View Full Version : moon phases

25-12-2008, 09:15 PM
could someone please let me know what is meant by the moon above and moon below. As i have been told these are peak times for impoundment barra fishing

26-12-2008, 11:41 AM
Moon above and moon below are exactly that, the time that the moon is either directly above or below you. This can be at any time of the day depending on what phase the moon is in.

So if its a full moon, moon above will be in the midde of the night, and moon below will be during the middle of the day. A new moon will be the other way around, above in the middle of the day and below in the middle of the night. Pick yourself up a copy of the fishing almanac, the little yellow book that is sold at tackle stores and newsagents. It explains the situation very well and also lists the moon above and moon below times for every day of the year.

My brother and I went to Monduran over the last full moon, and he caught 2 fish during the middle of the day or "moon below", one fish each day we were there.

26-12-2008, 11:53 AM
Thanks simon,
i will do that my son and i are going to Monduran tomorrow for a couple of days fishing, have you heard how the fishing is at the moment.