud 09/02

09-02-2009, 01:50 PM
With what was looking like a good day on seabreeze expected, i decided to take the tinny out to mud. Got out there around 4:30 and drifted the western side for around an hour for only tiny squire. Decided at about 5:30 to check out the northern side (i'd never tried up there before) had no idea of waht to expect without a gps or sounder but took a guess and threw the anchor down. for about the next 5 hours we sat there pulling in tuskies around the 28-29cm mark, with two over the legal size. Got busted 5 times on who knows what but they went hard. Also lost an entire spool of line to something that just wouldnt stop. Would of liked to know what it was. Also saw a stingray jump a good 2m into the air which was a decent sight. Home by 11:30 and just finished the cleaning, I think its time for a sleep.

Cheers, Nick

10-02-2009, 12:14 PM
What ever it was took me twice at Green ast sunday. If you were anchored it could have been a big snapper cause at that size they are impossible to stop anchored. Cheers

10-02-2009, 12:39 PM
ive lost a bunch of expensive braid there with unstoppables....esp at nite...there are some big guys living around there....funny how they never hit the big rig but...

10-02-2009, 02:40 PM
Yeah had 20lb braid and 6lb mono out, and every time with the mono.