View Full Version : Sandsinker Website Has Moved

01-11-2008, 02:10 AM
Because AOL Hometown is shutting down, the Sandsinkers website has been moved to:


The AOL site has had over 9,000 hits (counted by Sitemeter), including many from interesting places like Singapore, Malaysia, Senegal, Turkey, Bulgaria, Greece (lots of hits), Germany, Gibraltar, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, New Zealand …. And lots more. It’s too bad the site had to be moved.

Please pass the new site on to anyone who might find it useful.

In a few months I will re-do the site with linked sections for “Rigging With Sandsinkers” and a photo gallery of “Fish Caught With Sandsinkers”. If you use sandsinkers and could send me some photos of your rigging methods with descriptions and also photos of yourself with the fish you caught with sandsinkers and some info about the type of fish, where caught, how the rigging was done, etc., that would be appreciated.

Please send the photos to: perkonss@yahoo.com.

