View Full Version : Daiwa Saltist or Shimano Tekota

19-11-2008, 09:57 PM
After some peoples opinions

In the market for a new bottom bashing reel for trout and reds, something lighter and stronger then the old TLD25 that has served me well over the years. I have narrowed it down to these 2 options. My biggest hurdle is Daiwa with 5yr warranty or Shimano 10yr warranty, as most tackle stores say the reels aren't too much different...

I'm leading towards the Tekota as shimano has never led me astray and they have an excellent rep

Anyone had any experience/advice or problems with either of these reels??


19-11-2008, 10:40 PM
Are you after a levelwind? If not then the Saltist equivelent is a Torium. The Tekota seems a lighter reel. Not sure how much difference that makes

20-11-2008, 06:27 AM
there is a saltist with a levelwind now.

business class
20-11-2008, 03:08 PM
I have the Tekota 700 and its an awesome reel. I use it for the deep water fish Pearl Perch. I also have just bought a new overhead reel, The Shimano Tynos's, i actually got 5 to be exact, as they are like the old trusty TLD'd but on Steroids.


20-11-2008, 04:22 PM
i just bought a saltist 30t for the same reason Very strong reel. 300mt of 50lb braid.

20-11-2008, 05:29 PM
I've had a Saltist for 3 years doesn't miss a beat and I have flogged it. Put it in for a service before our last trip and my tackle store guy said it was still like new. I was in the same predicament and got told to go with the Saltist as its a better reel than the Torium. I'm not biased with Daiwa either as I own Shimano and Penn reels as well. If I had my choice again I would go with an Avet reel they look sweet!

Hope this helps Benny

20-11-2008, 06:20 PM
If it's for bottom bashing the Saltist or Torium are probably what you're after. They are both star drag reels - generally star drag is considered better for bottom bashing (less to go wrong) as opposed to lever drag.

For bottom bashing you really only need to pre-set the drag at your max setting so the lever drag is pretty much redundant.

Personally I went for the Saltist 30T for 2 reasons, I like the fact it's all metal as opposed to the plastic/graphite side plates on the Shimanos and secondly most of my other gear is Daiwa and I figured it will fit in better with the rest of my collection ;D

Apparently the drag on the Torium is better, although I upgrade all my drags with greased Carbontex washers anyway and that levels the playing field.

If you want to use the reel for trolling a lever drag reel is better suited for that application, Az has a good deal on a Tyrnos lever drag in the for sale section at the moment if Lever Drag is your thing ;)


20-11-2008, 07:05 PM
I recently went through the Saltst v Torium debate. Saltist won and I now have a Saltist 30. Not used yet (still setting up the new boat), so cannot comment on performance, but is seems to be a sweet reel.

Norm C

20-11-2008, 07:55 PM
no one's had any experience on the tekota reels, so does that mean they are a relatively new reel on the market and no one has put them through there paces yet??

Tony, where do you get your drag washes upgraded from??


dog tooth
20-11-2008, 08:43 PM
i was reading on another forum that the saltist is very similar to the saltiga, the main diffrence is it has a cast frame
mayby affiew other changes with carbonex drag etc

it looks good

20-11-2008, 08:58 PM
Tony, where do you get your drag washes upgraded from??


Hi Josh

Sometimes I get mine direct from Jack Erskine, sometimes via the local Tackle store (I imagine most stores would order them in from Jack for you)

Jacks site is http://jackerskine.com/


20-11-2008, 09:13 PM
Depends on how hard you fish. 12kg (80lb main line) of drag consistantly through a 30t you should upgrade.(also depends on rod what line/drag/ rod-angle u r running)?

20-11-2008, 09:42 PM
no one's had any experience on the tekota reels, so does that mean they are a relatively new reel on the market and no one has put them through there paces yet??

Tony, where do you get your drag washes upgraded from??


You had a reply [No4] on the Tekota. I also have had a 800 model since they first came out about 5-6 years ago, it is fitted to a T-Curve 200 jig rod with 50lb braid and is a top outfit on all bottom fish, most fishing is done between 50-90m so the levelwind with the braid is a finger saver, my mate uses his 700 full time as well. I stripped mine down for it's 1st full service 6 months ago and found it in great nick.

22-11-2008, 08:22 PM
Cheers GPB for the info

Talking to the tackle stores today, they have informed me for the extra $50 i'd be stupid not to choose saltist, plus they were also nice enough to let me know they are going to be on sale very soon....

Having a closer look at the 2 reels side by side, the tekota does look cheaper and feel cheaper then the saltist...

Cheers thanks for all the replies

22-11-2008, 08:41 PM
bugger, sale? bought a saltist 50A LW last week,, anyway giving it a bash this friday..

23-11-2008, 06:53 AM
Your other option is the Shimano Torium. I picked one up yesterday from one of the large chains offering 20% off everything this weekend. Better handle and drag than the Saltist but a few more graphite bits such as side plate covers

23-11-2008, 08:22 AM
funny how guys who love their tss4, tld. etc, get concerned about the graphite side plates on the torium. it is probably better for corrosion reasons, you have less chance of getting a bearing stuck in a graphite housing than a metal one.
the side plate is not under much stress anyway and graphite is lighter than alloy.
if there is anything that needs attention on the torium it`s the strike alarm button, too smooth, can`t get a grip with wet or greasy fingers. the Saltist`s
looks very similar.

08-12-2008, 08:13 PM
Well, gave the new Saltist LW 50A a bash on the weekend bottom bashing, loaded with 50lb braid, was impressed, easy to use and Aigutso proof. First time using a star drag bottom bashing and loved it,, the tld 25 gets consigned to trolling duties.


08-12-2008, 08:17 PM
Well, gave the new Saltist LW 50A a bash on the weekend bottom bashing, loaded with 50lb braid, was impressed, easy to use and Aigutso proof. First time using a star drag bottom bashing and loved it,, the tld 25 gets consigned to trolling duties.


Did you catch anything Mike?



29-06-2009, 03:02 PM
I've been going through the same debate. Saltist or Tiagra, leaning toward the Saltist but still very much up in the air. The Saltist has the high efficiency gears (I think) similar to Shimano's Calcutta TE's. What gearing do most people go for on the Saltist, I'll be using it for bottom fishing and trolling, figured the 4.9 would be the go. What's other people's opinions.

30-06-2009, 05:40 PM
I went through thre same process and ended up going for the Saltist 50 6.2-1. fitted with 80lb whiplash on a 37kg bluewater ugly stick. T ook it out for a run and was realy impressed by it. Did not get a chance to test on any monsters but had a couple of double hook ups on some trout out of around 100 ft. Love the high speed gearing.

Scott nthQld
30-06-2009, 05:51 PM
I just went through this process not long ago, I ended up deciding on the Saltist 40H without levelwind for bottom bouncing on the reef. i chose the high ratio model for a couple of reasons:

1. Price, the tacklo didn't have any of the lower ratio models in stock and they would've been subject to a 15% hike I was told

2. Speed, after much discussing with the tacklo, and the abundance of sharks, I realised speed would be more beneficial for me. Plus, being a higher speed I'll be able to use it for jigging as well, something I was contemplating buying another reel for.

3. I eventually chose to forgo level wind because, basically its just something that can potentially go wrong, and being a narrow spool isn't really required.

4. I just plain think the Saltist is a better reel than the tekota, just personal preference on that count. But I'm on the opposite side of the fence when it comes to spinning reels (Shimano over Daiwa)