View Full Version : So what do you think of this? Feed back needed

15-12-2008, 07:52 AM
I have been given the green light to buy a Quintrex 490 legend next year after we sell our home in Chinderah.
After looking at a heap of different boat set ups I have settled on this one with a 80 hp Yamaha.


As I have never driven a cc I'm after a bit of feed back(good and bad) from those that do own one and if possible people that own a Legend.

The boat will mainly be used for getting up creeks and rivers up here in the N.T. and off shore.



15-12-2008, 08:10 AM
i reckon the CC are too far forward in the factory boats, when the weather blows up rough the further back the better. I don't know if you can order the console further back.

eg GS marine CC are back towards the rear more so than the quinie

just my thoughts

15-12-2008, 10:39 AM
Make sure it's got a T-Top with some shade for when I come & visit;D

I guess you will be needing a lifejacket too huh?

15-12-2008, 11:40 AM
Not sure about the Quinny but have fished in the seajay a lot and it is a great boat 40hp Yammy 4 stroke 3 blokes esky etc etc. Rides well in any sea.


15-12-2008, 11:44 AM
Stuff the Quinny, get a GS platey or similar. A boat that's built in Darwin!

15-12-2008, 11:55 AM
there is two schools of thought on the position of the console, of course, further back gives the perception of a better ride, but it takes up a lot of room in the rear, and lets face it, that's where you Fish!!! better off to sacrifice some ride and obtain increased fishing space (well I reckon anyway).

15-12-2008, 12:10 PM
Yeah think very hard over ANY "mass produced" boat you buy in Darwin it will require transport back to the populated states for repair work...if you think the manufacturer will pay the going public rate for hotwork in Darwin over the true cost to them doing it warranty at the factory door your trainspotting:( The cost to you in transport is absolutely in their favour to ensure an easy not their decision denial of warranty.

Pretty sure megafish has a beaut darwin/new quintrex story, repeated all too often by too many Aust wide.

cheers fnq

15-12-2008, 12:35 PM
I own a 5.2 stessl CC and its a great boat. They are however wet in cross chop nothing you can do about that unless you want to put up a tee top and put clears up.
Personally I wouldn't want my console any further back as Noel said the back half of the boat is where i do most of my fishing unless i am thowing lures so more room up the back the better. also moving your console back would make for a wetter ride i believe.
I do think that quintrex are well overpriced for what you get when compared to some of the other boats on the market. To me there seems to be many other better boats around for less money.
I also know you have more then likely set your heart on a new boat but for that amount of money you could get a VERY nice second hand package with all the electronics set up and ready to fish.
I don't know much about the newer quintrex boats ( i used to own and fish from an old laze about) apart from what I have read so i am not one to offer comment on them as far as ride or handling go but as far as the centre console boat lay out is concerned I think they are the ultimate fishing layout offering loads of room. look for plenty of underfloor storage room on your chossen boat though as storage in a CC can be an issue.

15-12-2008, 06:15 PM
Forget the fancy advertising blurb and think long and hard about the points that FNQCairns has raised....Darwin is a long way from anywhere if you need warranty work and all it takes is for you to not see eye to eye with the local telwater dealer then what should be a joyous event in your life could end acrimoniously...

Of course the boat might be great and you may never have a problem but unfortunately it seems that many have been burnt by telwaters apparent lack of quality control and also their lack of any real desire to rectify problems (or thats how it appears to me)....do a more thorough search and read some of the horror stories....there is plenty of em...

For 30 odd grand you should be able to do much better in the near new secondhand market...IMO

15-12-2008, 06:16 PM
i reckon the CC are too far forward in the factory boats, when the weather blows up rough the further back the better. I don't know if you can order the console further back.

eg GS marine CC are back towards the rear more so than the quinie

just my thoughts

Quintrex do a topender torument up her that has the cc set more to the rear but while standing at the helm the seat cut into my legs... would be ok if only ever sat while driving.

Make sure it's got a T-Top with some shade for when I come & visit;D

I guess you will be needing a lifejacket too huh?

It has a nice big Bimini on it & as for a lifejacket I'll have to sell up down south first.

Stuff the Quinny, get a GS platey or similar. A boat that's built in Darwin!

Still got to get a quote from them yet

15-12-2008, 07:34 PM
agree disorderly and others on Telwater...do lots of searches here for quality and problems discussion on Quintrex and Stacer both made by Telwater. I would be looking for something made locally if at all possible. On the type...love CCs..have had several and next will be another. Yes you will get wet as in a cross chop...get over it...the water's warm..!....I personally like the console forward and seat about amidships... sure its softer aft but you fish and move about there..I like forward a bit for my preference. If you want a production pressed boat look also at Bluefin and Sea Jay who seem to get fair press on this forum..?, not flash and not necessarily cheap but may be better quality than your current choice..? Its hard to buy from such a distance isnt it.

28-01-2009, 11:30 PM
Hi aussiefool,

I bought a 540 Legend in November

I'm living in Mandurah,Perth and it's pretty swelly down here but the Legend goes great!

Hope you got yr boat mate

Will post pic's soon



29-01-2009, 05:14 AM
Thought of one of these. I have a centrcab and love it

Cheers Phil

29-01-2009, 06:03 AM
Personally I think after reading some of the service that members have received from tellwater would have me running a mile. Regardless of that Fisher boats at Caboulture are selling a 4.9m Webster Twinfisher CC. I cant see any feature that the tellwater boats have over the Webster. Ride, Stability, Inboat room. I think it would eat it in every single way (other than Skiing). It is a couple of grand more though and would need fitting out as you wanted but i think a far superior product. Check it out at the back of the classifieds section on Ausfish. I have seen it in the flesh and if I didnt already own the 4.3m version (even that would eat the quinny)i'd buy it myself.

You never know they may give you a good deal to get rid of it as it has been there a while new.



29-01-2009, 06:16 AM
Aussie, alternatively if you couldn't streach the budget there is a boat on here for sale that would be ideal for you. And you would have pleanty of change to customise it with casting decks or what ever. One downfall that you may be able to overlook is the fact that it is glass. Still a good looking little boat with 4 stroke economy.




29-01-2009, 07:34 AM
Hi Andrew

There is no way, IMHO, given what you want to do with it' that the original boat you asked about is the one to buy. As one of our learned fellow AFs pointed out, warranty will issues pose too great a risk. Plus you do need shade and as a GOM you deserve a softer ride and to be able to run a smaller sized motor than 80 or 90.

So what to buy? Your choice but have a good look at these as even the flash one come in at about $35K . The ones they sold in Aust originally gave a great ride and often i wish I'd kept my 5.6m one. http://www.abetterboat.com.au/home.html

Hope things are going well up there, see you have yet to organize a Northern GOM M & G.

All the best


29-01-2009, 07:39 AM
Looks like a beautiful boat to me Aussie. I have a 4.5m bluefin warrior myself. My first boat and i'd like to make it my last. Heaps of storage under the casting deck at the front and rear and in the console itself. It also doesn't have a (pod?) at the stern which makes it a huge boat inside for it's length. It is a wet boat though for the passengers anyway (I hide behind the screen) but i haven't been in a tinny that isn't. Has a 40 2banger yammy on the back which is fine if there isn't too much weight in it but in hindsight would probably go a 60. I dont think you'll regret getting a c/c especially if your'e into casting lures to pelagics and/or snaggy banks ect. Good luck with whatever you decide. Ben

29-01-2009, 07:31 PM
mate, i have a 500 legend (i think its the same as the current 520) thats just over 4yrs old. I had the console moved back approx. 300mm & had quintrex take the esky out and replaced that with a couple of u/floor spiggots. I had an esky that fitted nicely between the console and the front casting platform. Its definately one of the best alloy boats i've owned in the past 26yrs of boating & I've had no problems with the girl apart from 2 bilgepumps ( 1 x johnson, 1 x rule) that played up. on both accounts, quintrex replaced them - no charge and were pleasant to deal with and delivered what they promised. Yep, i do see threads on here where customers have problems with them and i can't (or won't) comment on them as i don't have all the information on their dealings/problems - ie heresay. Mate, at the end of the day, its your choice and whatever decision you make, i hope you enjoy.


black runner
29-01-2009, 09:10 PM
F&B (January 2009) did a test on the 490 topender with 80hp Yamaha 4st. This is the same hull as the one you are looking at and got an excellent review. Worth a read as there is some discussion about console positions etc.


Ally Jack
29-01-2009, 09:47 PM
Stuff the Quinny, get a GS platey or similar. A boat that's built in Darwin!

That's what you would think, that GS are built in Darwin, but I looked into these boats some time ago and found out the hulls are actually fabricated and welded overseas and fitted out in Darwin.
The thread might still be here, and someone from this site informed me of the practice. I was really keen on the 520 tourney boat at the time.

Ally Jack

03-02-2009, 02:33 PM
Here's my Girl and I'm Happy:)

04-02-2009, 01:26 AM
Care to weigh back in Aussie or ya just gunna let us bench warmes run away with ya thread :D



04-02-2009, 06:55 AM
Care to weigh back in Aussie or ya just gunna let us bench warmes run away with ya thread :D



No mate I'm still reading all the post and none have really warranted a reply other than " thanks mate", but as I said in the first post ..... after we sell our place in Chinderah. We are at the moment in Darwin and are flying back next Monday to tart the place up before putting it on the market. With the way things are it may take a while to sell so there is no hurry so the more feed back the better.


05-02-2009, 10:50 PM
lol mate just having a dig...... your name does not portray you at all. I looked for 3 years till i found the right boat

