Jungle Jim
31-12-2008, 10:57 AM
Earlier this year i bought a second hand ITO ai which needed some T.L.C as a sort of project of sorts. I thought it would give me something to do when it’s blowing 30knots, give me a chance to learn more about servicing and working on my own reels and a chance to get creative with the aesthetics of the thing.
First thing was first i needed to sort out the mechanical problems. Why it wasn’t working properly and how i could get functioning reliably? I won’t go into the full problem or how i fixed it but suffice to say i learnt a bit on the way. Mainly trial and error and how the tightest tolerances and slightest deviation from these tolerances can cause big problems. :-[ See pic of damaged main gear.
Cleaned and oiled the internals dropped a set of carbontex in there.
Then i decided to do the worm drive upgrade. (THANKS to ALPHAS for his very useful instructions on how to perform this). In the end i decided to make a worm drive collar rather than trying to cut the existing part in half. The plastic is very hard and my Stanley knife wouldn’t cut through it. The shaft diameter is 5mm....
So down to Clark Rubber to get 40cm of 5mm silicon air tube at 95 cents a metre . I won’t lie i must have cut 50 or so 2mm sections before i got one the right thickness (read width) and square. But in the end i managed a couple that were a match for the part i was replacing and i chose the best one of those two. I have attached some pics for those who want to do a similar upgrade. Ordered the bearing slide them on and she’s all done.
Once i had the internals sorted i set about tarting her up a bit. I had grand plans of bassart or zpi handles, ito knobs ize spools and the works. Then i thought well most of the components are flash anyway..... So what’s the point of pulling the ize factory handle off just to put a bassart one on. (of course besides the fact the stock handle will only take 2 bearings and not 4)
So i decided on subtle improvements. In a way i wanted it to look like a factory model. Like it was meant to come like that.
On went a set of cork knobs and the bearings underneath them 1 per handle.then I polished the considerable blemishes from the bare aluminium side plate.
Then one day i was trawling through a Japanese website and i saw a TDZ type r+ with the red drag star and I pictured one on my reel. So i sent my drag star to the anodisers to be redone.
As it turns out they had a bit of difficulty doing it because it is made of three separate sections and that had a bit of trouble getting the anode /cathode thing (sorry i know nothing about anodising) attached to them. They did a great job considering - there is however a slight blemish (less than a mm) on one part of the star where they attached the “jig”.
All in all the reel feels much smoother than a stock one with more than twice the drag and i reckon she’s looks the business now.
All that is left is lapping the washers and the sic spool bearing upgrade.
Is any of this necessary....?No
Did i have hours of fun doing it.....? Sure did.:D
cheers guys -see you next year
First thing was first i needed to sort out the mechanical problems. Why it wasn’t working properly and how i could get functioning reliably? I won’t go into the full problem or how i fixed it but suffice to say i learnt a bit on the way. Mainly trial and error and how the tightest tolerances and slightest deviation from these tolerances can cause big problems. :-[ See pic of damaged main gear.
Cleaned and oiled the internals dropped a set of carbontex in there.
Then i decided to do the worm drive upgrade. (THANKS to ALPHAS for his very useful instructions on how to perform this). In the end i decided to make a worm drive collar rather than trying to cut the existing part in half. The plastic is very hard and my Stanley knife wouldn’t cut through it. The shaft diameter is 5mm....
So down to Clark Rubber to get 40cm of 5mm silicon air tube at 95 cents a metre . I won’t lie i must have cut 50 or so 2mm sections before i got one the right thickness (read width) and square. But in the end i managed a couple that were a match for the part i was replacing and i chose the best one of those two. I have attached some pics for those who want to do a similar upgrade. Ordered the bearing slide them on and she’s all done.
Once i had the internals sorted i set about tarting her up a bit. I had grand plans of bassart or zpi handles, ito knobs ize spools and the works. Then i thought well most of the components are flash anyway..... So what’s the point of pulling the ize factory handle off just to put a bassart one on. (of course besides the fact the stock handle will only take 2 bearings and not 4)
So i decided on subtle improvements. In a way i wanted it to look like a factory model. Like it was meant to come like that.
On went a set of cork knobs and the bearings underneath them 1 per handle.then I polished the considerable blemishes from the bare aluminium side plate.
Then one day i was trawling through a Japanese website and i saw a TDZ type r+ with the red drag star and I pictured one on my reel. So i sent my drag star to the anodisers to be redone.
As it turns out they had a bit of difficulty doing it because it is made of three separate sections and that had a bit of trouble getting the anode /cathode thing (sorry i know nothing about anodising) attached to them. They did a great job considering - there is however a slight blemish (less than a mm) on one part of the star where they attached the “jig”.
All in all the reel feels much smoother than a stock one with more than twice the drag and i reckon she’s looks the business now.
All that is left is lapping the washers and the sic spool bearing upgrade.
Is any of this necessary....?No
Did i have hours of fun doing it.....? Sure did.:D
cheers guys -see you next year