View Full Version : Large Rubber Mesh Landing net......? where to get

30-11-2008, 01:36 PM
hey guys,

Im looking for one of the large (barra sized) landing nets,
the rubber mesh ones, not the enviros but the other fish safe ones,

does anyone know where the cheapest place to get one is.....?

any info appreciated



30-11-2008, 02:18 PM
Logan River Marine have what you are after.
They have the biggest I have seen, about the same size as a large enviro net but the rubber net
$60 nice strong handle too

30-11-2008, 08:37 PM
Check this sit out man, http://www.flybridge.com.au/fastnet.html good nets, no more trebles caught up in ur net.



01-12-2008, 09:20 AM
http://www.flybridge.com.au/fastnet.html good nets, no more trebles caught up in ur net.


I have the large version of this net and love it - excellent for catch and release and as smoked said the trebles never get hooked in the net.

I've had mine for a few years now and the telescopic locking collar (plastic) has failed and the spring loaded pin from the pole the the net also failed (both after about 2 years - washed in fresh water after every trip) but I just put in a couple of aluminium rivets and it will last many more years. I highly recommend these. Didn't realise I could replace the handle for $16 till now - that would fix both broken parts!
