View Full Version : Poor Service
19-11-2008, 11:01 PM
I called a local tackle store a couple of weeks ago to try and get an idea of rods that would be good for off the rocks. This is a small bussiness, and i wanted to use them first. They did not really want to give me any info over the phone and told me to come in, a couple of days later I went in and spent half an hour waiting for them to find any cataloge (I was the only one in the store). I was told to come back later but instead called again they did not want to talk over the phone.
I did some reasearch myself and decided on a rod I wanted. I contacted them to get a price and order one in (I was prepared to use them still even though I was told 4-6 weeks) still could not find the catalogue and was told they would contact me that day. That was 5 days ago so I went to MGM and they had a price for me cheaper than BCF (went there to look at the rod). Told me it would only be a 1-2 weeks.
I actually had better service at BCF then at the local.
Another recent dissapoinment with a local, called a recomended takle store of a destination we are headed to in a few months to find out what kind of gear to bring and admittedly to purchase some gear to ensure I had most of what I thought I would need. I have every intention of using them for top up gear, bait and anything I forgot.
I was told that they did not want to tell me anything as I would purchase my gear elsewhere. After explaining my intentions they gave an extremely brief overview ie pelagics & estery species.
After having such a great local at tweed heads, having this sort of sevice really puts me off. Any similar stories or comments
20-11-2008, 02:16 AM
i'm half a world away and have the same kinds of problems you just described.
i have ALWAYS done my best to support the locals. even when it is more expensive.
the money you spend there stays in your town, paying local taxes, buying stuff at other local places, etc.
in this day of box stores and mega malls putting mom and pop out of business by under selling them, the only reason to go to them is personal, freindly service from a clerk who knows your name and asks about your dog and how your kids are doing in school.
the only thing that will drive me away from a local is poor service.
20-11-2008, 05:18 AM
My local Tackleworld in Mackay gives top service. Prices seem to be comparable to other stores which offer mail order.
Plus the local knowledge they have is what I'm after.
I'm sorry you had a bad experience, but good on you for trying to do the right thing! It's a shame about that store, my local Tackle World in Townsville is quite the opposite -- couldn't be more helpful.
It sounds like some stores might be getting jaded by people buying from chains just to save $5-$10. And it sounds like they're incredibly disorganised! I suspect some people buy a tackle store (or work in one) for the perceived lifestyle that comes with it, not because they know how to run a business. :-/
20-11-2008, 08:31 AM
I wanted two bulk spools of line so contacted ######## as they appeared to be the only people who had what I was after.
The initial communication was excellent & as they had to order my request in I offered to pay in advance for any inconvenience.
I was told it wasn't necessarry & an invoice with bank details would be sent once my order was in.
That was over 3 months ago and I've not heard a thing nor a reply to follow up communications.
From all accounts these people are supposed to be brilliant to deal with yet my one & only was very far from what I'd call ideal.
Bad 1st impressions last & I won't be going back for 2nds ever.
20-11-2008, 08:50 AM
The first rule in service is if you say you're going to do something then do it .even if the answer is not what the customer wants at least he's not wondering .
I rarely go to the chain stores i prefer the friendliness of local stores if ever i got bad service then i would find another local . alot of times the big chain stores are not much cheaper if anything is what i have found
Fish'n Junky
20-11-2008, 08:51 AM
I am still waiting for a call back from Bias Boating Virginia.
I phoned them chasing an item, and they were to call back with an ETA for the item (it had to be ordered) They said they'd call back in an hour. Two hours later I rang them again, they said, they hadn't had a chance to find out the info, and they'd call back in half an hour with the info.
It's a few weeks now, and still waiting.
One thing is for sure, I will never buy anything from them if i can get it elsewhere, even if it costs more.
AND.....I will tell anyone who'll listen about the poor service every chance I get .
I'll also mention I got the part and great service from a prominent northside marine dealer on sandgate road, and suggest they try there first.
I wonder how much the seemingly insignificant act of not bothering to call a customer back will cost them in the long run?
20-11-2008, 09:15 AM
Interesting answer, I own a small tackle shop with 3 of the chain stores around me and a 4th on the way, yes we do get a little bit annoyed by the tackle hounds chasing a prices over the phone to price match or start a price war between the respective shops, I no longer give out prices over the phone due to the above statement. I operate 7 days a week, a 10-12 hour day it has nothing to do with lifestyle it is a bussiness, there is no lifestyle or injoying the fruits of your labour , it is hard work just to keep your head above water, This industry has seen many small and large fishing and boating shop fall to the way side over the last 12 months and i do believe it will not get any better in the short term due to the economic crisis. So i give credit where it is due to all the fishermen and fisherwomen out there trying to support the small local independant shop, do not get disheartened there are a few of us that will still bend over backwards to help.
micheal phillips
kawana bait and tackle.
20-11-2008, 10:08 AM
Spot on barracat, we know it ain't easy. It is a shame that so many people are devoted to chasing small price differences, they are often the first to moan when the local closes. I acknowledge that I am one who shops around and often buy offshore when teh price saving is significant. Yes it is a competitive marketplace out there and changed forever with the internet.
The net has opened so many opportunities for people to sell their wares to new markets, but has alsso brought competitors from all over the world that you never knew existed! The big winner is Australia Post I think.
Anyway, one other aspect of all this I want to mention, is the potential for one dissatisfied customer to not only tell his mate that the store forgot to call, but to tell hundreds or thousands of people via the net. There are now thousands of competitors that really do know how to provide both fabulous service and pricing, even from a world away.
I have no reason to doubt that your business is an excellent one and your presence here proves it! Maybe you will agree, but I think many Aussie businesses need to wake up a little. It is not always about price, and you see this time again on these forums with people trying to buy local and being driven away by disinterest and incompetence.
20-11-2008, 10:49 AM
The first rule in service is if you say you're going to do something then do it .even if the answer is not what the customer wants at least he's not wondering .
Can't agree more Stuie.
I"ve adopted this very rule with normal daily routines whether it be business or personal.
If being honest offends people then they aren't worth the hassle. I don't try & offend anyone but tell it how it is & only expect the same back.
Once I'm lied to, then those people become extinct in my books. One chance and if they blow it they don't get a 2nd, doesn't matter who it is.
I would have thought the large Sydney based store {MT store name blocked by ausfish, must be a sponsor of the site} that also has a popular online following would have been much more professional.
20-11-2008, 10:50 AM
well said, i agree 100%, there is a good and bad side to internet buying and selling, the pros are dollar value if you are not happy with the price then keep on looking, it is a buyers market and i support the freedom of choice to all that buy in australia and over seas, but remember every dollar you send over seas you take that potetial sale out of the pocket of a local shop, and i dont meen the big power stores ( we know who they are ),I am talking about independant/family owned shops. It is very rare to get positive feed back from a large proportion of customer the only idea that you can see is that they keep on comming back to your shop, but bad service or catching the shop keeper on a bad day ( which we do have know and again), spreads like a cold every body has a dose of it and they all like to add thier 2 cents worth.
We here in australia do suffer from a disease, and this is called complacency, we do not know how good we have it until it is gone and then we wonder why........
Small bussiness has to pull its head from the sand and bring back the local shop owner service that founded small bussiness.
Micheal Phillips
Kawana bait and Tackle.
i feel sorry for the tackle stores, the cost of purchasing goods through a distributor can be rediculous.
i looked at getting a particular item from the local dist. the wanted me to buy a large quantity, the cost for each item was approx 40% dearer than i could buy from pretty well any tackle store in the US, (& at the time that included conversion,freight & tax) so on top of the dist costs the store has to add his costs & markup, how the heck can they survive.
I should ad that with the economy like it is at the moment this won't apply, but how long before dist. prices go up to keep profit margins similar & overseas becomes attractive again
20-11-2008, 11:42 AM
From a different perspective. I work at a BCF, which at any one time employs at least 20 people (larger stores have sometimes over 40 employees). On a community level would you rather give work to 2 or 3 small buisnesses or employ the same number of older staff and give your kids an interesting place to work through high school and uni?
I naturally shop at BCF but i also go to other tackle stores for specific needs that we can't cater for. Over the 4 years I've worked there I've seen alot of customers being brought into fishing at my store and then moving on to the more specialised tackle stores as there skills and interests develop. Some do the rounds and shop at a variety of stores others stop coming altogether. From a customer service perspective i don't think our store provides poor customer service, paperwork can be misfiled and complications may arrise against the customers liking but on the whole the vast majority of customers walk away happy. What we lack is the level of experience and product knowledge you would expect from your local from all of our team members.
I'm not saying that you hould all swap over from your local to a chain store, just that the reputation for big chains stores may not be as bad as alot would make out.
20-11-2008, 11:45 AM
I try'd to support my local store here on the southern end of the sunshine coast, but won't be back unless I absolutely have to. I won't mention any names, but its not Michaels shop, Kawana Bait and Tackle. Its another one in the general area. I won't get into specifics, however most people I know that used to shop there no longer go there because of the staff. Not all of them though. They did have some great staff who were really great, and are now good friends. The other stores around the area, including the big chain that is in the area, are laughing. One of the chain stores have even said to me that this certain store sends that much business to them indirectly because of the "service" that they supply.
20-11-2008, 02:25 PM
Interesting answer, I own a small tackle shop with 3 of the chain stores around me and a 4th on the way, yes we do get a little bit annoyed by the tackle hounds chasing a prices over the phone to price match or start a price war between the respective shops, I no longer give out prices over the phone due to the above statement. I operate 7 days a week, a 10-12 hour day it has nothing to do with lifestyle it is a bussiness, there is no lifestyle or injoying the fruits of your labour , it is hard work just to keep your head above water, This industry has seen many small and large fishing and boating shop fall to the way side over the last 12 months and i do believe it will not get any better in the short term due to the economic crisis. So i give credit where it is due to all the fishermen and fisherwomen out there trying to support the small local independant shop, do not get disheartened there are a few of us that will still bend over backwards to help.
micheal phillips
kawana bait and tackle.
I no longer give out prices over the phone
This is not the right answer.
So I find a rod in a magazine and decide I would like to own one.
I phone you and ask “do you carry these in stock” say yes
I ask “how much are they selling for” say I’m not telling you
I say "I’ll shop elsewhere..bye"
First impressions over a phone will make the consumer decide where he takes his business.
business class
20-11-2008, 02:47 PM
I no longer give out prices over the phone
This is not the right answer.
So I find a rod in a magazine and decide I would like to own one.
I phone you and ask “do you carry these in stock” say yes
I ask “how much are they selling for” say I’m not telling you
I say "I’ll shop elsewhere..bye"
First impressions over a phone will make the consumer decide where he takes his business.
I think he might mean competitive prices there Spears!!!!!! Well i hope anyway:-/ .
We have a few local tackle shops around our area (Southern Gold Coast) Where i have found the Nerang Fishing & Camping and Doug's will bend over backwards for you, where there Staff always have time for you and are willing to help you in all area's no matter if you chase Bass to Marlin or want to buy a $5 lure or spend 10G i haven't been treated bad ever! Even our Local Shop around the corner, may not have all the gear we need but where he can help you, he is always willing to do his best with every customer. I think thats the service shops need to stay afloat.
You know, I reckon every single independent believes they have good customer service, when not all of them do. Some of the bad service seems to come from senior staff who 'don't suffer fools gladly' (why oh why have they chosen to work in customer service?) or from cheap sales staff with a poor work ethic. I understand that junior staff are cheaper, but hiring a kid who doesn't take pride in his work could end up costing the store far more in lost sales. (Not saying all juniors have a bad attitude, of course.)
Michael I still reckon some people buy a store (or want to work in one) as a lifestyle choice. Their mistaken belief -- that working in retail is easy -- results in a disorganized operation. Most of us would know at least one fishing guide or charter operator who is the same: they want to work in the industry they love but don't know how to run a business.
In my experience though, most independent stores are excellent to deal with. Their prices can be very reasonable, and they often stock brands/models/colours that you don't see in the chains. I'll continue to shop at independents, for sure.
20-11-2008, 02:59 PM
Yes that is correct i would not give you the sale price but i would give you an approxement price remembering i would prefer that you come into my shop, so we can talk turkey, remember we are talking about service one on one, not whats my price to who every. I talk to and see hundreds of customers over the period of a week and that includes telephone calls and most people are very happy to deal one on one, the others that get annoyed at me not giving them a rock bottom deal are very few. My biggest reqest is for my price on a 15 kilo carton of IQF pillies, but because i carry over 4 different brands of pillies and all caught in within australian waters, they carry a different in thier price, so it is better that i say i cannot give you a price due to that but come into my shop so i can show you the difference in quality.
Once again it is salesmanship, get the customers to come to you and see what you have to offer over the rest that are to happy to tell you a figure and not care about selling the bussiness and service in a whole...............
First impressions are very inportant but so is listening to good sales advise.
20-11-2008, 03:05 PM
We are very lucky down in Coffs Harbour.
Not only do we have Larry, Curly and --Tackle, we have bCf, the mart and a small, owner-operated store called Coffs Bait and Tackle.
Between this lot, both locals and visitors are exceptionally well catered for, be it for advice, bait or gear at the right price.
Spears, personally I agree with your comment, but I can also understand the small tackle store owners' point of view. Guess it's a gamble he is prepared to take.
Jungle Jim
20-11-2008, 03:13 PM
I no longer give out prices over the phone
This is not the right answer..
spot on.!
you don’t have to tell me how much you pay for it, you don’t have to second guess what the other guys is selling it for.
When i fall in love with a rod and call your shop to ask if you stock them and what they cost... what i want to hear is “ yes were certainly do (or can have them ordered and delivered asap) and they are this much”
The next words out of your mouth need to be something that convinces me to come into your shop talk to you and not call every other shop in Brisbane.
Something to the effect of “We’ve got them here if you’d like to come in one day we can either put one of your reels or one of ours on it and you’re more than welcome to have a cast if you’d like. Depending on what your after we might be able to look after you on the price too”
That’s it that’s all i want to hear.....
There’s no need for me to call around coz i know that i can come in play with it and as a bonus you mat sharpen the pencil little.
In my experience as a consumer you have bargaining more power once the vendor has a keen interest if not commitment from you.
If you’re driving an hour and a half to the shop tell them that.... Tell them what time and what day you’re going to be there. ......if your tire kicking is going to take up 1 hour and you’d like uninterrupted attention ask the shop what time suits them best to have a good chat about it....
They know you’re the guy that’s keen on the rod so keen he drove an hour and a half hear at 630 in the morning chances are he won’t need much convincing to buy your wares. A slight round down might convince him to impulse swipe away..
My 462 cents worth
20-11-2008, 03:19 PM
Yes that is correct i would not give you the sale price but i would give you an approxement price remembering i would prefer that you come into my shop, so we can talk turkey, remember we are talking about service one on one, not whats my price to who every. I talk to and see hundreds of customers over the period of a week and that includes telephone calls and most people are very happy to deal one on one, the others that get annoyed at me not giving them a rock bottom deal are very few. My biggest reqest is for my price on a 15 kilo carton of IQF pillies, but because i carry over 4 different brands of pillies and all caught in within australian waters, they carry a different in thier price, so it is better that i say i cannot give you a price due to that but come into my shop so i can show you the difference in quality.
Once again it is salesmanship, get the customers to come to you and see what you have to offer over the rest that are to happy to tell you a figure and not care about selling the bussiness and service in a whole...............
First impressions are very inportant but so is listening to good sales advise.
I was looking at the price cause if I only wanted to spend $200 and they were selling for $300 then coming in just to be told that would be a waste of time for both.Then i'd do more research on other rods
AS I run a business from home every day I have phone calls on supply and install,most are shopping around for the best deal and pushing aside quality products.
I only get one crack at it and spend the extra time going into some detail why it’s this higher price,even though they can choose to go with the cheaper product. I still make a profit.
28 years at it and still surviving.
20-11-2008, 03:22 PM
I anything can be said about this thread and that is there are passionate customers that do want service.
20-11-2008, 03:44 PM
Some stores might be trying to hard to get them to come in through the door and lose them on initial phone call.
20-11-2008, 04:07 PM
I've spent nearly all my life associating with sales & salespeople as a consumer.
From buying lollies at the corner milkbar in the 60's to my latest purchase.
I asked the price of a bed yrs ago whilst dressed in my dirty dusty work clothes. The youngish smarta*** salesperson replied "Too much for you". I turned & began walking to the competition a few doors up with a reply "Is that right, perhaps next door will appreciate my dusty cash" At the time I would have been earning the equivelant of 2 months of his wage per week.
The moral here is, when I want something I don't care how much it costs. I won't drive all over town to save $50 when the fuel, car, time etc costs me $100. However I do want service over & above all else. Respect & courtesy go a long way also with some humour thrown in as a sweatener.
No service - No deal - No see again.
20-11-2008, 04:32 PM
I reckon any business owner/operator, including myself, would say priority number one is customer service.
Unhappy customer = no business.
Sometimes it is hard to be polite, but then professionalism is the name of the game. If you want the customers' money, ya gotta be nice!
Oh, and having a great product helps too!
20-11-2008, 04:56 PM
If i know i have a product that no other shop has then no problem with a price over the phone, but and this is the bases to this conversation and that is making a consiouse desision not to price war or price match. when you are an inderpendant operator you do not have the money pit or buying power or size of stock levels to compete, all you have left is service..............
20-11-2008, 05:12 PM
I asked the price of a bed yrs ago whilst dressed in my dirty dusty work clothes. The youngish smarta*** salesperson replied "Too much for you". I turned & began walking to the competition a few doors up with a reply "Is that right, perhaps next door will appreciate my dusty cash" At the time I would have been earning the equivelant of 2 months of his wage per week..
That really pisses me off as well. I've never been one for 'dress ups' to try and match my appearance with supposed social status.
Its amazing the number of people who misjudge you and don't bother with service because they presume you can't pay becuase of how you happen to be dressed at the time.
Then you ask if they are on commission and then ask for another sales assistant, anyone, just not the person who snubbed you, and then purchase 1 of those, one of them and 3 of them..... That gets their attention real fast
20-11-2008, 05:22 PM
IMO asking for advice in a local can always be hazzardous and often costly.
Some may have good intentions, but in genral you just have to get somone who misunderstands your style of fishing and sends you out the door with a a lot of gear that wont catch you a fish and you wallet a few pineapples lighter.
I would only ask advice of someone I trusted, just because they are a local does not give them supreme knowledge of all fishing.
But I still use the local because I like the store and it stocks a great range of gear compared to the franchises, I also like to buy off blokes that know my face when I show up, as for advice it is usualy good , but I do not rely on it.
I have learnt more on forums like these and trying little things on my own.
But really I have had the "if you dont shop here routine"
solution --> don't tell em
20-11-2008, 05:48 PM
Look at the M0_tack service over the phone and in store.
What do you get ..everything.
Exchange product if unsuitable
Fast delivery + tracking
Big choice
Cover warranty
Knowledgeable staff
Why are they the biggest.. cause they get it done right the first time.
20-11-2008, 08:15 PM
I reckon any business owner/operator, including myself, would say priority number one is customer service.
Unhappy customer = no business.
Sometimes it is hard to be polite, but then professionalism is the name of the game. If you want the customers' money, ya gotta be nice!
Oh, and having a great product helps too!
I think you nailed it there.
In regards to the poll I am a save 50-100 or crapy servive. When I go I rarely spend less than 100 and often 200 in a store. When i am looking at a new product I check the price on the net first to get an idea of what the cost will be call the local to see if its close I will go there and almost always ( I cannot think of a time I haven't) buy more products.
Shop owners - when you dont give out a price do you find that the customers still come in or the flip side when you do, do you find they go somewhere else or tell you what price somewhere else does it for.
I know that you may not make as much money on that product if they tell you where its cheaper but once they are in your store your "Salesman" should be able to sell to them. They should have supperior knowledge and show the customer other things they "need".
The more people you get through the door the more you will be able to sell.
It may not work that way but for me once I am at a takle store I intend to but or layby something.
20-11-2008, 08:37 PM
Look at the M0_tack service over the phone and in store.
What do you get ..everything.
Exchange product if unsuitable
Fast delivery + tracking
Big choice
Cover warranty
Knowledgeable staff
Why are they the biggest.. cause they get it done right the first time.
No mind games with customers.
Could their be other small stores interstate as big as M0 if they provided the same service?
It was this mob I mentioned in my 1st post.
They are not all they are made up to be.
Furthermore they have done there dash with not only me but all my mates.
False promises and poor customer relations don't add up to good service.
20-11-2008, 08:45 PM
i recently had poor service from a local tackle shop,
well camping shop on the western side of the goldy
i ordered in a sounder to the shop knowing that i would be able to use my members card to recieve a 10% discount,
upon picking the item up i was told that the 10% off members card does not cover sounders, or shimano reels or anything that the boss decides it doesnt cover.
i ended up just buying it but geez it made me angry,
you cant have a 10% discount card and say nah its upto my discression as to what is discounted..
20-11-2008, 09:03 PM
If i know i have a product that no other shop has then no problem with a price over the phone, but and this is the bases to this conversation and that is making a consiouse desision not to price war or price match. when you are an inderpendant operator you do not have the money pit or buying power or size of stock levels to compete, all you have left is service..............
Service & "knowledge" is what it's all about in any industry.
Part of that service is the phone conversation & how you as a business proprietor conduct yourself.
If you, as already stated, refuse customer requisitions over the phone then you IMO are losing that & every other customer treated in this manner.
Ypu can walk into basically any retail shop anywhere and find a "sales assistant" standing around doing nothing. If they then don't have the time to be pleasant & give out prices over the phone then they aren't trained properly IMO.
IF the owner has the same attitude then he/she should not be in the retail business.
FIRST IMPRESSIONS will make or break not only a sale but a business venture.
It's about time Australian retailers gave the consumer what they ask for as many wouldn't be going offshore to procure the goods they're after. If a consumer is subject to copping crap for an item worth $100 locally, then why would any consumer in their right mind cop crap locally when they can purchase the exact product for 1/2 price elsewhere & be treated with respect?
Ozzie Retailers that fit this mould have no-one to blame but themselves with there pompus attitudes & scare mongering {mostly self inflicted}
THE CUSTOMER IS ALWAYS RIGHT whether you like it, believe it or toss it out the window.
goat boy
20-11-2008, 09:26 PM
It's not about (big/chain) retailers giving the consumer what they want exactly. The big chains price match and give "10% below other stores prices" because the store isn't independent in that sense, they have the authority to do it whether it's at a loss or not (and can back the loss up as they have a long term game plan with the funds to back it up). Their reasoning is that you'll continue to shop there again later with this in mind and even buy other stuff on that same trip at normal prices/profits (thus they benefit in the end anyway).
Their sole purpose is to drive the competition out of business or to lower it to a few chains and even out the pricing (in who's favour do ya reckon?). It's this reason that you see some major chains in various businesses introducing their own branded products (boating, camping and something even!), they can advertise the 'we will beat any price' at the top of their lungs for one else has the stock, they can't compete and the chain (falsely) ends up looking like they are the cheapest.
The only way for small business to survive these days is to offer products and/or services in niche markets, or try and strive for excellence in customer satisfaction and service. In this sense, I would have to agree that a small business owner in fishing is better off taking the chance and not giving a price out over the phone (for a common product) and hoping the customer comes in. 95% chance the customer gets that price and goes to a chain, I would say the SBO is applying best practice in these cases.
It's a rock and a hard place, however, when no small business or competition exists anymore, who will complain first?
21-11-2008, 08:08 PM
You know, I reckon every single independent believes they have good customer service, when not all of them do. Some of the bad service seems to come from senior staff who 'don't suffer fools gladly' (why oh why have they chosen to work in customer service?) or from cheap sales staff with a poor work ethic.
I agree and most bussinesses who believe there is no room for improvment are often the worst IMO. I think all businesses should have a questionaire and encourage all customers old and new to fill it out as part of their continuous improvment. Maybe even have a prize draw to encourage completion - any cost would be made back as the bussiness profesionalism impoves M2C.
21-11-2008, 10:07 PM
A good local tackle store is gold, im lucky I have one in my area
1: its friendly and you often hear about local catches and likely areas if you ask and this hasnt changed from the first day going there
2: no pressure to buy
3: very knowledgeable and happy to share info,
4: no guilt/ frustration if after going through a reel and i dont buy it, ill be back
5: ive never been treated like a muppet if i dont know something
6: havent had the hard sell yet
Its about genuine service not forced service and as for prices, sure some items might be a bit more but some items are less,
I think where you win with a good local tackle store is service and knowledge.. why buy stuff of the internet? your choice i know but i dont get it, i want to see it first etc,
but then again im crap with mobile phones and i know im out of step buying stuff of the net, i just like seeing what im buying and the direct connection of handing over bucks for something in return not waiting for the postie.
21-11-2008, 10:30 PM
Interesting thread
looks like good service rules.
and in my opinion yeah it should.
the gecko
22-11-2008, 08:56 AM
I think barracat is on the money.
Your first obligation as a business owner is to yourself and your family. That means rule no 1 is 'stay in business'.
your second obligation is to do the right thing by your customer, and the 2 things come in that order.
By choosing not to price match, he has made a conciuos decision to do what is in the best interests of keeping the store open and not going broke. Ive been guilty of buying from the mart that shall not be mentioned (long time ago) and watching in horror as the sales rep rings a local tackle shop, posing as a buyer, and saying whats your current price on tld25s? (big guys wont honor the 10% of competitors prices, unless they can confirm that the item in in stock) OK, I got a great deal, but i wont do that again. So why should small shops give out a phone price and help the big guys win the war? Not giving out prices on the phone is the only defence they have.
As for punters who reckon its bad service, and 'youve just lost me', well maybe it is poor service in you eyes, but the shop owner has to put himself first or he will go broke. If you struck up a relationship and were a regular buyer, no shop would have a problem giving out a phone price if they knew you.
The first rule of phone sales, is that you wont get paid over the phone in 99% of cases. The phone is just a tool for getting the punter in the door, where the cash will change hands on a face to face basis.
22-11-2008, 09:21 AM
I think barracat is on the money.
Your first obligation as a business owner is to yourself and your family. That means rule no 1 is 'stay in business'.
your second obligation is to do the right thing by your customer, and the 2 things come in that order.
By choosing not to price match, he has made a conciuos decision to do what is in the best interests of keeping the store open and not going broke. Ive been guilty of buying from the mart that shall not be mentioned (long time ago) and watching in horror as the sales rep rings a local tackle shop, posing as a buyer, and saying whats your current price on tld25s? (big guys wont honor the 10% of competitors prices, unless they can confirm that the item in in stock) OK, I got a great deal, but i wont do that again. So why should small shops give out a phone price and help the big guys win the war? Not giving out prices on the phone is the only defence they have.
As for punters who reckon its bad service, and 'youve just lost me', well maybe it is poor service in you eyes, but the shop owner has to put himself first or he will go broke. If you struck up a relationship and were a regular buyer, no shop would have a problem giving out a phone price if they knew you.
The first rule of phone sales, is that you wont get paid over the phone in 99% of cases. The phone is just a tool for getting the punter in the door, where the cash will change hands on a face to face basis.
You tell me how many retail shops that one would phone looking for availability and price of a particular item be it a bycicle,DVD player,television or fish finder and refuse to give out information including price ???? It’s unheard of practice.
Price matching is a standard way of business these days.
Isn’t it better to make some profit in moving an item than having sitting on the shelf collecting dust.
The more you move the more $ you make over a year
22-11-2008, 09:52 AM
I think barracat is on the money.
Your first obligation as a business owner is to yourself and your family. That means rule no 1 is 'stay in business'.
your second obligation is to do the right thing by your customer, and the 2 things come in that order.
By choosing not to price match, he has made a conciuos decision to do what is in the best interests of keeping the store open and not going broke. Ive been guilty of buying from the mart that shall not be mentioned (long time ago) and watching in horror as the sales rep rings a local tackle shop, posing as a buyer, and saying whats your current price on tld25s? (big guys wont honor the 10% of competitors prices, unless they can confirm that the item in in stock) OK, I got a great deal, but i wont do that again. So why should small shops give out a phone price and help the big guys win the war? Not giving out prices on the phone is the only defence they have.
As for punters who reckon its bad service, and 'youve just lost me', well maybe it is poor service in you eyes, but the shop owner has to put himself first or he will go broke. If you struck up a relationship and were a regular buyer, no shop would have a problem giving out a phone price if they knew you.
The first rule of phone sales, is that you wont get paid over the phone in 99% of cases. The phone is just a tool for getting the punter in the door, where the cash will change hands on a face to face basis.
Staying in business means cash flow, cash flow comes from selling.
You can't sell to customers you don't have.
You won't get to know people if you don't help in the 1st instance.
1st impressions in many instances either mean a retailer gets a new customer or loses a potential, simple as that.
the gecko
22-11-2008, 10:36 AM
I think choosing to diversify and create a niche market is just as valid as price matching. you either choose to be in the price war, or you choose to specialise in something. that something maybe advice, seminars, more lures, game fishing, better service or even better fresh bait. Understanding your customers real needs as opposed to percieved needs is the key.
There are many alternatives to being in the price war.
Ive been in sales all my life, and Ive done courses in small business management. Small business that take on the big boys in price wars will get killed. The best strategy is to attract customers by other means than price.
I know a child minding centre that was losing business to a bigger mob.They won more customers by providing mums with an apple and a muffin pack for morning teas, cos they figured mums dont have much time to do it for them selves. I could go on with more examples like this, but the point is theres more to building a business than having the best price.
Im not saying that I dont shop around for major items, I do shop around for bigger things. But maybe 80% of a small shops buusiness comes from items under $100, so they are better off increasing turnover on the 80% and dropping off on the slow sellers in higher brackets. One GC shop is probably the most expensive in town, yet they got a lot of business from me cos they put on 4 seminars on pelagics, something I knew little about.
Its just a way of planning a business strategy by lateral thinking. There are plenty of ways to skin a cat.
22-11-2008, 01:02 PM
The best example I can give is the tackle I use now.
When they first opened I got in their a month later to have a look.
Now with 3 other stores around the place he had very low stock to choose from,the other stores would have had 5 times the amount of stock on show.
As I had a chat with him he tells me he still has a full time job and relatives come in to run the shop through the week.
Now today about 6 years down the track he out sells every other shop in this state.That right out sells every other shop. Why?
Price and service
He now only works 3-4 days a week at the shop and pays staff to run the shop.
All this came about in selling rods and reels at the cheapest possible price and getting turn over.Which in turn gave him more buying power.
Even though the other shops would still have twice as much to choose from
And he's Still at the same premises.
Any staff member will spend as much time as you want in chatting about fishing.
So his niche is only Price and service
We win he wins.
It's when you watch with time how a tackle store grows and reaches it's ultimate goal.
And not have stupid plans and policies that turn people away.
Price is the first thing a customer wants to hear then followed by service and finally back up service.
The other stores much bigger more staff for customer traffic but they can't get anywhere near this guy.
the gecko
22-11-2008, 03:41 PM
I see your point spears, and yes, its hard to beat good old fashioned service combined with the best prices.
Im curious about the location. Is he operating in an area where he is up against the 'mart that shall not be named' and anaconda? Both these giants are promising to beat anyones price by 10%. Whereas bcf will only price match.
Either hes the lowest priced in a town of smaller, sluggish retailers, or hes not the lowest.
Your points are valid when he has the ability to be the lowest.
My points are aimed at those who dont.
cheers mate, its all good discussion, either way.
22-11-2008, 04:41 PM
Im curious about the location. Is he operating in an area where he is up against the 'mart that shall not be named' and anaconda? Both these giants are promising to beat anyones price by 10%. Whereas bcf will only price match.
A_Mart has no fishing gear to sell and anaconda too far away,and we don’t have bcf in this state,plus the shop is well imbedded in metro area.
Big major shopping stores are in the same area.big_w…k_mart..competitor wise selling fishing tackle 5
Now here’s a surprise,not one new shimano or diawa reel to be seen for sale except trade ins.
I gotta hand it to this guy he’s set up business beautifully.
23-11-2008, 10:48 PM
why not just spill the beans and tell us who he is.
25-11-2008, 01:00 AM
I try'd to support my local store here on the southern end of the sunshine coast, but won't be back unless I absolutely have to. I won't mention any names, but its not Michaels shop, Kawana Bait and Tackle. Its another one in the general area. I won't get into specifics, however most people I know that used to shop there no longer go there because of the staff. Not all of them though. i think i no witch store a taking about there mate. i get the same thing every time i go in there. they egnore me for ages then never have what i want and talk to me like i have no idear what im doing or they are just plain rude and talk to me with a attitude. i try my hardest to stay away from there and only go when they have something im chasing that the other stores dont have. i cant stand the big bald duffus there, i think you no who im talking about.
i now try to get all my stuff from only two stores now as the survice i get from the fellers at noosa is awsome and they have most of the stuff i need. how can any one exspect to sell stuff if you treat ya customers like scum.
Michael ya shop needs more jap bream lures;D . the woman at the counter was verry helpfull to me last time i was in there. great service there, and would recomend to any one passing by to stop in and check it out. gav across the road is awsome too realy helpful with the fly fishing stuff.
if ya are in noosa i can verry highley recomend the guys at barra jacks and the fellers at hooked on. great service every time and they got the good stuff i like to use.
25-11-2008, 07:23 AM
i recently had poor service from a local tackle shop,
well camping shop on the western side of the goldy
i ordered in a sounder to the shop knowing that i would be able to use my members card to recieve a 10% discount,
upon picking the item up i was told that the 10% off members card does not cover sounders, or shimano reels or anything that the boss decides it doesnt cover.
i ended up just buying it but geez it made me angry,
you cant have a 10% discount card and say nah its upto my discression as to what is discounted..
mate the mark up on sounders isnt much at all shimano also has a very poor mark up value.
not trying to start an arguement with you but even the bosses mate cant get anything of the price.
if we did give you a discount on the sounder it would be below cost.
the discount cards isnt something that derrik (the boss in the fishing section) wanted in the fishing department as some stuff just cant be discounted.
although we will try to beat and price match anywere we can, and from what i have seen most stuff in the store is cheaper then most places
25-11-2008, 12:37 PM
I don' have any isssues with my local tackle place at lutwyche though when I go to BCF and the likes I appear to be invisible, they have really poor customer service ethics. I went in to get a gas bottle filled and was told ohh sorry we don't do them an hour before close, we are on close staff... I was abit peeved but hey what can you do? I walk in purchase about 80 bucks worth of stuff and as I leave at about 30 mins to close the same people that told me I couldn't get my bottle filled where at the gas cylinders having a chat filling up a gas bottle.... I got no time for these places... though if I go in with my office (work clothes on) I appear to be seen.... Its funny how people percieve you as being a poor/potential theif because I go up in boardshorts and an daggy T-shirt... newsflash BCF workers I make more money than you per annum but am treated like a second rate customer... why?
25-11-2008, 01:26 PM
I no longer give out prices over the phone
This is not the right answer.
So I find a rod in a magazine and decide I would like to own one.
I phone you and ask “do you carry these in stock” say yes
I ask “how much are they selling for” say I’m not telling you
I say "I’ll shop elsewhere..bye"
First impressions over a phone will make the consumer decide where he takes his business.
after spending the last 7 years in industrial retail i agree 100%.First impressions count.
It takes months/years to obtain a customer,it takes seconds to loose one forever.
Just my thoughts
25-11-2008, 03:00 PM
In my business, customer is king, simple as that, if you dick them around or make them feel like their $$ is less important, or worse, not welcome, you say goodby to them for a very long time, if not forever, and I am in wholesale, so retail is even worse.
Funny, I go to a tackle store in the north eastern suburbs of Brissy and get virtually ignored, yet I know a bloke in BCF now by name, he has served me numerous times, shown me knots, advised me on braid selection, and even given me some tips on places to fish where he has done well.. I work just up the road and sometimes see him at Maccas or similar and we say G'day.. nice bloke and very helpful
So in summary, it often boils down to the individuals working in that particular shop I reckon
04-01-2009, 03:32 PM
Interesting answer, I own a small tackle shop with 3 of the chain stores around me and a 4th on the way, yes we do get a little bit annoyed by the tackle hounds chasing a prices over the phone to price match or start a price war between the respective shops, I no longer give out prices over the phone due to the above statement. I operate 7 days a week, a 10-12 hour day it has nothing to do with lifestyle it is a bussiness, there is no lifestyle or injoying the fruits of your labour , it is hard work just to keep your head above water, This industry has seen many small and large fishing and boating shop fall to the way side over the last 12 months and i do believe it will not get any better in the short term due to the economic crisis. So i give credit where it is due to all the fishermen and fisherwomen out there trying to support the small local independant shop, do not get disheartened there are a few of us that will still bend over backwards to help.
micheal phillips
kawana bait and tackle.
An interesting comment. Where I live I don't have a local tackle shop so travel to either of 2 towns to purchase gear these towns are in opposite directions. I use the phone to find out if an item is in stock and what the price is. To me not giving a price says to me not interested in selling so go elsewhere.
If you have different items with different prices then tell your potential customers what you have and the prices.
Just my thoughts
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