View Full Version : C Map cartridge- Moreton Bay

20-01-2009, 01:29 PM
Recently moved my boat from up north to north Brisabane. It is fitted with Lowrance Globalmap 2000 but needs local Moreton Bay C Map (CF85). Agents advise these do not exist anymore. So I am requesting help to locate a suitable C Map cartridge for Moreton Bay that someone may wish to sell. Alternative is an expensive change out of an otherwise excellent chart plotter.Thanks

20-01-2009, 01:49 PM
A new CMAP is how much? I think my last upgrade was $130 and that's the whole of Australia.

My old chip is sitting around, it has QLD, NSW, and maybe Vic. If it works for you, a carton or a nice bottle of rum will suffice :). I reckon you should get a new map, though, as things do change.

Will be back in Brisbane on Thursday if you want to try it out.



20-01-2009, 02:59 PM
Timiboy, Thanks for the quick response. Appreciate your sentiments re cost. I am not trying to be penny pinching but the card is a C Map card not C Map NT or C Map Max. Cannot get orginal C Map cards - have made extensive commercial enquiries. So if it is C Map suitable to Lowrance GM2000 quite happy to supply carton or your favourite rum. Will pm you for Thursday. Cheers

Dee Jay
20-01-2009, 05:59 PM
I also have a C map card that I was looking to upgrade. Mine is only a few years old as I think that I got one of the last of them. I am currently running a Seiwa GPS which should run the same as the Lowerance. Give me a yell if the other one falls through