View Full Version : Threadfin Lure Advice

25-10-2008, 02:09 PM
Hi all.
As the barra closed season draws nearer, im looking for other fish to target in the fitzroy river here in rockhampton. Im yet to catch a king threadfin on a lure and would like to. I know alot of people on this forum fish for them in the brissy river, and target them on lures successfully.. I was told that threadies can be a fussy lure taker, often ignoring well presented lures, but lures with an internal rattle seem to 'drive them crazy'.. something to do with their 'feelers' id imagine. Ive read quite a bit about the brissy river fishers having success on the mask vibe 70mm.. but they would be fished in deeper water? The areas i will mainly be trying, will be around shallow mud banks around the port alma area.
Im open to suggestions and it would be good to hear what others have to say about targetting this fish on lures. If you have fished the fitzroy and would like to add what youve found, dont hold back either ;)
Cheers Matty

Luke G
25-10-2008, 06:31 PM
Barra Clasics and 125 Scorps work well. Threadies like a bit of rattle.

25-10-2008, 07:01 PM
I like to use a bronze tiger Nils Master Invincible for threadies, been the one lure with most success for me that is still available. Leeds 3" deep divers were the top model for threadies but not longer made.


25-10-2008, 08:34 PM
Maybe a 4inch Atomic prong, although these can have poor hookup rates.

26-10-2008, 11:29 AM
Maybe a 4inch Atomic prong, although these can have poor hookup rates

dunno how that works being a plastic you rig yourself.
never had that problem before :S

rapala slashbait.
give that maskvibe 70mm a go.
be a good idea to just have a back treble on them only cause when you hop
them they catch on anything!

27-10-2008, 04:07 PM
I caught a brisbane river thready using the modified mask vibe in the picture below. Remove the trebles, add an extra split ring to the rear so that your hook will sit vertically. The hook is a mustad demon circle 6/0.

I was jigging it in 15mt+ of water to get it to vibe. I havent had any success chucking it up on to the shallows as yet, but I've heard of fish being caught using a vibe in the shallows. Long casts and let it sink to the bottom, wind in the slack and hop it back to you.