View Full Version : H'bird 2 Lowrance GPS marks?

12-11-2008, 05:35 PM
Hi Ausfishers,
Will GPS marks saved on an SD card be interchangable between Humminbird and Lowrance?
If not is there an easy way to transfer my marks between the two?
Thanks in advance for your help!

12-11-2008, 07:28 PM

I think you'll find that the software used by Lowrance will be totally different to Humminbird, so the answer will most likely be no.

I'm familiar with the Lowrance software but not Humminbird.

For example, yYou will be able to download the waypoints to your PC from the SD card - if currently you use a Lowrance unit you can download their free software "GDM" from their website. Then copy the data file from the SD card to your PC. You will then be able to open this file using GDM, and GDM then has a feature that will allow you to export the GPS data file to other formats such as MS Excel spreadsheet. Or at a worst case scenario you can at least just print the GPS data from GDM and you'll have a hard copy listing of all the marks that you then can manually upload to the 'bird.

If you do the same thing in reverse (ie if you can get Humminbird software on your PC) you could then upload the Excel data and convert it to a Humminbird data file that you can then save back onto your SD card and upload to the 'bird GPS. A bit of a roundabout way but the only suggestion I can offer.

Good luck! There must be a way to do this!


12-11-2008, 08:50 PM
Have a read of this post.
May help you out with your prob.


Cheers Dazza

13-11-2008, 06:08 AM
There is software out there that will convert them.


I bought this one, works well enough putting my Furuno info into mapsource and Google Earth. They will let you download a demo to try.

