View Full Version : Reels for kids off the beach

02-11-2008, 08:08 PM
Am heading to Fraser later this month & will be having a fish off the beach ( something I don't do all that often).
The kids will be having a fish also & I know whats in stall if I let them use egg beaters.
So I'm after a couple of cheap alveys, but which model?

Not after anything expensive as they would hardly be used otherwise as all our other fishing is blue water.

02-11-2008, 08:28 PM

Just borrow some of your mates. I'm sure there are enough AFers on the coast to help you out. If not I'm sure I can rustle up a few rods and reels from Brisbane area

No use buying the nasty cheap combos.



02-11-2008, 10:14 PM
Might be more than you're willing to spend but good old kmart have alvey 11ft rod + light surf reel for about $140... I used to have a combo very similiar when I was 13.

03-11-2008, 06:11 AM
The 5 inch plain or the 6inch plain, depending on the age/size of the kids.
The 5 inch is quite capable if they can phsically handle the rod and reel.
Will last way longer than a cheap eggy under the same conditions!

03-11-2008, 08:15 AM
Thanks guys for the replies.
Finga has kindly offered to lend me a few for the trip.
Thanks mate!:thumbup:

04-11-2008, 09:32 PM
Id say go for a 600B if they are fishing for tailor and dart, But if they are going for mainly smaller general stuff and whiting in the gutters in close, perhaps try a 55B or a 500B. nice and light, strong, and fairly well priced.

