View Full Version : Rip Loomis!
23-10-2008, 06:41 PM
i love my loomis rods and once u buy 1 u cant fish with anything less, but after slipping down a bank today 1 of my dsr's landed on a concrete wall and shatterd into a few pieces:-[ and this was only 2nd cast for the morning!
went back and grabbed another rod and ended up having a great day fishing.
so i just wanted to hear of some rods u have broken and how.
my mate rekons it looked hilarious when i was slipping a good 3m down a bank into the canal.8-);D
23-10-2008, 06:56 PM
Had my loomis come off the boat in transit at 100km. took us 25mins to find where it landed but when I did it had only a scuffed butt. Pitty the reel didnt end up as well. Rod has been loaded up plenty of times since then so I'm guessing there has been no real stress damage to the graphite. If that isn't an endorsement for their build quality i don't know what is. I'm guessing you know about the lifetime warranties so atl east it will only cost you 150 odd to replace.
23-10-2008, 07:05 PM
I've got a killer along those lines for you mate.
We'd planned a trip up to Weipa and I was packing up the gear the day before, under the house.
I've got a big heap of timber cut up from some renovations to use as fire wood for camping runs etc.
Down comes the dog to say hello and run around like an idiot, as you do when you're a dog, over goes 1, yes just 1 , length straight onto the GLX MBR783 and the standby GL2 BCR664. Click was all I heard, didn't even hear the timber hit the ground. It got both of them right at the butt. Bugger thinks me, as dog runs away.
Too late to do anything with the expediter so I go round to a tackle shop owner mate and borrow an IMX MBR783 from him. Beauty.
Day 4 of the trip in Weipa, we're flying down Wooldrum Creek when the borrowed rod, complete with near new Daiwa Zillion, levitates out of the boat into the creek in about 6m of water. Wind just picked it up out of the 6 other ( Cheap ) rods and threw it into the drink.
Next trip to Weipa I donate another Loomis, this time a GL3 MBR783 complete with Zillion, to Norman Creek connected to a Queenfish. Hooked the fish casting from the Bow platform, it ran hard around the back of the boat and as I jumped down to follow it I hit the butt on my knee and out it came.
Needless to say I'm starting to think at that stage that Weipa doesn't like me, but I've had 2 non-loss trips since then.
It's hard to take mate but at least you've got the Expediter which eases the pain a bit.
Cheers, Darryl
23-10-2008, 07:12 PM
Had my loomis come off the boat in transit at 100km. took us 25mins to find where it landed but when I did it had only a scuffed butt. Pitty the reel didnt end up as well. Rod has been loaded up plenty of times since then so I'm guessing there has been no real stress damage to the graphite. If that isn't an endorsement for their build quality i don't know what is. I'm guessing you know about the lifetime warranties so atl east it will only cost you 150 odd to replace.
haha yer first good rod ive snapped so i was stocked with the expenditure warentee, i work at a tackle store so i got it swapped over that day
24-10-2008, 02:27 AM
iv busted a few myself. my fisrt loomis lost the tip off her when i was walking thrugh the scrub, the leader got caught on a tree and i moved forwad and the snaped off, just like i high sticked the rod. i wacked a new tip on then got a nother year out of it till i had a blue with the mrs and she chucked it on the ground and it shatterd it into pieces as well as my miller braid bass rod and busted my old sahara and took a big chunk out of my fluga triton lp, that hurt. then one day i was stuffing around with my innovator shogun in the shed and i had my dorter holding the line as i loaded it up, the line sliped out of her hand and the rod flicked up and broke the top bit off on the roof. i had a brand new rod that i won off ebay and when i went to try it out for the first time, the wind blue my car door shut on the rod as i was pulling it from the car, that realy cheesed me off. the loomis i have now got driven over buy me after 2 weeks of owning it. it did nothing to the rod and its still catching fish 1 year later, i think its a lucky loomis.
24-10-2008, 03:27 AM
Broke my PR844-3S GLX a couple of weeks ago , now the rod will have to return to USA for repair . The repair cost is not substantial but the shipping costs is estimated around US$. 125.- . :-[
Jon .
24-10-2008, 09:05 AM
Working in a tackle store years ago a lady walked in and asked if we sold Loomis rods. I said yep was she after a particular one. She then walked out to her car a grabbed one a nd brought it back in still with the warranty card stapled around the butt. Apparently the good old car door before she had even given it to her hubby as a present. This was before the days of the expeditor so she bought a new one and went away happy
24-10-2008, 01:20 PM
Ive lost one with the ye old open vechical door wind tunnel effect,rod leaning against open door frame,mate opens opposite door,wind slams other door shut and bingo no more rod.I would be a stupid bugger:-/
24-10-2008, 01:47 PM
i love my loomis rods and once u buy 1 u cant fish with anything less, but after slipping down a bank today 1 of my dsr's landed on a concrete wall and shatterd into a few pieces:-[ and this was only 2nd cast for the morning!
went back and grabbed another rod and ended up having a great day fishing.
so i just wanted to hear of some rods u have broken and how.
my mate rekons it looked hilarious when i was slipping a good 3m down a bank into the canal.8-);D
You Just sent me a TXT saying you snapped it in your mate's rod locker ,,,,, someones telling PORKIES!!!!;D
24-10-2008, 05:43 PM
not very strong rods are they ???
Graphite sticks Pinhead, its a compromise between light weight/responsiveness and durability. I wouldnt use a loomis for hauling trout and big red throat lippers out of 20 foot of water off a bombie up the Swains on a 7 day charter, thats glass stick work, but for continuous lure casting, well, I know what Id be reaching for, and its not the glass stick.
The loomis, and other high end sticks with a hefty graphite component, are fine, for everyday use by an angler who respects their gear, but are susceptable to stress cracks and failure if they take a sharp knock, say twitching a HB on a barra dam and you smack the stick into the bow rail, or abuse in the form of obscene rod tip angles.
Horses for courses. Id still rather spend the money, look after the rod, and enjoy the action of the stick, rather than buy a cheaper fiberglass stick that would save me some bucks, and have the feel of a well boiled piece of spaghetti.
I own 3, touch wood, so far all have survived even my clumsyness.
24-10-2008, 07:24 PM
still laughing at that....
24-10-2008, 07:27 PM
You Just sent me a TXT saying you snapped it in your mate's rod locker ,,,,, someones telling PORKIES!!!!;D
nope thought it was mine a few of our combo's are the same but his reel has a gekajibin on it and mine has a heartlands, cause he could only fish the morning i went land based and it was my turn to snap a rod
24-10-2008, 07:33 PM
we got a pic of the rod and i can only laugh about it now as it would have looked pritty dam funny
25-10-2008, 11:48 AM
There are always strories of woe, concerning expensive lost or broken rods.
Ya know it could always be worse,
it could be happening to me;D ;D ;D .
But it won't because I don't own a rod over $100;D
25-10-2008, 02:20 PM
There are always strories of woe, concerning expensive lost or broken rods.
Ya know it could always be worse,
it could be happening to me;D ;D ;D .
But it won't because I don't own a rod over $100;D
unless u break 5 of those rods;D
25-10-2008, 09:28 PM
I could still break 5 of my rods and still replace them for less that the cost of two slabs.
26-10-2008, 07:20 AM
my mate rekons it looked hilarious when i was slipping a good 3m down a bank into the canal.8-);D
cause he could only fish the morning i went land based and it was my turn to snap a rod
How could he see you if he couldnt fish in the Morning .... Getting urself Pretty deep now!!!!!!!
26-10-2008, 06:21 PM
cause i went fishing with other people,
why does it matter so much will?
26-10-2008, 09:19 PM
haha yer first good rod ive snapped so i was stocked with the expenditure warentee, i work at a tackle store so i got it swapped over that day
Do ##### stock Loomis?
29-10-2008, 02:20 PM
At least 5 busted Loomis's and countless other exxy rods.
stood on - fighting a barra:-/
Ceiling Fan:o
Huge hook up (the Minn Kota);D
Barra around tree:-X
Locking up on a monster:'(
All worth it;D .
At least 5 busted Loomis's and countless other exxy rods.
stood on - fighting a barra:-/
Ceiling Fan:o
Huge hook up (the Minn Kota);D
Barra around tree:-X
Locking up on a monster:'(
All worth it;D .
And thats where the Rod Abuser tag comes into it hey Navi::) ....;D
Steve B
29-10-2008, 04:37 PM
And thats where the Rod Abuser tag comes into it hey Navi::) ....;D
Look at the guns on him holding that fish....thats got to be part of the reason for Navi breaking rods....
Breamnut..sorry about your loss mate...Nothing hurts more. I did an Egrell through stupidity....stings bad hey!
Jungle Jim
29-10-2008, 05:12 PM
Graphite sticks Pinhead, its a compromise between light weight/responsiveness and durability. I wouldnt use a loomis for hauling trout and big red throat lippers out of 20 foot of water off a bombie up the Swains on a 7 day charter, thats glass stick work, but for continuous lure casting, well, I know what Id be reaching for, and its not the glass stick.
The loomis, and other high end sticks with a hefty graphite component, are fine, for everyday use by an angler who respects their gear, but are susceptable to stress cracks and failure if they take a sharp knock, say twitching a HB on a barra dam and you smack the stick into the bow rail, or abuse in the form of obscene rod tip angles.
Horses for courses. Id still rather spend the money, look after the rod, and enjoy the action of the stick, rather than buy a cheaper fiberglass stick that would save me some bucks, and have the feel of a well boiled piece of spaghetti.
I own 3, touch wood, so far all have survived even my clumsyness.
bloody well said...if i can only replicate the quality of that arguement when im trying to convince the wife that i NEEDED to spend that much on another rod...
bloody well said...if i can only replicate the quality of that arguement when im trying to convince the wife that i NEEDED to spend that much on another rod...
Jim, Ive had heaps of practise justifying all the gear I've got in the shed to "she who thinks she knows best" ;) .
I like the word "need", sounds so much more urgent than "I would like";D
At least 5 busted Loomis's and countless other exxy rods.
stood on - fighting a barra:-/
Ceiling Fan:o
Huge hook up (the Minn Kota);D
Barra around tree:-X
Locking up on a monster:'(
All worth it;D .
It is true ....... "The Tackle Terminator";D
04-11-2008, 07:51 AM
When testin rods - Always start light going towards heavier....
05-11-2008, 04:50 PM
hi bream nut,
broken plenty ,stupid things like snags and car doors threw a couple away once, i was up a branch off the coomera one day in a tight area in the mangroves ,wasnt much room i had 1 rod t,curve with stradic 2000 standing upright behind me leaning on mangrove ,im on waters edge i went to cast baitcaster with black abu on her ,catchs the stradic i cast all of a sudden big unexpected weight in my hand ,then they both get casted into the drink in front of me and sink! i tell meself not to panick ,but quickly grab another rod i had ,go through the lures found something that sinks a rio prawn,start casting out in front of me ,couple of casts ,got em ,abu still working ,stradic siezed up straight away ,washed em of coarse stradic in trouble so took em both to get serviced ,stradic needed new bearings but going again ,its pulled a couple jacks since then too ,cheers.
05-11-2008, 04:56 PM
Jim, Ive had heaps of practise justifying all the gear I've got in the shed to "she who thinks she knows best" ;) .
I like the word "need", sounds so much more urgent than "I would like";D
why don't you blokes try: " I have bought" or "I am going to buy".
you actually ask for permission to buy fishing gear????
05-11-2008, 07:00 PM
Broke my 12-25lb pro blue loomis on sunday. Hooked onto a solid fish, which i thought may have been a nice red because we get them on the mark we were fishing and had already landed a few smaller ones, so put the pressure on it, had it slightly off the bottom when CRACK, 1.5ft of the end breaks off! Keep fighting the fish and get it to the surface about 5mins later only to find that it was a bronze whaler about 9ft long with one of my rigs i had lost 10mins earlier also hanging out of its mouth!!!
Awesome rod and I will be going back tomorrow to get the replacement!
See attached pic lol
why don't you blokes try: " I have bought" or "I am going to buy".
you actually ask for permission to buy fishing gear????
ask for permission? - nope
09-11-2008, 08:25 PM
Has anyone had issues with getting their broken loomis replaced under warranty without a copy of the reciept??? I took my broken one back to B>C>F where i bought it from and the manager reckons that EJ Todd wants to see a copy of a reciept and without a reciept they have to inspect the rod to see if they are going to honour the lifetime warranty?? The rod is less than 6 months old and broke through no fault of my own as far as i can tell, the rod was almost horizontal when it broke...
09-11-2008, 09:33 PM
thats crap ey,
i havent heard anything on the reciepts but surely they must honor it
i mean its not like you got a loomis thats not a loomis haha
be interested to know what happens here as i dont think i have all my reciepts on loomis rods..
Jungle Jim
10-11-2008, 01:10 PM
regarding the receipt for replacement policy....i was flicking through a current mag and saw a loomis ad with a few new models advertised. down the bottom of the full page ad there was a box that was headed something along the lines of "changes to the expediter warranty program. "
it outlines that yes to prove that the rod was purchased in aus proof of purchase must be provided to obtain the adverstised exchaneg prices. they outlined that if you could not produce a receipt that higher exchange prices would apply.
Perhaps this means that ej-tood grew tired of replacing rods bought o/s whereby they didn't profit form the transaction - yet broken in australia and they were being asked to replace them.
honestly i can't really blame them ......
why should they bare the bulk of the cost replacing rods bought o/s.....?
the only problem i have is that when i purchased my loomis this was never in force. in fact part of the reason i went with loomis is everybody said how easy it was to replace should something happen... very well known tackle store said "bring it in pay the expeditor fee and we hand you a knew one simple as that...."
i'm happy to be corrected should i be interpretting this incorrectly
10-11-2008, 06:18 PM
regarding the receipt for replacement policy....i was flicking through a current mag and saw a loomis ad with a few new models advertised. down the bottom of the full page ad there was a box that was headed something along the lines of "changes to the expediter warranty program. "
it outlines that yes to prove that the rod was purchased in aus proof of purchase must be provided to obtain the adverstised exchaneg prices. they outlined that if you could not produce a receipt that higher exchange prices would apply.
Perhaps this means that ej-tood grew tired of replacing rods bought o/s whereby they didn't profit form the transaction - yet broken in australia and they were being asked to replace them.
honestly i can't really blame them ......
why should they bare the bulk of the cost replacing rods bought o/s.....?
the only problem i have is that when i purchased my loomis this was never in force. in fact part of the reason i went with loomis is everybody said how easy it was to replace should something happen... very well known tackle store said "bring it in pay the expeditor fee and we hand you a knew one simple as that...."
i'm happy to be corrected should i be interpretting this incorrectly
I think you are right along the lines of EJ Todd not wanting to replace rods that were purchased overseas, but at the end of the day wouldn't they be then asking G Loomis to replace that rod to themselves free of charge? I know there is paperwork etc involved but what does the $150 go towards? G Loomis would get a percentange and I would think so would EJ Todd??
My rod was purchased in Aus at the abovementioned store and was replace in the first week of me owning it as i got it home only to find the runner on the tip of the rod was not glued properly and was spinning on the blank, the store retains a copy of the reciept of this replacement and as far as i am concerned that is as good as the original receipt.
In addition to this how is someone supposed to keep a receipt for a LIFETIME? ink on reciepts is lucky to last 12 months in a lot of cases, yes you can scan the receipt and save it on your computer but if the computer crashes and you loose the file what do you do? If you are paying a $150 fee to have the rod replaced its not as though they are replacing it for free (in that case I would possibly agree to a purchase reciept needing to be produced), it seems like its just another way to get more cash out of customers in my books.
Should have an answer on the replacement at the end of the week so I will keep everyone posted :)
11-11-2008, 12:14 AM
Hi ,
I broke my PR844-3S GLX which is a 3 pc. travel rod , now the rod is on the way back to USA to be repaired , in total I may have to pay US$. 110.- to cover the freight charges from Indonesia to USA and back + the cost of repair which is under US$. 40.- only , this is nothing compared to the price of the rod which is more than US$. 425.- to replace for such a good rod .
Jon .
19-11-2008, 05:11 PM
I have had 3 loomis broken but I my self have never broken 1
1 24lb glx2 broken on something very large in the seaway a mate was using the rod
2. cbr783 broken by my brothers clumsy feet in the middle of the night
3. cbr783 broken by my girlfriends 3 yr old daughter whilst using the boat as a cubby house when i was in the house putting some gear away
thank god for the replacement programme it has been awesome to me
Bob H
19-11-2008, 09:55 PM
There are always strories of woe, concerning expensive lost or broken rods.
Ya know it could always be worse,
it could be happening to me;D ;D ;D .
But it won't because I don't own a rod over $100;D
cheers me neither and never will, and guess what i still catch fish.bob
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