View Full Version : What is that and what do I do with it?
12-11-2008, 03:05 PM
Okay, so thanks to those of you who have been graciously replying to my threads, and offering advice, etc. ;D
Unfortunately for YOU, however, I've got these things that came in my 300 piece tackle box kit that I have 1. no idea what they are and 2. what to do with them.
You'd think it would have come with some sort of instructions, but no. Not even ones in Chinese!
Picture # 1
Picture # 2
Picture # 3
Any explanations from you angling fishybobs kindly appreciated. ;D
12-11-2008, 03:18 PM
thread the items in pic 3 onto pic 1, so they look natural,
they are soft plastics and jigheads. tie directly to your line, cast them out, and wind back in, with some pauses, and try liffting rod tip, so u kind of jig, them back in, deadly on flathead.
pic 2 are plastic beads used for attracting whiting, place them on the line above the hook.
12-11-2008, 04:14 PM
Like lippa says in his post, items in pic 3 go with items in pic 1. Jigheads and soft plastics are a great way to catch fish but require a bit of patience to work through the learning curve.
A jighead is basically a hook and a sinker combined into one thing. The soft plastic is an imitation of a creature that is threaded onto the jighead, and when you wind it back in after casting it out, it "comes to life" as the water passing over it makes it wiggle and appear real.
I've taken the pic of the soft plastics and edited it a bit to show what the combination of the soft plastic and the jighead should look like when put together. In your pic it looks like the eye of the hook is sealed up with paint, you'll need to clean that out before tying it on. You can use your normal knot to tie it on.
The different shaped tails are the bits that wiggle and make it appear lifelike. Its important to make sure that the plastic goes on the hook in a straight line without any kinks or twists because then they dont swim properly and wont look natural and lifelike.
To use them cast them out like you would when using bait. Cast them into the same places you would when using bait.
Let them sink to the bottom. Begin to wind in your line slowly, one rotation of the reel handle about every two seconds.
Every three or four rotations of the reel handle, twitch your rod upwards. This will make the jighead and plastic jump up off the bottom. Let it sink back to the bottom and dont move it for a few seconds, then begin winding again.
Keep doing this until either you have wound it all the way back in or until a fish eats it ;)
12-11-2008, 04:25 PM
Like lippa says in his post, items in pic 3 go with items in pic 1. Jigheads and soft plastics are a great way to catch fish but require a bit of patience to work through the learning curve.
A jighead is basically a hook and a sinker combined into one thing. The soft plastic is an imitation of a creature that is threaded onto the jighead, and when you wind it back in after casting it out, it "comes to life" as the water passing over it makes it wiggle and appear real.
I've taken the pic of the soft plastics and edited it a bit to show what the combination of the soft plastic and the jighead should look like when put together. In your pic it looks like the eye of the hook is sealed up with paint, you'll need to clean that out before tying it on. You can use your normal knot to tie it on.
The different shaped tails are the bits that wiggle and make it appear lifelike. Its important to make sure that the plastic goes on the hook in a straight line without any kinks or twists because then they dont swim properly and wont look natural and lifelike.
To use them cast them out like you would when using bait. Cast them into the same places you would when using bait.
Let them sink to the bottom. Begin to wind in your line slowly, one rotation of the reel handle about every two seconds.
Every three or four rotations of the reel handle, twitch your rod upwards. This will make the jighead and plastic jump up off the bottom. Let it sink back to the bottom and dont move it for a few seconds, then begin winding again.
Keep doing this until either you have wound it all the way back in or until a fish eats it ;)
Cheers bud! That was so helpful and thank you so much for the picture. I cannot wait to try them out now!!
12-11-2008, 04:41 PM
Your welcome.
But remember, there is a bit of a learning curve when first using them, they take a while to work out.
Don't get disheartened if you dont catch fish straight away, persistence pays off, have confidence when using them, dont be afraid to try different things like winding slower or faster, letting it sit on the bottom longer or not twitching the rod. Different things work on different days, and some days the fish will only react to certain things.
Good luck!
12-11-2008, 06:44 PM
Your welcome.
But remember, there is a bit of a learning curve when first using them, they take a while to work out.
Don't get disheartened if you dont catch fish straight away, persistence pays off, have confidence when using them, dont be afraid to try different things like winding slower or faster, letting it sit on the bottom longer or not twitching the rod. Different things work on different days, and some days the fish will only react to certain things.
Good luck!
No really, thanks for your advice. I cannot wait to try them out, it's much more exciting thinking about using them! I'll certainly take your advice. Hopefully I can show off something in the future. ;D
12-11-2008, 06:52 PM
Matey you need to get hold of some good fishing books......a good start is the local council libruray.
anything by steve starling, matin bowerman, vic McCristal.........the older the better ( less brand pushing).
12-11-2008, 06:57 PM
Thanks buddy. I might hit the ol' Angus & Robertson up for a captain cook at what's about. *thumbs up*
12-11-2008, 09:09 PM
You wont find too much at the normal book stores....the various fishing outlets will have a better supply and range........ @mart have a 30% off their books and videos at the moment.
I've picked up all sorts of books on ebay..... just be carefull .... know what you are buying and the going street price...... second hand book stores are a go too.
13-11-2008, 12:00 AM
Maybe some of the members here could send you some books/magazine articles relevant to your needs? or photocopies thereof...
I would be more concerned with just getting your young Mr Chicken in contact with fish of anysort...and that means bait....small bits..small hooks..plenty of bread for burley. Dont worry about soft plastics and jig heads and the like. They are for another time.....maybe another couple of years, unless of course you are interested in persuing this yourself.
Work on the KISS principle with the youngens.....Keep it short and simple.
and the butterfly/bait net is a great way of keeping them amused in the shallow waters of the creeks and rivers.
13-11-2008, 07:09 AM
Maybe some of the members here could send you some books/magazine articles relevant to your needs? or photocopies thereof...
I would be more concerned with just getting your young Mr Chicken in contact with fish of anysort...and that means bait....small bits..small hooks..plenty of bread for burley. Dont worry about soft plastics and jig heads and the like. They are for another time.....maybe another couple of years, unless of course you are interested in persuing this yourself.
Work on the KISS principle with the youngens.....Keep it short and simple.
and the butterfly/bait net is a great way of keeping them amused in the shallow waters of the creeks and rivers.
Thanks Sleepy Greg - but you're blowing my cover! ;D Yes, I want to get Mr Chicken into fishing. Why? Coz I want to do more fishing! *sheepish grin*
I haven't been letting him put any bait on himself. But you know, he will still love the soft plastics.
I'll try to hit the second hand bookshops this weekend. I saw on Nugget's website there was some sort of starting out in fishing book and dvd set (yes yes, well I AM Gen Y [I think], after all).
14-11-2008, 12:56 AM
I have to ask.......what is your other half (if there is one) doing to help/encourage you? What other support network do you have (other than us great folk on Ausfish)?
14-11-2008, 08:43 AM
I have to ask.......what is your other half (if there is one) doing to help/encourage you? What other support network do you have (other than us great folk on Ausfish)?
Ugh, the dreaded question. ;D
My ex, Mr Chicken's dad, is my best friend and we have an awesome relationship but because I work full-time, I want my time with my son to be 'Mummy time'. I'm selfish! Plus, he knows nothing about fishing. He knows everything about motorbikes. :)
My father doesn't fish. And I have no brothers or sisters.
My mates don't like fishing - they're girls. I'm trying to get some of my friends to come out with me with their kids but it's not looking promising.
14-11-2008, 08:59 AM
A dilemma girlie... We'll get ya through it.
You jsut keep going and asking questions and I can look at the answers secretly and go "Oh so that's how... " and nobody knows. Hee hee...
14-11-2008, 11:39 PM
Thanks for an honest answer to the question Im sure many have been wanting to ask. If you were living in Sydney I could put you in touch with a fishing club that would be absolutely perfect for you - however I have not come across a club like that up here. I think its time for some of us 'old farts' to take you under our cyber wing and guide you through the fantastic world of teaching a kid to fish (and a big kid to fish also :D). My sister is still trying to teach her hubby to fish, as well as her ten year old daughter).
Keep asking the questions and we will try to provide some answers. And good on you for teaching mr chicken one of the healthiest and most rewarding sports there is.
15-11-2008, 12:12 PM
Mr Chicken sounds like he is ideally suited to soft plastics,he just likes to cast & retrieve. Sounds perfect ! Mick
15-11-2008, 07:32 PM
You can use your normal knot to tie it on.
Hi Pobblebonk,
Slymans "how to" explanation on using SPs was great, but I would add that a loop knot makes the lure work far better. I personally use a uni knot, which is strong, easy to tie & secure. Just about all lures work much better when attached with a strong loopknot.
I'd also highly recommend the excellent book by Steve Starling & Kaj Busch called "On soft Plastics". K-mart sell it for about $30 & it's worth every cent in my opinion.
good luck
wags on the water
16-11-2008, 05:37 PM
The perfection loop would also work for tying on jigheads.
16-11-2008, 08:31 PM
Lefty's, harro's, rapla.....whatever you want to call it loop is much easier to tie
make a thumb knot, thread the tag thru the eye, bring the tag back thru the thumb knot, three times arround the standing part and back thru the thumb knot and pull it down.
I could never figure out an easy way to do perfection loop.
16-11-2008, 10:01 PM
A secure knot tied to a jighead will catch a fish regardless of what it is. When I first used jigheads and plastics, I was tying a locked half blood knot and I caught fish, then I used a uni knot, tried out some loop knots, and nowadays I prefer to use a palomar knot.
Loop knots, yes they will allow your lure or plastic to move more freely, but will they catch you more fish? In the greater scheme of things, probably not. It all boils down to personal preference. But you have to start somewhere and the simplest way to do that is go with what you already know and build on that.
17-11-2008, 02:20 AM
Gee you guys know how to confuse someone:S
wags on the water
17-11-2008, 08:53 AM
Gee you guys know how to confuse someone:S
I don't think that it was intended. Simon sums it up perfectly - personal preference. What ever knot you're comfortable/confident tying.
17-11-2008, 09:22 AM
Thanks for all your 'knot advice', but the only fishing knot I know is the clinch knot.
17-11-2008, 07:40 PM
I don't think that it was intended. Simon sums it up perfectly - personal preference. What ever knot you're comfortable/confident tying.
as long as it's a loop knot........;)
As stated they allow the lure to move more freely, & greater movement (action) = more lifelike attraction, and that is the essence of fooling fish with any lure.
18-11-2008, 02:30 AM
am I detecting a slight tongue in cheek response there Pobbs?
18-11-2008, 07:02 AM
G'day PB (Personal Best!)
Check the link to a few pages here on knots, a picture is worth a thousand words!
for me, the perfection loop is easiest, quickest and best for tying SP jig jeads to leader - it lets the lure behave more "naturally" in the water
All the best to Mr Chicken - what a cracker of a kid!!!! You lot crack me up;D
18-11-2008, 10:30 AM
am I detecting a slight tongue in cheek response there Pobbs?
No bud, just stating the facts :D I really only know that one knot!
18-11-2008, 12:45 PM
ohh and don't forget there is always plenty of videos that you can check out on you tube and the like, video bucket etc. I would recommend checking out "Big E" on plastics on you tube.... but yeah grab one of those DVD/soft plastic kits from shimano, they cost 25 bucks you get a handy DVD and some soft plastics...
all the best :)
18-11-2008, 05:59 PM
If you go to the top of the board there is a hints and tips section that has animated knot tying section ,the perfection loop knot is there . Get a bit of leader and practice in front of the computer ,it will be too easy after you have done it a couple of times......matt8-) 8-)
18-11-2008, 11:59 PM
Sorry Pobs, it was just my warped sense of humour coming into play. I was told many years ago that you only needed to know two or three knots to successfully go fishing. Improved clinch, albright, and spider hitch (cairns quickie). First one ties line to any hook/swivel/ring, second ties different lines together, and third creates a double for extra strength when chasing fish bigger than line class. When you get into the intricacies of lure fishing the various loop knots come into play. I was trying to keep things simple for someone who is learning our sport. Especially when teaching a youngen who really is only interested in the excitement of a fish on the end of his line.
19-11-2008, 08:09 AM
Ahhh well greg... its obovious you were braught up on braid.
If you fish mono you only realy need two knots and lots of people get away with one.
you need a terminal knot like a half blood, a locked half blood ( clinch knot) or the knot with no name.
and some form of loop knot like a perfection loop, or the knot with everybodies name ( the thumb knot loop) for lures and the like.
I supose you could add a double blood for joining line to leader, but thousands do without that.
25-11-2008, 11:19 PM
Obvious I was brought up on braid?? How the hell did you figure that? and how does my advice differ from yours........except maybe the names given to the knots. I am 50 years old and have been fishing since i was three years old. I hardly think that means I was brought up on Braid. Gee it pisses me off when someone has to have a go at you when you are trying to help someone.
27-11-2008, 02:24 PM
G'day Pobblebonk
Gee, a pen name like that, is a big risk with some of these fellas. Though they are all behaving themselves at the moment.:)
As has been stated the hint and tips section have a page or two on "Becoming a better "fisherwoman"8-)
You can also get this info in a booklet of the same name at most tackleshops & newsagents for about $5. Its produced by the "Alvey Reel Company" and focuses on their products, however the information in it is applicable to most reels.
If you read it repeatedly, you will pick up all the basics to get you started.It only takes 30 minutes to read and there is a heap of stuff to learn and apply in there.
Keep asking questions , we are all using this board to gain/share fishing knowledge.
When I joined this forum I couldn't catch a cold.
And while i am by no means a "gun" fisherman now, I am fairly useful at getting a feed , mostly due to the help Ive had from the members of this forum.
Have fun, and good luck for you and the little bloke.
27-11-2008, 10:10 PM
Hey Pobbs, sorry I got a bit stroppy. I guess that comes with being a grumpy old fart. There are some great tips here and Rando has a great tip as well. It all goes into the mix to increase your knowledge and skills.
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