View Full Version : new reel choice??

17-12-2008, 09:44 AM
hey fellas

i have got a spare spool of 20lb fire line sitting at home yet to be used an as im wanting a new rod an reel combo this will come in handy. i will be mainly using the new reel for bottom fishign swallow reefs drifting for macks an live baiting in the river for a big fat jewie. im not exactly sure what reel i want though. iv narrowed it down to charter special, tld15 or a trinidad not sure what size yet though. i love my tld 20 so thats tick for the 15. id just liek to see what you guys think about them befor i go out an buy one.

any thought or advice would be great


17-12-2008, 05:34 PM
Mate have a look at the Daiwa Saltist.......it's a little more exxy than a tld 15 but i think you'll be impressed.I don't own one i bought a torrium a few year's ago which is a good reel but for the money you could do better.I do own a tld 15 one of the older japanese built ones with the black handle,it's been good but it's a bit "agricultural" nowaday's.

My next bottom bouncer/troller will be a Saltist

Cheers Dan.