View Full Version : What Coloured Lens For Spotters
31-10-2008, 04:21 PM
G'day Folks
Out To Purchase A New Pair Of Spotters This Weekend,decided On The Artic Range But Can't Make Up My Mind On Which Colour Glass Lens To Get.spotters Aussie Website Rates Their Copper/bronze Penetrator Lense As The Best For Fishing However The Us Website I Get The Feeling They Are More In Favour Of The Brown Glass Lens.if Anyone Owns Either Coloured Lens Could You Give Me Your Views On There That Big A Difference Between The 2 Lenses?
Cheers Matt.8-)
31-10-2008, 06:23 PM
Gday Matt. Have a read through here about sunnies. A few members rate the spotters.
31-10-2008, 06:46 PM
Thanks Dave,should have checked out the other threads first.
31-10-2008, 07:41 PM
PM Local_Guy , he might be able to help you out ;)
31-10-2008, 08:06 PM
He's in Bright eye's Yeppoon AKA Local Guy
I have copper lens and they are awesome for fishing
31-10-2008, 08:12 PM
don't get the brown lens. it is very well known to give certain people headaches.... bad headaches.
go with the copper penetrator lens, best all round lens on the market. i've been wearing this lens fishing for 8 years now and my fishing ranges from dirty creeks to blue water reef work. i won't wear anything else.
pm sent.
31-10-2008, 08:52 PM
Thanks For The Help Guys Pm Sent To Local Guy
Cheers Matt
31-10-2008, 10:12 PM
I have been wearing the Penetrator Lens for 14 years now (a few different pair :)). I have also tried others, both in spotters and other brands. There is no comparison on the market. They are without doubt the best lens accross all forms of fishing/driving situations that you will get.......serengetti are the closest....but double the price....and spotters give you a lifetime guarantee on the frames. I had my doubts at first with them re Blue water situations, but i find my self to be the first one to yell 'colour' when fishing deep water.
31-10-2008, 10:30 PM
Its the only choice
31-10-2008, 11:23 PM
sleepygreg. spotters only have a 12 month warrenty on their sunglasses. i don't know who told you they had a lifetime warrenty.
as for serengeti's.... doulbe the price, but you certainly get what you pay for. a glass lens that is lighter than anything on the market, scratch resistance better than anything else, and well. it's a serengeti. find someone who wears one now who will change to a diff brand. says it all :P.
01-11-2008, 11:26 AM
Thanks For All Your Advice Guys.bought The Spotters Artic With The Copper/bronze Penatrator Lens.cant Wait To Chase A Few Flathead On The Sandflats Come Chrisse.
Cheers Matt
01-11-2008, 05:02 PM
Will be happy with them stano. Ive only had my Penetrators a few weeks and love them.
L_g, do the spotters have the wraparound type [wear over glasses] for us spectacle wearing fisho's??8-)
03-11-2008, 12:03 AM
Spotters do scrip lenses in the penetrator, and other lenses.
03-11-2008, 12:13 AM
Local Guy....when next your on the phone to spotters, have a talk to Doug Phillips and ask him what the warranty is on the Nylon frames. I used to be their NSW agent (though I have no affiliation with them now, and have no reason to promote their product.....other than liking the things). the warrantu is on the frames, not the glasses, all photochromic lenses will 'flare out' given time....i work on getting about 4-5 years constant wear out of a pair.....with the spotters this has proven to be about right. Serengetti dont do scrips.....well last I looked they didnt....and if they did based on would be looking at over a grand for a pair of sunnies.
We are talking fishing here not fashion.
03-11-2008, 09:11 AM
GPB they don't do fitover type sunglasses and from what i've heard they aren't even thinking about it as yet.
sleepygreg, if what you say is true, it must be a word of mouth thing. I just looked at the warrenty information that comes with the product and all it says is 12 month on the product.
But i tell all my customers "you get 12 months warrenty, but yo u won't need it. The only time you'll have a problem is if you do something to destroy them".
02-01-2009, 02:48 PM
I'm thinking of getting some spotters with the photcramatic penetrator lenses. I understand how they work, more sunlight the darker they get, but what happens when I am wearing a wide brim hat that keeps the lenses shaded? Will they get lighter as they will think its not sunny but actually is?
12-01-2009, 09:41 PM
Any spotters wearers who can answer my question?
12-01-2009, 11:24 PM
I would be very interested in the shaded photocromatic issue too.
I've been wearing photochromatic glasses for over 20 years and in recent times the performance of the available products has droped considerbly to the point where they seem pointless.
my old PC glasses would go go fully dark under the brim of a hat or in the car... the current glasses wont darken properly unless they are in direct sunlight... been tha same for the last couple of scripts.
next time I get a script ( soon) I'll be getting some spotters or similar and am interested in the photocromatic performance.
so do the go properly dark under a hat, in the car or out of direct sunlight?
13-01-2009, 01:05 AM
Don't quote me on this and the the other guys will know but the windscreens in some new cars have treatment ( more than just tinting and banding ) that partially stops some radiation wavelengths ( like UV) coming in the car. It is that that makes the lens tint darker so without it they don't . Step outside and they darken up.
Weird as years ago I had this issue and was getting headaches from glare off the bonnet on longer runs . When driving I went back to a non photochromatic second pair.
13-01-2009, 10:02 AM
It's nothing specific to the windscreen, same work truck for at least 4 pairs of is simply that the roof of the car shades the lenses.....hold the glases over the dash and the darken.
As for the headaches
that was probaly some part of the light spectrum that the glasses were not filtering out.
Why do you think lots of rally cars,trucks and military vehicles have dark, mat or black bonnets.
05-07-2009, 05:35 PM
Love the Ausfish website!
Was about to order some Spotters and debating lens colour (with the cat mind you::) ) did a search here first, found this thread and...boom...question answered....yeah.;D
thanks all for your input- ordered the photcramatic penetrator all ready for summer
(See - I told my husband this website is more than just;) )
06-07-2009, 01:49 AM
you wont be sorry you did Bear001. They are still the best on the market......just dont expect them to go real dark ...they dont do that...its all about cutting the glare...not the light. If i could take the $800 pair of supposed you beaut Drivesafe script sunnies, in the overpriced Rayban frames...and shove em up the rectum of OPSM I would......My Spotters Penetrator scrips that cost me less than half that still outpreform them...and i will be ordering a new pair of Spotters very soon.
06-07-2009, 05:57 AM
don't get the brown lens. it is very well known to give certain people headaches.... bad headaches.
go with the copper penetrator lens, best all round lens on the market. i've been wearing this lens fishing for 8 years now and my fishing ranges from dirty creeks to blue water reef work. i won't wear anything else.
pm sent.
G'day Local_Guy,
I was going to send you a pm but the function is not available. Where in Brisbane can you get these from?
06-07-2009, 10:42 PM
I also go the copper/bronze lense option as I find them to be more general purpose.
And they tend to give a more realistic view in general situations, eg driving and in lit up malls as well as outdoor applications/fishing etc.
For blue water & open ocean, other lense colours would be better, as they're are more specific to those conditions.
But for the average land based fisho, I think the copper/bronze lense option would be the go.
I've been using copper/bronze for a fair few years now and its the one I tend to go for.
28-07-2009, 07:49 AM
Was looking at a pair of Spotters in Br!ght I's shop on weekend and they quoted a 10 year warranty on frames and 2 years on lenses. I am thinking I will go with the Photochromatic Bronze lens as there are many good reports here about them.
Can anyone confirm the warranty. When asked about the delamination problems I was told they were a thing of the past and not an issue with the current models.
28-07-2009, 04:30 PM
I just picked up last week a pair of Pro Blue Spotters form the snake camping store for $140 down from $280, dont know if the deal is still on but I couldn't walk past them at that price. As for the sunnies, couldn't be happier they're a bronze lense with the blue reflective mirror finish in a glass lense. Great all round lense.
28-07-2009, 09:03 PM
Griz.....Im not sure about the delamination problems, not saying it hasnt happened, but in all the time I sold the things, and the time since, wearing them..have never run across any delamination problems....and thats in 15 years. Plenty of delam probs with many other popular fishing glasses. There seems to be a bit of descrepency about warranties. When they used to only make the nylon frames they had a lifetime warranty on the frames....and we used to turture them at boat and tackle shows trying to break them.....usually just resulted in the lenses popping...and beacuse there was no inherent rigidity in the frame they would just twist like a piece of spaghetti and reform in their original shape. Now with number of different styles of frames available, and materials available...i would think the warranties would vary from model to model. Jump on their website and check it out...or grab their phone number and ring them...they are very approachable people.
The reflective lenses are not photochromic. But are darker than their photo lenses. the only isues you will have is that after about five years of constant use..the photochromics gradually start to 'flare out'...which means they get a little thin (about 1-2mm) light band around the edge of the lense....this means the range of the lightening and darkening process is reducing. That is/or was the nature of the product. They still perform well, just not as efficiently as when they were younger (just like all things). They have probably improved this by now, as my current set is about 8 years old now, and hasnt started flaring yet.
I am talking about the Penetrator lense.....IMO the best lense for fishing and driving on the market.
PS. There is not a huge difference between the light/dark ranges on these the shade question asked earlier tends not to have a lot of relevance....its the reflected glare they are aimed at reducing not available light. Its a whole different story when talking transition lenses that go from clear to dark.
28-07-2009, 09:18 PM
I would agree with Greg. Penetrator lenses are the best. Mine are 7 years old with no delamination or faring
29-07-2009, 06:47 AM
Thanks Greg & Horse I grabbed the Penetrators online at 20% off so was happy with that. Now just wait till the swains trip 23 days to go seems like a lifetime.
29-07-2009, 02:29 PM
Where in Brisbane can you get these from?
All Round Angler at Caboolture stock Spotters at a reasonable price. All the latest glass lens models are $225 and older models or non-glass go for $129.
I shopped around recently and went with them. BCF wanted $289 for the same and wouldn't budge, Anaconda $269 and Bright Eyes Morayfield list price was $289 but would go down to $265 after much calculator pushing. Another place that I can't remember the name of at DFO had them for $245. All prices refer to Arctic's with penetrator lens.
You here about hot specials now and then but I never seem to be in the right place at the right time. Hope this helps if your on the Nth side.
29-07-2009, 03:12 PM
All Round Angler at Caboolture stock Spotters at a reasonable price. All the latest glass lens models are $225 and older models or non-glass go for $129.
I shopped around recently and went with them. BCF wanted $289 for the same and wouldn't budge, Anaconda $269 and Bright Eyes Morayfield list price was $289 but would go down to $265 after much calculator pushing. Another place that I can't remember the name of at DFO had them for $245. All prices refer to Arctic's with penetrator lens.
You here about hot specials now and then but I never seem to be in the right place at the right time. Hope this helps if your on the Nth side.
Thats a great price I got a pair of Thunders, paid $231 online from Justsunnies free post also so you beat me by a few bucks............ but I reckon we are both going to be happy with them.
30-07-2009, 03:37 PM
I got mine online from that E bay place, seller sunnies_4_u
Shaft Bronze Photocromatic Penetrator
$165 delivered
30-07-2009, 09:57 PM
Good buy there Bear001
31-07-2009, 05:46 PM
I saw an advert last week for Photochromatic GOLD Spotters. Has anyone seen these yet and how much different is the shading to the bronze colour?
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