View Full Version : Gaden Hatchery saved

18-12-2008, 08:28 PM
New South Wales
Council of Freshwater Anglers
Fostering a sustainable freshwater fishery
New South Wales Council of Freshwater Anglers Inc
GPO Box 84, Sydney, NSW, 2001. Website www.freshwateranglers.com.au
Formed in 1958 by the acclimatisation societies of NSW and the NSW Rod Fishers’ Society
Media Release
18 December 2008
Anglers save Gaden Trout Hatchery
NSW anglers have achieved an agreement with the NSW government to reverse the November Minibudget
decision to close the Gaden Trout Hatchery at Jindabyne.
“The future of the Snowy Mountains trout fi shery is now secure with this agreement,” NSW Council
of Freshwater Anglers President Steve Samuels said. “Anglers, visitors and businesses can now
go about their activities confi dent in the knowledge that Gaden will continue to underpin the
economic viability of a very important recreational industry.”
The NSW Council of Freshwater Anglers (NSWCFA) took the lead in negotiating with the
Government and other stakeholders to keep the hatchery open and applied to the NSW Recreational
Freshwater Fishing Trust Expenditure Committee (RFFTEC) and the Advisory Council on Recreational
Fishing (ACORF) for money from the fi shing licence fee to be used to support the running of the
On 16 December 2008 Steve Samuels and Bruce Schumacher, (Chair of the ACORF) met with the
Hon Ian Macdonald, Minister for Primary Industries, and at that meeting the Minister agreed to the
plan proposed by the NSWCFA, supported by RFFTEC and ACORF, to use fi shing licence fee monies
to partly support the operation of Gaden Trout Hatchery.
“The Minister welcomed the proposal and also agreed to a number of conditions put forward by the
NSWCFA and ACORF” said Steve Samuels. The conditions agreed to by the Minister provide longterm
certainty for the hatchery and signifi cant angler representation in its management.”
The proposed closure of the 50 year old hatchery threatened to end recreational fi shing for trout in
the Snowy Mountains and many local business risked economic hardship as a result of the decision.
For further information and interviews contact Steve Samuels
steve_samuels@bigpond.com or phone (02) 6241 7957.
Photos available.