View Full Version : buying 2nd hand. some advice please
04-11-2008, 06:15 PM
hi there guys
im in need of some advice from some of the more wise folk on here i did a search and found the tests to do but got a couple of extra questions. im looking at buying a new boat ive always had tinnys for the last 6 years or so now im 18 and have been saving my ass off ive finally got the dollars to go shopping around for a larger boat. im looking at the mid 80's hains range in the runabout configuration. either a 445r, v16r, v17r.
ive been searching and searching and im struggling to find anything decent on the market at the moment.
i found one this morning in a boat yard at yatala im sure most seq people would know the one, its a 445r with a 140 chrysler. now the motor is no worry as i would be ripping it off straight away anyway i hate them. at first inspection which wasnt to full on the gelcoat is quite alright but worked my way around to the transom to have a feel and poke around. giving it a rub over you can feel that the surface is uneven and lumpy, signs of rot? then i poked my pinky in the bottom bung hole to see what colour the moisture was it came out brown with bits of timber. i made the mrs do the same and asked what she thought it felt like around the bung and she replied with "like soggy bark." good sign of rot? i left it there before wasting any more time and thought id get some opinions.
i also thought a 140 would weigh quite a bit and the hull is only rated to a 90hp so the extra weight would not be working in the hulls favour. correct?
any info you guys could pass on would be much appreciated as ive saved my ass off and im trying to find a good example.
04-11-2008, 07:00 PM
If that's the yard between the roundabout and the highway then I'd stay well clear.
I occasionally call in there just to have a gander.
Usually my eyes cannot believe what the salesperson tells me is a beauty of a boat.
When we were looking for the big boat I reckon the cook and I looked at about 60 boats around the southern end of Brisbane and we realised pretty quickly that people just plainly and blatantly lie.
We were just about to give up and in fact I said to the cook this sticky beak is the last one.
It was out the western side of town and when we saw it there was no doubt what so ever in it's condition. If anything the owner down rated the condition.
Anyways we still have it after many great trips but sadly it'll be sold later this year as I cannot drive it anymore. It only gets started every 3 months and hasn't been in the water for nearly 2 years.
So I'm sure you'll find a boat Tyler. It might take time but when you find it you'll know.
Cheers Scott
04-11-2008, 08:22 PM
there's a couple on here...
from memory, the boats you are looking for are not the most common boat out there - harder to find than others.
if you don't mind the half cab version, the v17L is a good boat - there is one for sale here on Ausfish.
I agree with Scott on the boat yard in question - however might I add that my experiences with some boat yards were that the stock was much lower quality than the price tag suggested.
it took me over 3 mths of solid searching (everyday online) and every weekend out there privately to find the boat I wanted.
be patient mate and ask around - good luck
Mike Delisser
04-11-2008, 08:30 PM
Take your time mate and don't rush into it, you'll be very glad in the long run.
BTW it's a real buyers market at the moment so make sure you get a good deal.
04-11-2008, 08:46 PM
thanks guys i was a bit sceptic about the certain yard also but no facts to go on.
i would love one asap but when parting with some very hard earnt dollars im not settling for second best. i also have found that out already you ask over the phone an honesty opinion from the seller of the boats condition the answer is always a very clean boat but one i looked at, the gel coat was stuffed scratches and patches on the bottom of the hull and even a chunk taken out of the bottom i could fit my 4 finger tips in.
i would love a v17l also but i have noticed they are generally priced about 15000 and upwards. at this point ive got about 11000 saved but the longer it takes to find one the more i have to spend.
thanks for the advice guys.
04-11-2008, 08:50 PM
more -
04-11-2008, 08:56 PM
i have to agree with the other guys it takes a while to find the boat for you. don't be in a rush & take your time. try to get someone that knows what they are on about to have a look at anything you like. its a good idea to get that 2nd aponion (they arn't buying with there heart). also buying a boat with a motor that you don't want can be an expencive way to go. if you don't like the motor others wont either which means you won't sell it for much (a good 140 crysler. would sell for around $500-700) a good 1990something 140hp merc would cost $4000 plus.
in short take your time & don't buy somebodys crap unless you want to fix what they dont.
good luck with it all.
04-11-2008, 09:00 PM
thanks guys i was a bit sceptic about the certain yard also but no facts to go on.
i would love one asap but when parting with some very hard earnt dollars im not settling for second best. i also have found that out already you ask over the phone an honesty opinion from the seller of the boats condition the answer is always a very clean boat but one i looked at, the gel coat was stuffed scratches and patches on the bottom of the hull and even a chunk taken out of the bottom i could fit my 4 finger tips in.
i would love a v17l also but i have noticed they are generally priced about 15000 and upwards. at this point ive got about 11000 saved but the longer it takes to find one the more i have to spend.
thanks for the advice guys.
sorry mate - totally disagree.
Mike is right - its a buyers market and over the next few mths you will pick up the right boat at a great price.
hate to sound condescending (I'm only 32), but at your age you probably need to be a little more patient and have faith - mate, when your eye hits that perfect boat you will know.
you have to sift through the dirt to find the gold!
04-11-2008, 09:23 PM
Typically the 2nd hand market is full of boats that are someone else's problem they simply didn't want to deal with, but the price has everything to do with it. The boat you saw and suspect there is rot in it, my question is how much is the market value of the boat in tip top condition, and is this boat priced to reflect that it needs some work? It would annoy me to find that people try to cover up problems that the boat has, and still try to sell it at full whack as if it didn't have a problem - a shocking reality that many people do just that, and we are all frightened of becoming a victim.
My boat might be for sale in the near future, but not before I take it down to Arnolds fibreglass and have the transom inspected. I had the transom done about 15 years ago, with floor it cost $2,500. The guys said the work was worth doing, because the boat originally only cost me 3K with motor, so the resulting $5,500 package with new transom was considered to be a VERY robust boat with more than the standard layers of glass they build them with these days. But I think it will need doing again, and feel much more comfortable either getting a quote or getting the work done before sellling it.
In your case, it is all a matter of being able to recognise where the boat is going to cost more money after you purchase (get help if you don't know enough about boats), or find a seller you can trust to tell you what work needs to be done. The only other alternative is to buy new.
04-11-2008, 10:16 PM
sorry mate - totally disagree.
Mike is right - its a buyers market and over the next few mths you will pick up the right boat at a great price.
hate to sound condescending (I'm only 32), but at your age you probably need to be a little more patient and have faith - mate, when your eye hits that perfect boat you will know.
you have to sift through the dirt to find the gold!
sorry i should have punctuated that better. i meant the longer it takes to find a boat that suits me the more money i would of saved so ill have more to spend. i have had 4 tinnys in the past 7 years all of which i have had to save myself even in year 6 when i bought my first one with little input from the parents.
i understand exactly what all are saying, one will come up and ill know it. my largest part when buying 2nd hand is attitude and the feelings i get from the seller. if they seem like they are covering something up or just generally shifty i dont go there.
gut feelings are always good to go with i think
one boat was actually a bit over priced comparing to the current market and the owner talked it up and ended up being a piece of crap. the one from today is on the lower side of the market which i though reflected due to the motor and also the seats having a few cracks in them but i see now that it also means someone else couldnt be bothered with the further troubles then the ones on the surface.
thanks for all the comments fellas it has been much appreciated so far
04-11-2008, 10:53 PM
Hi Laney, Your on the right track with a small Haines in your price range. If you can find a glamour you cant go wrong. What I have found effective is to advertise "wanted to buy" that specific type and you will probably find that someone has one sitting around that they don't use and have been thinking about selling for years and your ad. will act as a catalyst to uncover boats that aren't on the market that you get the first crack at. Always think outside the square! Cheers.
05-11-2008, 05:14 AM
Hi Laney,
How about this one? I know the guy is very negotiable on price. Maybe worth a shot.
05-11-2008, 06:31 AM
Hi Laney,
How about this one? I know the guy is very negotiable on price. Maybe worth a shot.
Is that what the old tubs are worth!!!
I have to get mine up and do a few things to her and bung her on the market.
05-11-2008, 06:32 AM
Looks good at 10.5K fourfingers!
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