View Full Version : left hand wind baitcaster???

21-11-2008, 08:37 AM
I cast right and wind left for most spin work......and cant see the sense in casting right the changing hands to wind right with small bait cast reels.

I also note that almost all of the cheaper bait casters come right wind only.....if you want to wind left you have to mover up the market and special order.

I know a left hander who casts left and winds right on his baitcast reels and would not think of it any other way.

anybody here wind left on a baitcast reel..... or for that matter left handed and wind right


21-11-2008, 10:06 AM
I'm the same as you oldboot, RH & wind with the left with threadlines.

I've tried lefty baitcasters & it doesn't feel right. Many who've purchased lefties scrap them for this reason.

The smaller rotation of the handle, the difference in the way the rod's held in comparison to a threadline outfit & the balance in the hand are just some of the things many don't take into consideration prior to outlaying $$$$.

Best advice would be to have a few casts with a lefty and give it a good workout with the rod loaded. You'll see what I mean & it may save you some possibly wasted money.

Good luck!

21-11-2008, 10:22 AM
I have a Lefty Baitcaster and even though I'm pretty ordinary casting I couldn't do it any other way ... although, my hand and wrist seem to get fatigued quite quickly ... maybe I am doing something wrong?? I chuck like a girl with my left.


21-11-2008, 02:50 PM
I also been toying with the idea of a spin caster.....the diawa silver 100 takes my eye.

can be wound left or right, mounts like a bait caster and nowhere near as much problem with birds nests.

I would like to have a throw with a left wind bait caster but they are not a common thing.


21-11-2008, 03:37 PM
I cast with my right and wind with my left for everything (i changed hands from winding right). I use two mg51's and they are awesome in the small baitcaster (bass and jacks), you get sooo much more control and it just awesome would highly recommend using a left handed baitcaster

24-11-2008, 10:49 AM
When fishing with rod and reel, the most important thing is balance. When casting a threadline right handed, your hand is already in the best position for winding in ie two fingers each side of the reel seat. Changing to a left hand rod grip will involve a couple of movements because you right hand is already where you left hand wants to be. With a baitcaster the best balance point for fishing is with the reel cupped in the palm of your hand, however the best way to hold the outfit for casting is with the casting hand behind the reel. So with fishing techniques, the best balance is achieved by casting right, winding left with a threadline and casting right, winding right with a baitcaster, if you are right handed. If you are left handed it is obviously opposite.
Daiwa have produced left hand wind baitcasters which are resigned to cup the reel during the cast. The spool release is higher and further forward on the reel. I have a couple of these, and while it is easy to teach yourself to cast like this, it is still difficult when fighting a fish.

24-11-2008, 08:26 PM
Well it looks like Im a bit weird. Im right handed, use right hand to cast and then right hand to wind on egg-beater. But I've taught myself to cast left-handed & wind right handed on baitcaster - that way I dont have to swap hands. Works for me & was actually easier than I thought.
New Shimano Curado's come in LH

25-11-2008, 12:29 PM
I am right hander but would not consider anything except lefty baitcaster reels , apart from not having to change hand after casting , my right hand is more dextrous in working the lures while my left hand is good enough for turning the handle . :D

JonLi .

25-11-2008, 12:36 PM
except for the theory involved, I don't see any drama with changing hands to wind after a cast, not too much effort involved, and if that's what feels right, then so be it, all the dominant arm and so on are just fine but who really cares?