View Full Version : Nq fishos - Easter

04-02-2009, 09:23 PM
Anyone interested in taking a trip at easter and getting spooled some where. Let me know who is interested and where abouts your thinking.

04-02-2009, 10:19 PM
If I have the time off I will be taking part in a fishing comp up at Lucinda. Got to check my rosters yet.

05-02-2009, 06:58 AM
Couldnt imagine where your going to fish brett

05-02-2009, 07:42 AM
HMMMMMMM Hard question that one, might happen to be a little place I call SPOT XL

Scott nthQld
05-02-2009, 08:51 AM
oi bud, you know I'll be up for it. Never fished Luicinda or Cardwell before so those 2 are high on my list, that's if they don't get washed away with all this water.

05-02-2009, 09:08 AM
Lucinda for me 4 whole days staying in Halifax and going to the reef or islands

05-02-2009, 09:40 AM
Just booked a couple of campsites up at Wanderers, all set, just gotta make sure I have the time off!!!

05-02-2009, 04:03 PM
Good idea Matt, I will see what the weather is doing. If conditions look good I will consider towing down my punt. If conditions are anything like they were at Mission it should be a bit of fun!

05-02-2009, 04:37 PM
seriously it won't be fishable till the start of the next wet...might get some fish at reefs/islands possibly shoals if fresh aint that far.

05-02-2009, 06:13 PM
have been at Cardwell over Easter 3 times, the boat never seen the reef from down there, always too windy, but elsewhere sounds good


05-02-2009, 06:47 PM
Where you thinking Wahoo

05-02-2009, 08:23 PM
have been at Cardwell over Easter 3 times, the boat never seen the reef from down there, always too windy, but elsewhere sounds good


Ah mate thats terrible luck....but I reckon its more a sign of the time of year than the place ...if its too windy in Cardwell to get to the reef its a pretty good bet its also going to be too windy everywhere else between Cairns and Townsville....

I get a bit sick and frustrated of the wind up here as well,Daz...so this year I intend to chase a few inshore and estuary species like Barra,Jacks and grunter and maybe a fingermark or 2...and just get to the reef as often as the freezer needs re-stocking and the weather is nice....thats the plan anyway...


06-02-2009, 07:29 AM
We'll be in Karumba for easter.

06-02-2009, 08:57 AM
Nice, just watch out for the four legged handbags

06-02-2009, 10:38 AM
We'll be in Karumba for easter.

how are you going to get there fly i don't know if the roads will be open yet

06-02-2009, 01:12 PM
Won't take long for those bushies to get the dozers and graders out and fix up the road, their used to it. It may not be tar, but the bugger will be functional albeit a corregated bush road.

I'd be getting my suspension checked and serviced before Easter!!!

06-02-2009, 01:16 PM
I'm hearing about 5 weeks for the water that is there now to go down let alone if they get more then they have to fix the road and there is a big chunk missing near the Einasliegh bridge

17-03-2009, 12:06 PM
Have just got leave approved & booked a campsite at wanderers, will have a beer with you Brett if your still going.


17-03-2009, 02:37 PM
Booked and my leave is in also, just have to con the boss (he might be going up with his mate fishing too, so should be no dramas).

Just look for the boat or truck!!

17-03-2009, 02:43 PM
I will be up there but staying at Halifax

Nanny King NQ
17-03-2009, 05:16 PM
The week before Easter I am headed up to Mission with my cousin and his brother in law. Should be good will be visiting that spot again brett with some really heavy gear to stop those massive cobia.

17-03-2009, 06:02 PM
Thursday put pots in Friday a few live prawns for barra Saturday change boats and go to reef , sunday come back from reef pick up pots and probably scare the shit out of everybody by boat size

rest of day fillet fish and eat crab plus a bottle of benleigh rum
monday hmmm where did it go

17-03-2009, 08:10 PM
you can share it with the other once a year crowd that is up there easter i can't stand it, im going up (lucinda) got a place there, from 17th till 25th week and bit after eater, should have calmed down a little by then, hearing good barra up there at the moment, total of 100,000 barra released via flooded farms in seymore an conn creeks.

18-03-2009, 07:13 AM
Sounds good Rhyce.
We going up for an inter club comp, hope to see a few of the guys on the water. Will hopefully get out wide (weather permitting).

Hey Ozbee, don't put the mocka on yourself too early, brave call, fillet fish and eat crab before their caught. Just joking I know your gunna clean up. One of these days I'll have to pull the anchor for you and take a look at the stretch of water you fish!!

Scott nthQld
18-03-2009, 10:52 AM
no need to pull the anchor on his boat brett......damn I love anchor winches.

18-03-2009, 08:57 PM
Camping at Cardwell. My boat is unwell, so will have to stay behind.

19-03-2009, 08:12 AM
Why is your boat so unwell????