View Full Version : Newbie to Nepean River
07-01-2009, 10:10 AM
Hi people,
Was just wondering if anyone could help me. i was thinking of taking my inflatable boat fishing in the Nepean river and was wondering what I can catch there? Is the river fresh or salt water?
I have been told it runs into the Hawkesbury which im pretty familiar with. Where is a nice quiet location I can sort out my inflatable boat and hit the water and try and get some big ones? What can I expect to catch? I thought also about trying to attack the Blue Mountains in my inflatable somehoe but I have been told there are no great waterways up there that can get a boat too without walking a million miles?
Can anyone give me some advice?
09-01-2009, 04:56 PM
HEy mate, Nepean river hey, what a great river for Bass and herring.
Depends where you are lounching your boat. I am in Brisbane now and used to fish there alot but have alot of mates who still give the place a good bashing.
Firstly forgive me with suburb names, it has been a while.
Above the weir near Penrith, obviously above is fresh water with a decent boat ramp. We used to catch bucket loads of bass but mainly on the smaller size to 35-40cm. The later reports is that the place has gone alittle quiet, why is anyones guess.
Further up near Wallacia and above is an excellent place especially on an inflatable or canoe, suss the places out on google maps. Good strect of rivers for Bass.
Further down from the weir at penrith is excellent on fly for herring.
Further down the Hawkesbury there is a river called the Colo which a nice place too, especially right up. It is very good on the Bass spawning run as alot of them congregate in this area to do their business.
Just a basic heads up but hope it helps a bit.
05-03-2009, 01:11 PM
Mate if you source a December issue of fishing world there is a full article on fishing the Nepean river.... it starts from near camden and works its way down to the hawkesbury river...talks about lures and techniques too. Hope this helps:)
10-03-2009, 10:12 PM
I and lots of others as sub teens (youngest 6)used to swim from Leonay to the Rowing Club. 3 miles. The junction of Glenbrook Ck and the Nepean was a nice duck dive down to a submerged log very clearly visible from the surface.
You should be able to put in at Penrith or points South, use the street directory, and head South towards Mulgoa and Wallacia. As a kid I have caught perch/bass and rainbow trout there. Also, around the Penrith weir, there were quite a few bullrout on the downstream side (not a fishing proposition), mullet in the river adjacent to the sewer outfall on the East bank below the weir (is that still there) and carp.
If you are targetting bass - your homework (if you have not already thought about this) is how they migrate over the seasons. As to why they may not be found upstream of various weirs, same reason.
Rick K
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